C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 22: devils and saints

"Hey, right here, facing the mountain wall, you can install a giant projection screen. It's 20 times bigger than the TV you're watching now.

The picture quality should be the highest, and the audio system is also arranged, so the signal problem can be completely solved. This configuration, Your Highness, if you give me a ton of gold coins, it can be arranged in a day or two. "

Luo Yin walked in the empty mine, thinking about how to deceive Yemengad's property as soon as possible.

All kinds of entertainment products must be arranged for Fenrir as soon as possible. Fenrir's biggest problem now is that his understanding of material pleasures is too narrow, and just a few dozen bags of potato chips and a lot of soda can satisfy him.

This kind of mentality is not good for Luo Yin. Let Fenrir experience more material enjoyment, in order to fully stimulate his desire for the material of human society.

Only in this way can the Dragon King slide into the abyss of the consumerism trap step by step. At the beginning, he worked three hours a day, and gradually worked overtime voluntarily until he became a qualified social animal dragon king.

With cheap pleasures, worthless praise, and constantly improving work goals, Fenrir, who lacks intelligence, is gradually trained into a qualified working dragon, and he has no intention of questioning the situation of Yemengarde.

"Just gold coins? No potato chips and figurines?"

"No, no, it's not a particularly precious thing, it can be exchanged for gold and silver."

This guy Fenrir is a tragedy, so that Luo Yin has lied to him so many times that he feels a little heartache.

Fake, Luo Yin will not feel heartache! His heart is made of recycled metal that never wears out.

According to his communication with Benlong, Fenrir didn't even realize that his sister was raising him in the mine as food.

In that spiritual vision, Fenrir also emerged from the ground after Attila died. The first thing Yermengard did every time he woke up was probably to bind Fenrir.

Could it be that Fenrir is a power exchanged by sacrificing intelligence...

While Luo Yin was developing a relationship with Benbenlong, an uninvited guest stepped into the mine.

It was hard for the princess not to notice the man who was chatting and laughing beside the dragon's claws, and his momentum was almost riding on Fenrir's head.

They are really a step too late. Not only her, but also Jiude Mai couldn't come.

Zero is also 10,000 question marks in the brain at this time. Just now in the first carriage, Queen Kamease actually skipped work and didn't stop her at all.

Combined with the shock of the outrageous sight in front of her, she was able to keep her composure thanks to her accomplished poker face.

Cui's mix?

The system could not detect the problem on Zero's body, but it showed that she had a one-time poison of level 7 on her body.

This thing is very effective for assassinating Constantine...

Fenrir saw a man in the cave and wanted to call her over to play as usual. No matter what game is in front, the ultimate goal is to pull people over to play with Uncle Fen.

"and many more."

Luo Yin waved to Fenrir, and the dragon really withdrew its outstretched claws.

"Visiting humans, give me all the dangerous items on your body. Those who meet the Dragon King should be respectful."

Zero dropped the knight spear given by the game, raised both hands and approached Fenrir.

"That's not what I said."

The girl's heart beat faster for a second or two. No, he was bluffing.

Zero was wearing a knee-length pure white dress and ordinary sneakers. In the mezzanine on the inside of the hem of the long skirt, there is a jade container containing the emerald mixed.

This person's initial word spirit is the mirror pupil, but the scope of the mirror pupil cannot be so large. Such subtle differences in information may not necessarily be found even face to face.

Zero calmly shook his head and continued forward.

"There is nothing else."

Luo Yin walked down the golden mountain of Fenrir, smiling and approaching Zero.

The two stood face to face, motionless.

"His Royal Highness Fenrir, your dragon power is too strong, and she will feel uncomfortable if she gets too close. With three players, we can play poker."

Luo Yin turned back to Fenrir and said, and then kept a distance of 5 meters from Zero. This level of alchemy poison is very fatal just to get on it.

Why did Fenrir trust a human so much, and what happened before she came?

"Just fight the landlord, I'll deal the cards."

Luo Yin sat down on a large piece of ore and started playing cards very naturally.

"You want to kill Fenrir? Let me guess, is Lu Mingfei coming soon?"

Facing zero, the dealer quietly lip-mouthed. Zero didn't respond, still with a blank face.

With the strength shown by this group of people, they will not send only one person to poison the Dragon King. The key lies in the backhand, and this backhand is most likely Lu Mingfei.

He can forcibly deflect Kungunir, and it is not surprising that he can kill Luo Yin, the Dragon King.

However, the two and one dragon just started to concentrate on fighting the landlord.

Zero ignored all Luo Yin's questions and carefully calculated the time in his mind.

Timing is the key to success. Breaking through Luo Yin's block, throwing the Cuizhi mix, let Lu Mingfei face the furious Fenrir.

Only Lu Mingfei after fusion can undo Shiva Karma Dance. Whether he wants to save Zero, Luo Yin, or Tokyo, the exchange will be completed.

But what worries Zero is the heart of the deal, loneliness. The transaction of 1/4 life is just incidental, and the core of everything is Lu Mingfei's loneliness.

Before ascending the throne, Lu Mingfei must possess the qualities of becoming an emperor. Only when he falls into an abyss-like loneliness can Lu Mingfei become the king they all look forward to.

Can such a ceremony with serious flaws still achieve the desired effect...

This girl plays cards very seriously. Luo Yin reckoned that if he kept fighting like this, Fenrir would lose.

His computing power should be no less than zero, but no matter how Luo Yin messed up and cooperated with Fenrir to check, Benbenlong still lost. As for himself, he had already lost.

Could it be that her plan is to shatter Fenrir's mentality by playing cards and directly **** off the Dragon King.

If Fenrir really did not escape death, Luo Yin was thinking about how to adjust the plan. No matter which side wins, he must make a fortune.

"Do you want to get rid of him?"

Zero asked in his heart.

Her contract, made of blood and words, is more solid than long legs or potato chips.

The world turned into black and white, and the flowing river of time entered the winter.

Lu Mingze has a lot of scenes today, and he urgently descended from Lu Mingfei to the back of Zero. His clothes are still decent, and there is no nervousness and anxiety on his delicate little face.

He took out a marker from his chest, hummed a little tune, and drew a **** on Luo Yin's forehead.

Perhaps feeling **** off, Lu Mingze drew another one on Luo Yin's left and right faces.

"Does this really work?"


Lu Mingze's tone was rarely serious.

"Just over a year left until the end and the beginning. There is no one invincible, not even us.

There are still opportunities to make up for some flaws in the future, but our protagonist must kill all the dragons, which is an unavoidable fate. "

Zero nodded silently.

Lu Mingze stood in front of Luo Yin, looking around, punching him from time to time. But his fist was fluttering, like hitting someone with a marshmallow.

Luo Yin didn't notice it, alchemy items, words, bloodlines, weapons, all became useless decorations. After about 30 seconds, Luo Yin's right eye slowly turned to where Lu Mingze was.

The eyes of this human are like a sly fox. There were three turtles painted on his face, and the slight expression on the corner of his mouth concealed a hint of joy, and he didn't know what he was planning.

In this black and white world, Lu Mingze met Luo Yin's eyes until the edge of the world was stained with a hint of color.

"Stay a breath, there is about a 10% chance of surviving."

Lu Mingze's indifferent tone decided the direction of the script.

This human is just a fool who doesn't see the big picture. He did not understand what era he was in, nor did he know that there would be no chance for peace talks in this war.

The little devil picked up a piece of ore on the ground and smelted a sharp-looking black army thorn with his bare hands, the same as it was thirty years ago.

General Lu Mingze stabbed into Zero's hand, hugged the girl in the white dress, and the golden pupils released the supreme majesty.

"Renata Yevgeny Chicherin, are you willing to run away with me? We will not abandon each other along the way, we will not betray each other until the end of death."

Time resumed its flow, but it was still extremely slow.

Luo Yin's consciousness finally regained its ability to function, and overlapping illusions emerged in his brain.

Ice and snow that never melts, a burning world, boys and girls, giant black snakes occupying the entire pupil.

"It's a contract."

"We will not abandon each other along the way..."

until the end of death.

Luo Yin completely liberated his bloodline and tried his best to stabilize his spirit, but he couldn't stop his spiritual vision.

A "great" spirit descended here, a being greater than Odin.

There was a black army thorn in Zero's hand at some point, and he was walking towards him step by step. Luo Yin wanted to avoid it, but he could hardly move his fingers.

Time has been tampered with. Is it the wind king?

The real world is rising, and in this bubble world, he is like the absolute master of the elements, and even Luo Yin, the spirit of words involving the concept of time, can resist.


Zero whispered.

The realm collapsed.

That's not a commandment, and she herself can't use other words under the commandment state.

The other party is the absolute master of the elements. Luo Yin's pupils dilated instantly, and he had no idea when he suddenly encountered an opponent of this level.

He is not necessarily qualified to be Zero's opponent at this time. It is an irreparable disadvantage to be unilaterally disabled.

The realm has risen again.




Isn't this cheating! Even Kungunier could use the original realm to block him for a while, but this kind of power was simply a dimensionality-reducing blow, and Luo Yin's brain gradually became empty.

"Black King? White King?"

Luo Yin is reluctant to be export-oriented.

Lu Mingfei is definitely an abnormal existence. Luo Yin has a lot of guesses about his identity.

Zero did not answer. Telling the truth before you start can easily lead to big problems.

The original realm rose again and again, and it kept being withdrawn. The duration of each time was only about one hundredth of a second, and only at this moment he could move.

From Zero's point of view, Luo Yin seemed to be stuck, and his movements were interrupted.

Pale stubble was breaking out from his back, his feet were already a foot off the ground, and pure white scales were growing and spreading on Luo Yin's body. If he was given ten times the time to complete the blood burst, Luo Yin might have a chance to escape.

The black army thorn broke through the white scale, like piercing a piece of white paper. The blood-slotted cutting edge penetrates the skin and layers of fat, severing muscle fibers and closing bones, destroying the alchemical heart at full power.

There is a concept similar to "annihilation" attached to the military thorn, and the alchemy heart is not only destroyed, but turned into powder.

Bright red blood spurted from the blood tank, sputtering slowly and slowly in the black and white world.

Zero pulled out the army thorn, without any sense of blockage, pierced from the center of Luo Yin's chest until it touched the spine, producing the effect of annihilation.

If the boss's order was to kill him, the third blow would go through Luo Yin's brain.

Everything was going on in front of Fenrir's eyes, and the dragon king's vision could only see a blurred figure.

The flow of time resumed, Luo Yin fell back to the ground, blood in the two blood holes in his chest like a fountain.

The bright red blood splashed on the sharp ore, seeped into the soil, and dyed the rock roots red. Five unplayed cards fell from Luo Yin's drooping right hand, queen, king, pair of ace, kid.

Damn it, isn't this rude!

Luo Yin's consciousness is dissipating, but fire is burning in his brain.

Too bad for not drinking strawberry milk this morning. I haven't managed to post with Susie yet, and he still has a lot of money left to spend...

Zero didn't make a third cut, but returned to where he was standing.

She stood as straight as an umbrella handle, but her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Even if the bloodline is raised through legal orders, Luo Yin's obstruction cannot be cleared in a short period of time, and only the boss himself can come to achieve the kill. But Zero was only an apostle who made a pact with him, not a perfect vessel.

The Supreme is the only existence, and there is only one perfect container.

Fenrir's entire dragon was stunned. They were eating chips and playing cards, and in a blink of an eye, the new housekeeper was gone.

The housekeeper is gone, and the news of my sister is gone. Food, drink, custom gaming gear, all gone.

When the roar of the mountain-like dragon resounded throughout the mine, Fenrir showed his kingly side, and Longwei alone could kill most half-bloods. The pure spirit condensed a huge kingdom around him, and many dragon slayers couldn't even touch his scales.

A rock pillar dozens of meters high rose from the ground, holding Luo Yin, who was so bloody, in front of Fenrir's dragon pupil. Hopeless.

The furious Long Tong stared at the girl in the white dress, and the difference in body size between the two was thousands of times.

The negative effects of "Arrival" are more serious than Zero imagined, and it is difficult for her to continue to cast the Cui Chaos on Fenrir. But it seems that Fenrir is already furious, and that human seems to be very important in the heart of the Dragon King.

I don't know what kind of friendship they have formed in such a short period of time.

Zero ran as fast as he could, avoiding the massive boulders that Fenrir had thrown up. The half ton of ore was like a pebble in his hand, smashed and smashed against the rock wall, raising smoke and dust.

She runs very slowly, but can find cracks in the attack and dodge boulders. But a large number of splashed stones were difficult to dodge, and dozens of deep bloodstains were scraped on the surface of Zero's body.


Hearing the loud noise in the mine, Lu Mingfei ran faster in the dark, and when he entered the mine, he suffered a cardiac arrest.

Such a big dragon, let alone a Gatling in his hand, even if the Gatling can take on the blue fire, it is not very useful!

Lu Mingfei could see a dead man on the stone pillar, but at this distance he really couldn't recognize who it was.

Lu Mingfei crossed his arms to block the gravel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and ran towards Zero, but it was quite difficult just to dodge the boulder.

What's more terrible is that the giant dragon bound on the mountain wall, his steel-like dragon wings are pulling the entire mountain wall, almost out of trouble.

"When Fenrir gets out of trouble, he will release his unparalleled power, and everything will be irreversible by then. 1/4, I will take care of everything for you."

For some reason, the little devil's tone was very flat and a little low.

The rebel was about to be judged, but he didn't feel much excitement. The devil's script should not be what it is now.

Lu Mingfei continued to run wildly against the scattered rocks, without saying a word.


A piece of ore hit Lu Mingfei's left knee.

Go ahead and do his best first.

"Fenrir, stop."

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