C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 24: domestication

The player who got stuck in the game bug is Fenrir?

Luo Yin felt strange in his heart. The Dragon King walked under his nose for so long, but he didn't notice it.

And Lu Mingfei was completely helpless. He might have some strange dragon king attraction halo on him, and his passive skill is to pull the dragon king to play games together.

Lu Mingfei limped over, and Zero followed behind him.

Luo Yin and Zero looked at each other for a moment, but they didn't say anything in tacit understanding.

Even if Zero can withstand another "advent", she will not do it in front of Lu Mingfei.

Luo Yin was rather apprehensive. He realized that he had clearly misjudged the strength of the mysterious group behind Lu Mingfei, and the true situation of the opponent was a mystery.

Life Capsule was originally a product developed for Li Wuyue, but I didn't expect to make a contribution here. Fortunately, the effect was as smooth as in the experiment.

If this world was a game, Luo Yin felt that he was jumping between easy and **** difficulty repeatedly.

The holy skeleton did not develop well, and Constantine died in a house, and Norton blew himself up when he met. Yemengard was a love-brainer, and Fenrir was a wise man.

On the other side, Odin, whose body is unknown, holds Kungunir in his hand. After Li Wuyue created Xia Zhi's mourning, he hid behind the scenes of Gattuso's house for a century, and he could not find Neptune. Now there is another descendant who is suspected to be the Black King.

One thing to say, with regard to the configuration of the Fire King and the Mountain King, it would be **** if the Dragon King could win the civil war.

"Senior brother, have you reported what happened here to the academy?"

Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.

He was a little confused about the current situation. Luo Yin seemed to get along well with this dragon, but it was a giant dragon that was almost 60 meters long!

Fenrir just struggled hard, throwing ore with his claws and losing his temper, but the dense meteor shower made him feel like the end of the world.

Although the netizens are very happy, the premise is that the positive body on the opposite side cannot be too much.

"Scratch of the Sunset" is a bad boy high school student, which is not outrageous; if it is a balding middle-aged and elderly boy with a sound beard, it is too much. And the humanoid nuclear bomb and Godzilla are really not in Lu Mingfei's plan.

The last happy netizen Mianji is still vivid in my mind. Take a stop-and-go trip with a greyhound today, and tomorrow your forehead will be in my scope.

Damn why.

"No, no hurry."

This is not good to report to the college. If Angers had known there was a dragon, he would have killed Fenrir if he burrowed three feet into the ground.

"The twins are hidden in Chu Zihang's brain, and it would be dangerous to kill Fenrir Chu Zihang."

If Luo Yin explained it like this, it would be too convenient, Chu Zihang was stunned.

With two keel crosses at one time, old Angers can wake up with a smile several times a night.

There's a secondary reason: there's no need for a second developer here. This seems to be endless gold and silver mountains, but it is also limited when it is really developed.

Of course, this is only a secondary reason, the key is that he cares about Chu Zihang's safety.

"Junior brother, to tell you the truth, in fact, I have already initially tamed this dragon. This is the first attempt to tame the Dragon King in the history of the mixed race, but it is probably difficult for colleagues of such an advanced thinking secret party to understand."


Lu Mingfei's eyes were full of concern for severe neurosis. The last time I saw something so serious was that woman's clothing boss.

"You can't believe it for a while, but I can understand it. After all, this is a world-shattering innovation. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Luo Yin's expression was so confident that Lu Mingfei was a little worried, and he was ready to run away at any time.

"His Royal Highness Fenrir, I want to take a ton of gold coins here, and I will pick it up tomorrow, just as I said before."

"Remember to pack the TV. And bring more chips, and... ice cream."

Fenrir snorted. He found that in addition to potato chips, ice cream was delicious, especially the chocolate flavor.

I rely on! What a humiliating treaty!

Lu Mingfei's facial expression management is a little out of control. Your trading model is more English than Portugal!

Described by Shudoku Mai as silent and expressionless, his facial muscles began to twitch slightly at this moment.

Luo Yin's peripheral vision has been facing Zero. Zero could, of course, debunk his lies, but she would also take a pretty huge risk. Moreover, he knew that Zero had a piece of Cuizhi, which was a fatal flaw.

"Senior brother, why do you call him Your Highness?"

"Pseudo-Manchu is still called Emperor Puyi, is it useful? Of course I can take the things here for nothing, but don't I leave some dignity for the Dragon King by sending TV sets and some snacks?"

Even being so gentle to the Dragon King, Brother Luo is really a powerful person.

"Let me show you something more interesting."

Luo Yin projected a high-definition photo of Xia Mi in the air from Fingal's hyped online beauty pageant.

Xia Mi narrowly lost to Uesugi Eriyi and came in second. According to Fingel's analysis, the main reason for her defeat was that famous flowers had owners.

"Call my sister."

Fenrir hesitated a little.

"elder sister."

Mr. Dragon King, pay attention to your integrity!

You are too casual, the bottom line is low and there is no difference between those Azhai who call Yui Aragaki his wife!

The Dragon King in Cassell's textbook: brutal, ruthless, wise, arrogant, graceful.

The real Dragon King: Squeezed by the mixed race, he called the beautiful girl from the academy and the sister.

"Call brother, oh!"

As soon as Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, Luo Yin suffered a brain meltdown.

"The surrender of the Dragon King is a very personal matter, don't die."

"Brother, how did you tame the Dragon King?"

Although he knew that his senior brother was very strong, Fenrir's size was too strong. Lu Mingfei estimated that with all his strength, he could not hit Fenrir's knee.

"Remember, only absolute strength can conquer the Dragon King. Did you see the chains on Fenrir?"

The ferocious chains formed by mixed metals bound the huge creature to the mountain wall.

In Norse mythology, the chains that bind the wolves are called Gleipnir, and are made of cat's feet, woman's whiskers, stone roots, fish's breath, bear's tendons and bird's saliva.

"That **** battle wasn't easy."

Luo Yin said indifferently, no more words.

This kind of thing, too much to say. The key is to believe in Lu Mingfei's brain-boosting ability and create a great battle.

Fenrir: "What are you talking about?"

"I called them to fight the landlord."

At this moment, Luo Yin's image became so radiant in Lu Mingfei's eyes that it was impossible to look directly at him.


Lu Mingfei had never made so much money at the poker table in his life.

I have to say that the Dragon King is very atmospheric, and when he loses hundreds of golden chips, he doesn't even blink his eyes.

Luo Yin could see clearly that with Fenrir's intelligence, Fighting the Landlord was barely able to play.

Moreover, his claws are too big, and drawing and playing cards is a difficult operation.

He didn't want to win, he was just alone. Fenrir scatters a lot of gold coins, just want to let the "tourists" play with him for a while. The Dragon King lived to this extent, and Nidhogg saw that he could be reincarnated directly from the dirt.


Luo Yin stretched his waist.

"Anyway, it's very convenient to contact you, let's play cards another day."

Zero has been cooperating with Lu Mingfei, and the result is that the gold coins in front of Xiaolu weigh dozens of pounds.

Luo Yin couldn't understand the subtle connection between them. Zero's face was always straight, which made it even more difficult for him to guess.

"Big Bear."

Fenrir's voice made Lu Mingfei's scalp tingle.

The dragon pushed a large iron box towards Lu Mingfei. There is some wear on the tin, but no rust.

Open the tin box, and inside are neatly arranged anime figures. Good guy, you are still a two-dimensional house dragon.

"choose one."

No more.

Lu Mingfei fell in love with Asahina Mikuru at a glance.

"I'll bring you something different next time."

This has to win so many gold coins from the Dragon King, and I feel a little uncomfortable without giving something.

After Lu Mingfei said it, he felt a little strange. He seemed to take visiting the Dragon King's house as a very daily thing.

If the principal knew that he was fighting with the Fire King, and the Mountain King was fighting the Landlord, Old Angers would definitely kill him without hesitation. Forget it, that's it.

Does the Dragon King have affinity? What a wonderful skill.

Lu Mingfei carried a large bag of gold coins and Asahina, and left with Zero. Luo Yin looked at his back and touched his chin.

If only one time can be interpreted as a coincidence, it is very strange that it happens repeatedly.

Luo Yin and Constantine were able to cooperate because of Odin's great threat, and for Fenrir, they used the information gap to deceive them.

Lu Mingfei and Constantine knew each other well before his awakening, and they are still close today. And Fenrir took the initiative to release goodwill to Lu Mingfei.

If you look into it carefully, it's full of mysteries.

"His Royal Highness, I'll leave first, and I'll start arranging the renovation of this place tomorrow. Our contact point will be at Shinjuku-sanchome subway station."

The previous station was bound to be investigated by many organizations, so we had to choose as far away as possible.

Leaving Fenrir's "bedroom", Luo Yin returned to the little train.

As soon as he entered the door, the croupier who was giving himself a holiday quickly got up. This human has come out alive!

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise."

Objectively speaking, the croupier, that is, the Queen of Kama Itachi, has contributed greatly to the development of his career.

She was the key for Luo Yin to start enslaving Deadpool, and she was the first to meet Fenrir with him.

Luo Yin found the alchemy matrix in the dealer's spine with ease, opened the mirror pupil, and collected information in detail.

Converting top-level dragon subspecies like the Queen of the Weasel into Fenrir toys, Yemengarde is a very casual existence.

It is not difficult to remove such a simple alchemy matrix, but a complex transformation like the heroic spirit of the Hall of Valor is much more troublesome.

The alchemist dismantled the alchemy matrix by three and five, and after thinking about it, he still kept the "language library". A nine-headed bird who is familiar with old movie lines is quite funny.

"Okay, you are free, go back and be your queen."

Luo Yin shrugged and left the train with the dealer and entered the dimly lit mine.

The 18 golden pupils of the 18 golden pupils gradually became strange and violent, but they did not dare to have any thoughts about Luo Yin. She has been planted on an alchemist all her life.

The neighing of the ghost car and bird has a strong sense of grief, and the ghost call of the Queen of the Weasel is more than "Sauvignon Blanc" and "Erquan Reflecting the Moon".

As soon as the dealer opened his voice, Luo Yin couldn't stand it anymore.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of whines echoed in the mine, some of which were particularly high-pitched.

Luo Yin took a closer look and found that there were seven or eight nine-headed ferrets that were the same as the dealer, that is, the queen of the tribe.

Flocks of strange birds with only a few bones in their bodies flew off, screeching loudly around them. These unmodified Kama Itachi have no language ability, but instinctively warn them.

Oh shit, it's over.

Luo Yin looked at the croupier, and found that she was pounding her bones with all her strength, that is, she was shivering and cold.

The ghost knows how long the dealer has lived as a toy. During this time, there have been many new nine-headed ferrets in the ferrets, and she is no longer the queen here.

Dealer, your harem is gone.

The dealer shouted angrily, but was very weak. Although she is the largest, she is powerless against so many new competitors.

The Queen of the Weasel will regularly clean up the descendants of the six-headed Weasel in the clan, and will not choose a successor until the age of senescence.

Yemengarde randomly selected a lucky person to use as a toy for Fenrir, and the Kama Itachi tribe fell into the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Luo Yin's strange aura shocked the dragon subspecies, and the weasels didn't dare to attack.

"Why don't you mess with me? It's not easy to be a subordinate to the Dragon King, right? I'm the top ten boss of the year, and the employees can't wait to set up a shrine for me."

Luo Yin turned back and asked the dealer.

"You are my subordinate, and I will help you clean up the rebellion. You are still the queen of the Weasel clan, as long as you promise to make the clan of Weasel for my use."

As soon as the dealer gritted his teeth, the nine bird heads nodded in unison. Who do you work for and not work for? At least this job can earn face.

Itachi is a very advanced dragon subspecies. Although the dealer is a comedian, the purity of dragon blood is no less than that of the fourth generation.

Luo Yin figured it out, domesticating a weasel is a thankless task, and it probably wouldn't sell well as a pet.

To control the ferrets and extract their value, he needs a spokesperson. The dealer is undoubtedly the choice of history.

If the Kamease Kingdom has a temple name, give the dealer a Shunzong.

Luo Yin passed through the swarm of scythes and came to the platform, where Fenrir had already opened an exit.

"We'll be back soon."

Nibelungen, the land of the dead, is also the land of wealth.

The Nibelungen of the next generation is not stable. For example, after the death of Managarm, the palaces of the sun and the moon collapsed one after another.

The first generation is different. However, the Bronze City in the Three Gorges was locked by Norton, and Constantine always suspected that Luo Yin had evil intentions, and would rather let the Bronze City continue to soak in the water than go home.

And now, an entire Nibelung is open to him almost without defense. If Luo Yin can reasonably arrange the development plan, this is an inexhaustible gold mine.

In addition to the death metal ore, I can also write down one more thing, the "Kama Weasel Breeding Project".

He has raised two large ponds for the ghost-toothed dragon viper, and raising one is also raising, but raising two is not.

When Luo Yin has collected the dragon subspecies illustrations, he is a veritable dragon orthodox.

Boss Luo and the dealer sneaked through the "door" and into the dark tunnel.

Luo Yin used the original realm to dig soil to the ground, secretly dismantled a awning, and covered the dealer with a plastic sheet.

"How are you?"

"Everything is safe, the opponent has retreated."

Susie's voice was steady, but there was a weakness that could not be concealed. It seems that everyone is not easy.

"As planned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be reconciled."

Five minutes later, Luo Yin and Susie met safely on a dark street corner in Shinjuku District. The two were followed by strange things covered in plastic sheets.

Luo Yin lifted the cloth and saw that the artificial dragon's body seemed to be skinned, the claws were basically gone, and the regeneration speed was abnormally slow. With such a serious low temperature injury, did you go to the Antarctic to fight the emperor penguins?

Susie saw the big rotten hole in Luo Yin's clothes at a glance, and the color of the newborn's flesh was different. She also injected the life capsule, and she was able to use that thing, which showed that the situation was not simple.

The nine-headed ferret under the plastic sheet is even more bizarre. No matter how you think about it, this thing is not suitable for pets.

"The important thing is that we succeeded."

Luo Yin smiled.

"Go home. It's just the first step, there's more work to do."

Olivia in the dragon body let out a social animal cry.

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