C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Nibelungen Development Program

Lyngvi Properties Limited, is now a member of Samaritan's subsidiaries.

The newly established property development company has only one responsibility to develop the Nibelungen.

Fenrir's bedroom is quite large, and the infrastructure project will definitely not be fixed by him alone.

"The previous construction team that built your alchemy matrix in Greenland, it's time to call them. We still need more manpower and more specialized machinery."

Samaria's intelligence level grew higher and higher, and he gave Luo Yin the feeling that he was at least smarter than the superficial Norma.

Samaria took Roin's instructions and began to screen new construction workers. Need money, no criminal record, cool-headed people.

These construction workers will get used to it, as long as the wages are in place.

"This is to help the Dragon King decorate?"

The chief executive is not worried about money. Once they started developing the Nibelungs, their financial situation only flourished.

"Not just the Dragon King, but more importantly for ourselves. We will make the Nibelungen our second base, which will be fully functional, a shelter, a factory and an arsenal."

Olivia couldn't keep up with her train of thought.

"Even if it is expanded, the originally purchased air-raid shelter is not enough for our development. The most important thing is that it has limited defense capabilities against dragon events. This is one of them.

Second, gaining Fenrir's trust is only the first step, and at best it becomes a temporary custodian of the treasure. To really control the resources of the Nibelung, we need to build new positions within it. "

"Then if the Dragon King gets angry, won't we be destroyed in Nibelungen?"

"So, eggs can't be put in one basket. We need to build two bases at the same time, and the current one needs to gradually expand in scale and enrich its functions, just like Genji Heavy Industries of Sheqi Bajia.

And the base of Nibelungen, the construction goal is only one word, it is indestructible, and it is full of military virtue! It must be able to resist the invaders externally, eliminate all dangers internally, and be ready to slay the dragon at any time. "

It might be an illusion, Olivia's liver hurt a little earlier.

"The most important premise of the development plan is not to let Constantine know. We can't test him with this kind of thing."

Although Constantine is a "good dragon", it is only relative. Once he knew there was a younger brother Dragon to be slaughtered, it was difficult for Constantine to slay Fenrir without bringing the Seven Deadly Sins.

If Constantine evolves into a full monarch, the alliance between them collapses.

The incomplete King of Bronze and Fire can forge such a supernatural alchemy weapon as the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is not difficult for Luo Yin to be laid off for the full version.

But no matter what, I have to install Fenrir's TV first today, otherwise the stupid dragon will definitely lose his temper.

There is no such course as "Nibelungen Engineering" at Kassel College, so Luo Yin had to develop a plan from scratch and consider the influencing factors.

The first problem is that large construction machinery cannot be transported. It is not noticeable that a person disappears in a subway station, an excavator disappears in a subway station then...

In this case, only small and medium-sized equipment can be used in the early stage, disguised as the maintenance and construction personnel of the subway station.

If they want to use large machinery, they have to cover the construction of the next subway station, which is really troublesome.

Actually, another idea is to assemble in Nibelungen, or make the machine from scratch, but the alchemy digger or something is really weird.


Taking advantage of the cover of the night, Luo Yin brought a group of villains in black suits to the subway station, these are the "Knights" of the Ghost Group. The dealer huddled in the back seat of the van, his neck curled.

Now, the construction team should still be helping Fenrir install the TV.

In order to avoid the collective death of the construction team in Longwei, Fenrir obeyed Luo Yin's advice, erected a thick rock wall in the mine, and slept behind the wall.

The construction team never thought that behind a wall, an ancient dragon was watching them with one eye open. How can it be so slow.

While the construction team is installing a large TV, a group of thugs led by Luo Yin will be responsible for clearing the obstacles to the unification of the Kamease ethnic group.

He didn't let Susie come, because she chopped things too fast and the shock was not strong enough.

In Luo Yin's brain, the Nibelungen brand was burning hot. After the number of visits increased, the effect of branding became more pronounced.

He seemed to be able to "see" the boundary of the Nibelungen. The ground elements gushing out from the ground blurred the boundary between the world and the shadow, rendering a turbid area on the subway station platform.

When Luo Yin touched the vague door, he hardly felt any hindrance. Dragon Kings don't seem to like locking valuables very much, which is a good habit.

The ground element spreads outward with the orientation of the "door" as the anchor point. In the real world, the air above the platform floor tiles is slightly distorted, and the team members disappear in place one by one like mist.

The first step in developing the Nibelung roots is to tame the Dragon King's "families", the subspecies of the dragon race. A single ferret is very good, but it is not a concept at all when grouped together.

The six-headed and nine-headed ferrets are very likely to threaten the lives of construction workers.

On the shoulders of the Ghost Riders, immortal bronze lamps shone brightly. The brightness of more than twenty light spheres is superimposed, comparable to the blazing sun.

Wearing tactical goggles, they quietly looked at the countless pairs of golden pupils above the rock wall.

This scene, as if a starry sky has risen in the cave. After filtering through the earplugs, there are still some weird noises in the ears.

"Full power release light. Dealer, you start to demonstrate."

A blazing white light erupted in the mine, and the entire Kama Weasel tribe rioted.

Taking their position as the base point, thousands of screams overlapped and spread around, awakening all the dormant Kama Itachi.

The sound was like the roar of ten thousand ghosts. If the countermeasures were not prepared in advance, all the people here would be deaf.

These long-dormant ferrets were obviously malnourished, but when the bony bony birds began to charge in groups, the world seemed to darken, and those hideous dark golden pointed wings and curved bone spurs filled the field of vision.

The dealer tore the black cloth covering his body and flew into the sky, hovering above the light ball.

She uttered a screeching cry of anger and provocation as planned.

The 70% of the charging Kama Itachi stopped in front of the old queen and surrounded everyone, his eyes were full of fierce light.

At the same time, there were more than 20 roars in the ears, and the chainsaw sword that released the flaming flames and the flamethrower with large flames were activated at the same time.

The flame column of the flamethrower was more than ten meters long, and the sweeping chainsaw sword smashed the ferret like crushing potato chips.

Gangsters love this type of weapon, but unfortunately they don't use it at all. If you use this weapon in a gang conflict, you can only cut your belly.

The dealer's tweet became more and more high-pitched, and the attack of the Weasel tribe was rapidly weakening.

The corpses of the dark-gold ferrets were piled into hills around them, all of which were measures to make the old queen reinvigorate the majesty.

After more than three minutes of frenzied killing, there were several equally high-pitched overlapping tweets from the Kama Itachi group, and several newborn nine-headed Kama Itachi decided to defend their dominance and kill the demonstrative old queen.

Boss Luo finally showed a relieved smile.

The original realm erupted, and the sky cluster cloud came out of its sheath. The field of mixed wind and fire provided him with terrifying maneuverability and impact, and one blow severed the large spines of two Nine-headed Kama Itachi.

With his current strength, he can freely handle this subspecies of the dragon race, which is less than three generations, and the main difficulty lies in finding the leader of the race.

The passages of flames flickered alternately in the mine, because the speed was too fast, under the influence of residual vision, it was like a giant net of hunting.

"There are eight in total, and there are so many emerging."

Nine-headed ferrets with their spines and bone wings cut off were thrown on the scorching hot mine floor.

The croupier, chasing the human potential, stepped on a burst of mad stomping.

"Communicate with the ferrets and threaten them to find the remaining nine and six ferrets and clean them up."

Luo Yin didn't take a fancy to the combat power of the weasel at all, and just left some three-headed weasel as a small head.

Even if the dealer is in good condition, it is not enough for a Caesar to play. The fighting strength of the weasel group is very average, far less threatening than the ghost tooth dragon viper.

The leaders of the group died one after another, and Kama Itachi, who had limited intelligence, quickly fell to the proud leading party of the dealer.

It's still a pleasure to brush this kind of simple copy, it's a good game to have no damage and speed through.

Starting from eleven o'clock, they kept chasing and killing all the time until after three in the morning, and they finally eliminated all the heads of the Scythe Weasel tribe.

The faces of the knights were filled with satisfied smiles, and their desire for destruction was completely satisfied. If this is a game, the hatred of the Kama Itachi Kingdom against them has already exploded.

"Completed! Now you are the absolute leader in the clan."

"It's back, I can feel it, it's all back!"

The dealer's nine heads recited inexplicable lines at the same time, shaking their heads, flapping their bones and flying towards their kingdom.

She is the queen, the free queen of Kama Itachi!

The dealer inspected his territory, found an opportunity, and plunged into the pile of sickle weeds.

As long as she hides in the group and uses the cover of the complex mine cave, the alchemist will not be able to find her.

She has tens of thousands of ferrets that she can slowly consume with him until he loses patience and gives up conquering the ferrets.

This is true freedom, and the dealer doesn't want to just get out of the clutches of Yermengard and Fenrir and be controlled by other beings.

"Little bird, it's time to return to the nest."

Luo Yin said with a smile, the croupier who was running lost his control of his body and flew to the master obediently.

Her nine-headed bird head twists and turns, but her body just doesn't obey.

For this dragon subspecies who have been in the gambling industry for a long time, Luo Yin's trust in her is negative. After dismantling the Alchemy Matrix, of course another one must be installed.

"You promised to set me free!"

"Haven't you heard that there is no absolute freedom in the world, only relative freedom."

Luo Yin gestured with two fingers.

"You probably have so much freedom. You will have to pay it back sooner or later if you come out to hang out."

The boss patted the little head of the new employee.

"Don't be unhappy, you are the queen, just to help me with some trivial work."

The croupier knelt on the ground sluggishly, looking at the nine-headed and six-headed ferrets who were all around him. Apart from her, there are only a few common breeds left in the group.

"First, the most important thing is to give birth. I still don't know, how many babies are Kama Itachi? Anyway, it's better to have more babies.

There are earth elements in the Nibelung root to supplement physical energy, and the ferret can also be attached to rocks to supplement minerals. Newborns don't need food and don't starve to death, so that's not much. "

The dealer's brain tremors.

"Second, in the first year, 1,500 high-quality ferrets will be selected and given to me for full use. No matter what the matter is, I will increase the share every year, so I still have to give birth to more."

Itachi's hearing is about 50 times that of humans, the frequency reception range is very large, and it can learn human language through training.

If nothing else, choosing to breed ferrets is the work of Yemengarde.

Breeding the dragon subspecies of the same line is not cost-effective for the dragon king. The Kama Itachi of Feng Yimai has a strong perception ability, and Caesar's word spirit comes from them.

It's a pity, now it's all cheap for him.

Once he had a firm grip on the dealer, he acquired a weasel farm. Just saying that not giving food is just to intimidate the dealer, Luo Yin will definitely feed the sickle.

He could probably imagine that in the era of the Dragon Clan, the weasel ferrets bred by dragons in the sky and the wind were all pervasive. These little bone birds can sneak into every corner and bring back detailed information to the master.

"Thirdly, you must be a good queen who does your due diligence, always pay attention to the development of the ethnic group, and do your best to die. If the work is not completed, I will give you a head."

The Ghost Riders consciously kept their distance from Luo Yin. Ghosts are all scaring people, this is the real devil.

"Boss, I actually attach great importance to the human rights of employees, but unfortunately, you happen to be not human. In this underground world, work hard!"

Luo Yin crossed out the first project on the notepad.

There are still many tasks to be completed, and it is really ashamed of this God-given opportunity if you don’t scrape the Nibelung roots three feet.


"Your Highness, are you still used to watching this big TV?"

The two television sets that Yermengard bought for his brother Long were carefully preserved by Fenrir in a cave on the mountain wall, alongside other treasures.

Now in front of Fenrir is a 22*16-meter giant TV.

"Very used to it."

Long Dynasty lost an ice cream bucket in his mouth, and his eyes were full of happiness.

In fact, this big TV is the screen of the cinema, but Fenrir has never been to the cinema.

The components were transported into Nibelungen in batches by the construction team, and they worked overtime to build a private cinema for the Dragon King. In order to corrupt Fenrir, Luo Yin paid a lot of money when making sugar-coated cannonballs.

"The construction of the large kitchen will start tomorrow, and the sound may be a little noisy."

According to half the standard of Walter Alheim~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ground is started to build the semi-underground fortress, and of course the noise will be too loud.

Except for the luxurious kitchen on the outermost floor, only insiders know exactly what will be placed inside.

Fenrir pursed his lips, not caring. You can eat the eight major cuisines that Luo Yin mentioned.

In this exchange, Luo Yin gained money and resources, while Fenrir gained happiness. Mature bosses know the importance of win-win.

Fenrir was guarding the golden mountain, and couldn't spend it at all. Every day he slept on the golden mountain, he was almost depressed.

It was Boss Luo who provided him with a variety of consumption channels, which effectively solved the psychological hidden dangers of the Dragon King, but unfortunately Yemengard would probably not thank him.

When the second base is completed, research on Nibelungen will be in full swing. This unique power of high-level dragons may be able to reveal more secrets of the dragons for him.


Cat Diary: I met a relative's orange cat downstairs, fed it, and licked it.

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