C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 26: tokyo farmer

Viper fish, megamouth fish family, viperfish genus. There are light-emitting organs in many parts of the body, the body is slender and the teeth are too good.

By comparing the traits and contamination experiments with artificial dragon blood, we can basically determine the genetic connection between the viperfish and the Viper.

However, with the research conditions and project investment of the base, it is not enough to cultivate the dragon viper on its own.

The invasion and modification of biological genes by dragon blood is full of violence and uncertainty. Dragon blood from different sources is a different "gene bank", and the contamination results are even more bizarre.

The theory is that the result of dragon blood pollution is generally not conducive to the long-term survival and reproduction of organisms, but there is a general increase in combat ability.

Luo Yin rummaged through Kassel's subjects, but couldn't find any courses such as dragon subspecies breeding and breeding, which was basically a blank area.

To cultivate dragon subspecies in the academy, not to mention the issue of raw materials, Norma has already sent a warning of student status.

Therefore, the dragon subspecies breeding industry, he had to explore slowly by himself.

Compared to the original Viperfish, the Viper's appearance is much higher-end. Their whole body scales are magnificent silver-blue, the serrations in their mouths are transparent, and the interior is permeated with silver-black metal threads.

The two most slender fangs of the dragon viper's lower jaw are hollow, which are used to secrete strong acid that can dissolve metal and flesh.

The snake-shaped body less than half a meter has a translucent appearance, the density of flesh and blood is much lower than that of the original viper, and its speed and physical strength are much stronger.

It is also unclear which dragon bred this cute little thing in the first place, and the breeding process of the ghost tooth dragon viper must be complicated and long.

As a dragon professional executioner, his appearance should be fair, his fighting ability should be excellent, and the breeding cost should be low.

Luo's idea of ​​cultivating ghost-toothed dragon sharks, mammoth elephants and other gram-type creatures can only be put on hold for the time being.

However, it is not difficult to simply realize the safe breeding of dragon viper, as long as you are willing to spend money to thicken the pond wall made of plexiglass. The acid they secrete from their mouth glands isn't everything, just thicken the walls so they can't pierce them.

A dragon viper only needs to feed 1.6 kilograms of meat per month, but at the same time it can devour more than ten kilograms of ore.

They reach adulthood in about four months, and their bones are completely metallized, when they can be killed for bones. Dragon Viper Bone is a natural high-end alchemical raw material, which can be used to forge tough alchemical swords after a little processing.

To promote the reproduction of the dragon viper, it is only necessary to feed the inferior dragon blood in batches for two consecutive days.

There are only two dragon viper breeding ponds in the base for the time being, because Luo Yin doesn't want to crowd the space of the base. If you keep it outside, maybe one day the headline will become "Fluorescent snake-shaped monsters occupy Tokyo".

There are not many people in the base who know the horror of the dragon viper, and most researchers regard it as a strange ornamental fish.

At night, groups of ghost-toothed dragon vipers emit silver-blue fluorescence, which is like a dream, and the employees like to take pictures in front of the dragon viper pond.

The ghost-toothed dragon viper breeding base has now added a sickle weasel breeding base.

In order to help employees relieve work pressure and achieve efficient work, some high-quality companies will set up personnel in the company and raise some cute cats and dogs.

He Luo Yin is such a high-quality and excellent boss.

It is quite difficult to confirm the original body of Kam Itachi. After the craggy bones are removed, there are basically not many left, and it cannot survive at all according to common sense.

Luo Yin originally thought that the sickle was so thin that he was so hungry in the Nibelungen, so he increased the amount of feeding. This batch of ferrets did grow a little meat, but only a little.

The dealer who understood the situation is very sensible now. As long as Luo Yin enters the Nibelungen, she will be the first to fly over to greet the boss and welcome the boss to his loyal Kingdom of Weasel.

The dealer selected 200 of the high-quality sickle weasels from young and middle-aged people and sent them neatly, just about to tie a bow. Even if Luo Yin wanted the weasel eggs, she would dig out a few nests overnight, and she would lay eggs by herself if it wasn't enough.

The most important thing for breeding ferrets is sound insulation. This thing is screaming in groups of ghosts, and its underworld level is not generally high.

According to legend, Kama Itachi will swing a sharp whirlwind, causing cuts and blood-sucking, but this is actually a misunderstanding. Only a very small number of nine-headed scythes can unleash an attack similar to the word spirit blood-sucking scythe.

Ordinary ferrets just use thin claws to hurt people. Their skin secretes a very weakly volatile narcotic substance that eliminates the pain sensation of being cut.

Facing the 20-centimeter-thick soundproof glass, the Kamease group could only obediently stage a mime.

The ferret is different from the ghost tooth dragon viper, and they can directly produce very few resources. The quality of the self-produced anesthetic substances in the weasel is acceptable, the claw blade can be removed as a fruit knife, and the bones are fed to the dragon viper for recycling.

The value of the itachi can only be realized after they have been fully trained.

The ferrets were farmed in batches in various glass compartments, each with a different program playing.

For example, in the first cubicle, "News Network" was broadcast 24 hours a day, and the Chinese dialect reverberated in the room.

In other compartments, news in English, French, Russian and other languages ​​is played. After 24 hours, the language changes to the next one, and the cycle continues.

After the first tutorial, it will be changed to dialects of various languages, and the difficulty will gradually increase.

Luo Yin wants to fully stimulate the language imitation talent of the weasel, select the best language talents from it, and then implant it into the alchemy matrix.

These ferrets can act as biological bugs, bird-shaped tape recorders, or bone-transmitting microphones.

Luo Yin grabbed a sickle weasel who was receiving language education.

The dazed sickle itachi fluttered and screamed in Luo Yin's hands until he was caught by the neck of Fate.

"There is a long way to go?"

Luo Yin loosened the neck of the weasel, and the bones collapsed: "The strong man will never return once he has gone!"

"Dear viewers, today is *year*month*day, the lunar calendar *month*. Welcome to the news broadcast. **The meeting is grandly held in **..."

It's really a standard broadcast cavity, but it's a bit sharp.

Luo Yin threw the Kame Itachi back into the glass compartment and continued to receive education.

Walking through the breeding area, you will arrive at the most important area of ​​the base, the artificial dragon body tissue production line.

Now in their hands, the tissue samples of the dragon subspecies are almost inexhaustible. The samples of pure-blooded dragons mainly come from Managalm whose keel has been stripped.

Dozens of tons of bone and blood horns are preserved by quick freezing in liquid nitrogen. After the first thawing, the activity can be preserved by more than 90%.

The tissue and cell structure of dragons is different from that of ordinary animals. The strong ability to divide is only the foundation, and what is even more incredible is its rich functions, such as "degeneration", reversing the differentiation process of cells.

In fact, all kinds of dragon cells can be used as stem cells, and they can be cultivated into necessary body tissues. Among them, the most practical value is naturally blood cells and nerve cells.

Artificial dragon blood and dragon nerve fibers are the most important strategic resources at present, and they can only be given priority to him and Constantine.

But soon, that will change dramatically. When he realizes the huge wealth in Nibelungen, buys high-end equipment and raw materials, and builds new factories and production lines, the production capacity of the organization will jump.

Luo Yin left the base humming a little tune and drove to the subway station.


"You mean that all the parameters of the equipment have different degrees of problems?"

"It's very strange. The physical parameters measured in the Nibelungen are almost indistinguishable from the outside world, but the failure rate of construction equipment is abnormally high. We also had some problems with the heating and water systems that we first laid."

Eiji Miyamoto, from Maruyama Construction Institute, the first design institute.

Eighty percent of the senior technicians of the construction team are from the Maruyama Construction Institute and the Rock Flow Research Institute. The research institute of Sheqi Bajia, of course, is also the research institute of Boss Luo.

The relationship between him and Yuan Zhisheng is very strong, why are you so clear about it?

Maruyama Construction Office has undertaken major projects such as Iron Dome Shrine, Red Well, and Genji Heavy Industry Building. Their ability to burst the liver has always been possible.

The current situation is probably the influence of the Nibelungen environment. There are many theories about the true nature of Nibelungen, spiritual derivation theory, pseudo-materialism, elemental reconstruction theory and so on.

No matter which theory you believe, Nibelungen is not the real world anyway. The life and matter entering and leaving the Nibelung will undergo some kind of strange "transformation", and the edge of the virtual and real world will trigger a specific chemical reaction.

"What about animal and plant experiments?"

"Animal and plant embryos and seeds did not die, but vital signs became relatively sluggish."

Another technician replied.

"We carried out a seeding experiment with Haloxylon, and the germination rate was zero in 12 hours. But there are no problems with the environmental conditions of water, soil, air, and light."

Haloxylon is a commonly used functional plant that can germinate in two or three hours and can be used to fix flowing sand dunes.

This is the land of the dead.

The Dragon King can construct his own world through massive spiritual power and a high degree of control over elements, but he cannot touch the ultimate power.


The physical appearance of everything here is the same as the outside world. Simply observed from the material level, this is an independent real world.

But in the eyes of the Dragon King, this world is "dead".

Life can't grow from dead matter, even if what's here is priceless in the eyes of an alchemist.

"I will solve the heating system. The elements in the Nibelungen flow normally, and the alchemy technology will not go wrong.

Industrial water doesn't matter, as drinking water will be transported from the real world from now on. for safety. "

Fenrir was coaxed, the Scythe Clan surrendered, and there was no obvious threat in the Nibelungen on the surface, but be careful.

Yesterday, under the leadership of Luo Yin, the construction team started the topographic survey and mapping of Nibelungen, which covers an astonishingly large area.

The spatial structure in Nibelungen is very strange, and the sense of spatial orientation can easily get out of control. However, there is Luo Yin, an outstanding alchemist in the team, and the construction team is equipped with extremely high-precision surveying and mapping instruments. The exploration process only took a lot of time and there is no danger.

This Nibelungen is actually a three-dimensional double-layer structure. Fenrir's bedroom is located in the southwest corner of the first floor, and their chosen construction site is in the middle of the second floor.

The running track of the subway is actually a Mobius belt with a clear slope, which runs through the Nibelungen double deck, but when you are in the subway, you can't feel the **** at all.

The subway usually only runs in front of Mobius and plays games; only when Fenrir issues an order, or controls the center of the subway and turns the direction change lever, the small train will travel to the back of Mobius and arrive at Throne of Fenrir.

Fenrir's intellect is not up to standard, but he is able to utilize the extremely complex geomagnetism just by virtue of his innate senses. Dragon King and human beings are really not the same dimensional creatures.

Luo Yin walked in the tentatively set up camp, pondering the construction plan of the large-scale alchemy array.

Junyan brand household appliances series can finally come in handy.

First, you have to build an array of elemental transformations. This is the foundation of an alchemist, taught in college courses as a sophomore.

However, the scale of construction may be a little larger, and the transformation range is also large, from the lowest ground to the most active fire.

With his keen perception of the elements, Luo Yin determined the core of the surging earth elements, which were several platforms where the subway stopped, plus several mines where the weasel group hibernated.

He needs to build a transformation center at multiple bases, dig ditches, pour underground water into the river of silver, and build a complete alchemy function system under the second base.

After the source of the fire element is resolved, the industrial smelting, heating, lighting and other facilities extended by Junyan will be resolved sooner or later.

Haha, what an easy project, just a little phantom pain in the liver.

Thanks to that descendant, Luo Yin's heart changed from regenerating metal to alchemy cell. The ability to regenerate the heart is enhanced, at the cost of a degeneration of about 2% of the five senses, a side effect of eight Qi.

After his liver is honorably retired, he can consider replacing it with an alchemy cell version, which is more durable.

Luo Yin left the station and surveyed the Nibelungen alone, generating a complex topographic map in his brain.

"This is a mine of souls, dark and distant.

They walked silently through the darkness, like hidden silver veins. "

Rilke's poems are perfect to describe this Nibelung.

Instead of taking the subway, he walked down alone. The keen perception penetrates the deep darkness, and the brilliance of the original world breaks the obstacles along the way.

Slowly, not even an echo could be heard.

The turbulent earth elements filled the space, silent and without light, making him feel like he was in a nether world.

This is the bottom, deepest part of the Nibelung. Other entrants may never get here, but the desire to explore drove Luo Yin to come here.

The margin of Nibelung is far from what Luo Yin imagined.

He thought that no matter which direction he explored to the end, it was the exit of Nibelungen, but it was not the case.

The intensity of the elemental movement here is like the birth of the world.

Beyond the margins, what will it look like?

Luo Yin reluctantly opened the original world, and stretched out his hand through the dark edge in the turbulent flow of earth elements.

Although he shrank his hands quickly, half of his index finger had disappeared, but he didn't feel the slightest pain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Yin shrugged helplessly, turned and returned to the station. Mixed-bloods really have a lot of knowledge they don't know about dragons.

For now, let's get to the rest of the work.


In just a few days, the small train has been converted into a dining car.

There is a top chef in each car who is responsible for cooking the cuisines he is good at, ancient and modern, all over the world, and everything.

Don't kidnap some chefs, I can't get enough of Fenrir.

After three meals, they would wake up in a strange hotel with amnesia, in a serious hangover, with the Dragon King's reward beside them.

The construction team saw that the chefs made meals for hundreds of people, but transported most of them into the depths of the Nibelung roots, and no one dared to ask any more questions.

Luo Yin is studying the structure of this little train. He was thinking about upgrading the train.

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