Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1042: Then come together and be stabbed by me

Seeing Yun Jian agree to attend the wedding, Teacher Lu thought Yun Jian agreed to hand in with him.

Raise your hand to look at the silver watch on your hand. The hands are almost pointing to noon. Teacher Lu knows that he still has class in the afternoon.

Even if she wanted to sell with Yun Jian, Mr. Lu didn't dare to be late in this section of the class back to school.

That's about her livelihood work!

"Haha, sister Yunzhu, you really are a good sister!" Teacher Lu laughed, and she had already looked back from the movement of looking down at the watch.

"That's it. I still have classes in the afternoon school, so I have to go back to prepare lunch first, and rush to class in the afternoon. Sister Yunzhu, let's see you next Monday." Teacher Lu was a little excited, and she turned and left.

This is just two steps away. Teacher Lu looks back at Yunjian again:

"My son is in kindergarten. It ’s early in school. My husband does n’t have to go to work next Monday. I ’m not at home. They wo n’t cook dinner. If there is a place, can I take my son and my husband over?"

This is obviously begging, begging to want his son and husband to go to Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian's wedding.

Because Teacher Lu heard that Qin Yimuan and Ge Junjian were about to hold a wedding in the morning, they also asked Xiao Yunzhu a word, where was the wedding?

Xiao Yunzhu was actually a child who listened to the teacher very much. He reported an address at that time.

Qingyun Hotel.

Qingyun Hotel is a 4-star hotel recommended by Yunyi.

When Yun Jian first came to Longmen City from Xinjiang Town, Xu Hao Zhefei had to entertain, and then brought Yun Jian and Yun Yi to Qingyun Hotel.

The reason why Yun Yi recommends Qingyun Hotel is because the food there is very good. Compared with other four-star and five-star hotels, it is much more affordable.

Good quality and low price are a concept of people shopping today.

Based on Yunjian's family conditions, of course, I went to a five-star hotel, but Yunyi recommended Qingyun Hotel, just because the stuff there is really delicious and appetizing.

Mr. Lu heard Xiao Yunzhu said at the time that this time Qin Yi softened Ge Jun to build a wedding, and it was set in the hotel, and when Qingyun Hotel was in love, Mr. Lu was very excited.

Qingyun Hotel, it is one of the few four-star hotels in Longmen!

Although there are five-star hotels in Longmen City, relatively speaking, the standard of Qingyun Hotel is also very high.

In a four- or five-star hotel, things in Qingyun Hotel may not be expensive. According to the consumption concept of a normal civilian, it is also a very large amount of consumption!

How can it be possible to go to a hotel when an ordinary person gets married? Especially in this era, who married away from their own home and asked their neighbors to cook a table of dishes, and that's it?

For better family conditions, invite a professional cook to cook a large table.

Who has the money to go to the hotel? And still four-star!

Aside from that, Teacher Lu herself, holding this salary as a teacher, has not entered a four-star hotel in her life.

Therefore, knowing that Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian's wedding place was at the Qingyun Hotel, Teacher Lu still did not forget to make her husband and son happy and go to the four-star hotel for a meal!

And she is a teacher, so she will not give Qin Yirou a red envelope!

This meal, but for nothing!

Dianne, who was standing next to it, had a feeling that she wanted to kill Teacher Lu.

As a result, she listened to Yun Jian, who had never been the best talker, with a weird smile, and then answered, "Come on together."

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