Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1049: Waiting to see you

Yun Jian's words all imply one thing, that is, you Yang Xiaochun is just an outsider, what qualifications are there for my family!

There are many long tongue women like Yang Xiaochun in the countryside.

And the city wrapped itself into a noble lady, and like Hua Yun, she felt very clear and tall, and those who stood high were even the majority.

In the past, rural people were mostly illiterate. So in front of others, there was a set of talks, and they turned around and stood and pointed behind others. This is a major phenomenon in rural areas and one of the characteristics !!

Yang Xiaochun is just an ordinary rural woman. She feels that she is rude about others' affairs. This is quite normal.

However, when Yang Xiaochun heard Yun Jian's words, Yun Jian's words meant that she was nosy, so Yang Xiaochun was dissatisfied at the moment.

"Isn't Yunjian the daughter of Yirou's family? What kind of thing am I? I have been a neighbor with your mother for at least ten years. I heard that you are the chairman of Xinqi Company. The young girl is definitely young It's a little bit great too!

"But I am also here. Your mother is now a second marriage. The second marriage is more solemn than the innocent big girl. This has never happened in Longmen City!

"I'm doing this for your mother! You'll understand in the future, my aunt is for your family's sake!"

Yang Xiaochun listened to Yun Jian's words. Although she was extremely upset, considering that Yun Jian was the chairman of Xinxin Company, it was said that she still had some status, so she put up with it.

"And ah, it ’s not like spending money. Unless you can get a wedding that ca n’t be done in Longmen, you can spend it. Your mother is a second marriage, and you might not be told that what!"

Seeing Yun Jian not speaking, Yang Xiaochun thought that she had said Yun Jian herself, and suddenly felt that she was more reasonable, so she said harder.

People are like this.

Qin Yirou is a second marriage. If she is happy that no one in Longmen can match it, it will be passed on in the future.

Qin Yirou's second marriage will be said to be good luck and blessing. Because this is a height that others can't climb, jealousy can't get jealous.

But tomorrow ’s wedding just went to a four-star hotel for a meal. The noise is loud, but many people will be jealous. Some people even feel that Qin Yirou ’s family just made a little money and began to be proud.

These two concepts are completely different.

Of course, Yang Xiaochun can say this, naturally not for Qin Yirou's consideration.

She is jealous and jealous that Qin Yirou's second marriage can find such a good man. Tomorrow she will really watch Qin Yirou's beautiful marriage, she must be very uncomfortable in her heart.

Furthermore, Yang Xiaochun said the phrase `` unless you can get a wedding that is not possible in Longmen City ''.

Not to mention that Yang Xiaochun did not believe that Qin Yirou could host such a wedding, that is, everyone present, including Qin Yirou himself, did not believe it could be done.

"No one else can say anything to you without worrying about it. You can leave here now, and I really believe that you are thinking about my family." Yun Jian stood in front of Si Yi, and she looked at Yang Xiaochun with a chest in her arms, slightly disdainfully By Yang Xiaochun Road.

In this word, the meaning of "offering guests" was clearly heard by everyone present.

"You ..." Yang Xiaochun was really short of breath, as Yun Jian said. She pointed at Yun Jian angrily, and could not help shouting again:

"I have good intentions for your family! You are okay, okay!"

Speaking, Yang Xiaochun turned to look at Qin Yirou and said a few words: "Yirou, I'll wait to see your wedding, how great can it be!"

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