Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1052: All the way, red carpet

Qin Yirou is already in her forties, and she broke her heart for Yun Jian and Yun Yi in her life. In the first half of her life, in order to support the Yun family, the beautiful appearance of her adolescents has long been turned into a callus-folded hand And that rural woman with a blessed figure.

But after divorcing Yun Gang and escaping the huge fire pit in the Yun family, Qin Yirou changed completely.

She had turned pale because of overworked yellow skin.

And more importantly, Qin Yirou hasn't gone to the park for jogging these days. She is out of work now, and she is comfortable now, and more importantly, because she is less laborious.

When the person is physically and mentally happy, the weight of that blessing naturally decreases.

Qin Yirou is now pretty good both in weight and appearance.

In addition, Qin Yirou's facial features are very correct, Yun Jian is hereditary.

Therefore, there is the exquisite makeup technique of Tanuki.

Qin Yirou's makeup from the stairs was natural, and her elegant makeup was as natural as she was.

At first glance at her, the snow-white wedding dress outlined her recently-decreased Joanna waist, no matter which direction she looked at, there were beautiful points that could not move her eyes.

This makeup paired with a wedding dress made Qin Yirou downstairs by 20 years.

This makeup does not look thick, but it is carefully crafted.

This is the ability of the civet cat. She can hide the makeup on a person's face, but it can reduce the age of the person by dozens of years after makeup.

The civet cat can even easily transform one person into another. With this makeup, she doesn't care.

However, after Qin Yirou put on makeup, even standing with Yun Jian was not old at all.

So when the people downstairs saw Qin Yirou, they all shouted in surprise.

At this moment, Yang Xiaochun, who was still making makeup for Qin Yirou to the surrounding cats, was able to change the level of makeup, but Yang Xiaochun was standing still.

Qin Yirou from the other side slowly supported the handrail of the staircase from the upper floor, and gently walked down with a white wedding dress. She smiled, but just looking at this face, it was as if she was really a teenager Girl-like.

It is no exaggeration to say that this makeup made Qin Yirou reduce his age by 20 years!

"Oh my God! Is this really Yirou? This is almost twenty years younger! This ..."

The long tongue women who were standing in a pile had already looked dumbfounded, and all of them were in a daze, at a loss.

It's not that they haven't seen it, but the shock of this makeup is too great!

None of the people present were not shocked!

Among them, Yang Xiaochun was the worst face, because before that, she had been talking about the makeup technology of Tanuki.

But now?

Qin Yi softened this makeup, it is estimated that in the entire Longmen City, the entire Zhejiang Province, and even the whole country, you may not find a second senior makeup artist like Tanuki.

At this time, Yun Jian had already gone to Qin Yirou. She carefully raised Qin Yirou's hand, and then pulled Qin Yirou downstairs.

"Mom, I'll pack breakfast for you. You sit for a while." Yun Jian had already pulled Qin Yirou to the dining table.

It was just now that I was at the dining table, and a young man came out of the village to help out suddenly.

The young man ran in panting, and even before he was out of breath, he shouted in horror pointing at the direction of the door: "The door went from the door to the man's house, and the entire road was covered with red carpet! Tail! Who did this? "

what? After hearing the words of the youth, everyone present was stupid.

Ordinary people get married, and at most they lay a red carpet in the church. Although the red carpet is not the most expensive, it can be overpaid, but it is also a big expense.

As a result, the entire road was covered with a red carpet from the door to the man's house?

The man's house is in Longmen City! A long distance from Xinjiang Town!

The people present were shocked.

However, at this moment, a simple female voice like nature sounded, "I did."

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