Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1062: Mess this wedding, send it to hell

Lu Lanhua is not here to please Yun Jian, nor to Qin Yirou.

Because Lu Lanhua knew that she also tried to please Yun Yun or Qin Yirou, but all failed.

Human jealousy is often terrible.

Whenever a person fancy something, she can't get it, but she looks at what other people have, and even if she doesn't have it all her life.

She feels that she's finished anyway, she can't get it anyway, and she's upset, so destroy it!

I do n’t have a good time, and others do n’t even think about it!

Lu Lanhua is such an old woman.

So when she rushed in, she had forgotten Yun Jian's ability and she had forgotten Yun Jian's ability.

A group of people looked around, watching Lu Lanhua overthrow several round tables, watching Lu Lanhua roar like a madman, when he shouted.

Yun Jian's petite figure jumped out of the house, and she was lightning fast, and flew out of the house in front of a group of people around her.

Within a few breaths, she had already stood up to Lu Lanhua.

At this moment, Lu Lanhua was standing in front of a round table, when she was going to raise the table glass turntable and smash it.

A pair of petite hands gently touched the table glass turntable.

Yun Jian gently held the table glass turntable with one hand and did not let Lu Lanhua lift it and fell to the ground.

Lu Lanhua felt that the glass turntable on the table was a bit heavy. When she looked up and looked at Yunjian in the direction of gravity, she saw Yun Jian's hand resting on the glass turntable on the table.

"You ..." Lu Lanhua just wanted to spit out some words with dirty words, which had not yet been said.


A jade hand came to Lu Lanhua, and in front of everyone present, she severely threw up Lu Lanhua's wrinkled face.

Lu Lanhua is very dark, and she can almost approach the black one. She is also ugly. Her nostrils are twice as big as normal people, and her nose is slumped.

Even more embarrassing are the wrinkles on her face, which look creepy.

Pian Sheng Lu Lanhua looks so ugly, but likes to dress very fashionable.

It can be said that she is the most fashionable old lady in Xinjiang Town.

At this moment, Yun Lan slaps severely, and Lu Lanhua screams and falls to the ground.

But Lu Lanhua is a famous man-in-law in Xinjiang Town. Her strength is not ordinary, so after being hit by Yun Jian and falling to the ground, she got up like crazy, her mouth couldn't stop being crazy Shouted:

"Ah! Ah! I am your grandma! You dare to do something to your grandma! You idiot! I want to kill you! To kill you!"

Lu Lanhua shouted and rushed to the side, and from a distance, he took a long bamboo pole and rushed to Yunjian.

The bamboo pole was grabbed by Lu Lanhua and was about to go towards Yun Jian.

Syi stood not far away. He forcibly struck Lv Lanhua's heart on the spot and did not take any action.

Today is Qin Yirou's wedding. It is most appropriate for him to handle such a thing.

Not to mention his small note against such people, but never softened.

When I was thinking about it, I saw Yun Jian stretch out her hand and grabbed the long bamboo pole that Lu Lanhua came over. She held the bamboo pole and held the bamboo pole in her hand to prevent Lu Lanhua from controlling the bamboo pole to herself.

Yun Jian, on the other hand, ran towards Lu Lanhua.

Within a breath, Yun Jian had come to Lu Lanhua.

She lifted her foot and flew Lu Lanhua in public.

The bamboo pole was taken down by her and dropped to the side.

Lu Lanhua didn't expect Yun Jian to be so powerful, she cried out in shock: "You can't hit me, I'm your grandma, you ..."

When I thought about it that way, I saw Yun Jian heading for Lu Lanhua. She reached out and grabbed Lu Lanhua's short, black hair. She pulled Lu Lanhua forcibly and sneered, "I control you Who is it! If you dare mess with my mother's wedding, I will send you to hell! "

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