Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1090: I can't walk, what's up with you

"Yunjian, Yunjian, you can save me, is he crazy?" Lan Su was frightened by Adam's angry look. She thought Adam was crazy, and hurried to Yunjian for help.

As a result, he turned around and looked at Yun Jian, who was standing in place, and blinked innocently at her again.


Yun Jian turned around and turned back towards the back of the wedding ceremony at the back door of Qingyun Hotel.

When going to the doorway, Yun Jian was carrying this side, and she stretched out a slender jade hand under the light of the night lamp, waving her back with Lan Su.

Yun Jian's move has a feeling that Lan Su should be good at himself.

Lan Su couldn't help swallowing, and she was dragged to the corner by Adam.

Lan Su didn't see it. When Yun Jian entered Qingyun Hotel, he also tickled his red lips symbolically.

Since Adam was injured and Lan Su took care of Adam in person, Yun Jian saw that this boy was interested in Lan Su.

In fact, Adam's injury has long been healed. At that time, the injury on the leg really made Adam, one of the four leaders of the mighty dark soul organization, hurt for so long?

Just kidding!

It's just that Adam has been pretending to be seriously injured and must be supported by someone to walk.

Everyone discovered this, and only Lan Su, a silly child, didn't know it. He really thought that Adam was good recently, and he was always guilty because he had been seriously injured.

Yun Jian just walked into Qingyun Hotel, and came forward with two other slender figures.

Mo Sen was frowning toward Yun Jian. He looked at Yun Jian, and after a pause he asked, "Did Madam see Adam just now?"

Yun Jian raised an eyebrow, and she lied without blushing: "No, do you have any questions for him?"

"How can something be wrong? Haha! This guy from Moson is just a little worried about Adam's kid. To be honest, Adam's kid has never let us worry!"

The snow eagle standing next to it held a glass of wine, smiled and hit Mosen, and then reached out to embrace Mosen's shoulder.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes. When she wanted to say something, a familiar male voice came from behind her: "You two are waiting for moldy? Don't plan to help, huh?"

Behind him came the magnetically nice male voice, and then again, Yun Jian felt that he had been taken into a large body familiar with temperature.

Si Yi said quite politely to both Mosen and Snow Eagle.

Now that the wedding ceremony has ended, the big brothers are planning to leave by car, and the folks in the township built by Qin Yirou and Ge Jun have already planned to leave with sweet candy.

There was still something to be packed at the scene, so Sidi asked Mosen and Xueying to help.

After hearing Yi Yi's words, Mosen and Xueying left as soon as they smoked.

Si Yi was holding Yun Jian behind her, and put her chin on her shoulder: "What bad thing did you do?"

Si Yi's eyebrows flickered, his arc angle slightly raised, and he smiled.

"Hold the red line." Yun Jian just smiled slightly, and then she stretched out her hands from Si Yi's arms and took two steps forward.

Si Yi raised a handsome eyebrow, and then he followed.

At the other end, Adam was dragged all the way to the dark corner by Adam.

"Are you crazy!" Lan Su was thrown mercilessly into the corner of the corner by the corner. She was slammed on the wall by the scum, and shouted to Adam after returning to God.

"Yes, I'm crazy!" Adam pressed the blue pigment to the wall rather fiercely, and he put out his right hand and hammered on the wall.

All this mud wall was dusted by Adam's hammer.

"Tell me, why go?" Adam's eyes flushed.

"I ..." Lan Su was silent for two seconds. She didn't dare look directly into Adam's eyes.

After a pause, she looked squarely at Adam: "I can't walk. What's your matter?"

As soon as this was said, Adam held her head, and an overwhelming kiss fell down.

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