After listening to Yun Jian's self-proclaimed ‘my ancient killing mercenary regiment’, Hu Batian was so frightened that his legs were soft.

You should know that at the wedding ceremony, when Hu Jiantian called the "Jiang Sister", the famous names of the ancient killing mercenary regiments, such as snake lizard, tiger panther, diane, ghost flame and ghost refining, all called Hu Jiantian. Doubt it.

But he has always held the mentality of ‘Yun Jian is so young, how could she be the character of the ancient mercenary regiment’?

So there has been no doubt.

But it wasn't until just now that Yun Jian said what he said just now that Hu Batian suddenly returned to his mind.

She even used the ‘My Ancient Killing Mercenary Group’ to claim to herself, and she also spoke her recent movements with such accuracy.

Hu Batian had a thunderous feeling at the moment. He was so scared that he couldn't speak clearly. He was sitting on the ground but was dragged by a tiger and a leopard, but not completely sitting on the ground. Then he looked at Yunjian with his trembling eyes and said That's what I said just now.

Yun Jian did not directly acknowledge Hu Batian's words. She just smiled slightly, and soon she smiled back.

The slender girl stood in front of Hu Batian. If he hadn't heard Yun Jian's words, or saw Yun Jian's actions at this time, Hu Batian would only think she was a naive and harmless girl.

And Yun Jian didn't bother Hu Batian, she just raised her eyebrows with a smile, silent for two moments, and then spoke after a pause:

"I didn't look for you, but you brought it to you, Hu Batian, how do you think you have the confidence to leave here alive today?"

Between Yun Jian's lips, she didn't know when she had caught a butterfly knife in her hand.

And the butterfly knife turned flexibly and quickly between her fingers.

When Hu Batian saw Yun Jian's move, and listened to her words again, he couldn't help but swallowed hard.

"You ... what do you want?" Hu Batian said tremblingly.

After a pause, Hu Ba was born afraid that Yun Jian really killed himself, and he continued to say, "I can give you anything, as long as you don't kill me ..."

After hearing Yun Jian's name, he had begged for mercy before he even started.

Yun Jian just smiled coldly.

"After you die, your things naturally belong to me." Yun Jian hugged her chest, and instead of staring directly at Hu Batian, she cast her eyes into the distance.

"Now, I just need to know what relationship you have with the former Liehuo organization." Yun Jian said with a frown.

At first hearing Yunjian knew that he had something to do with the now-defunct blaze organization, Hu Batian's heart wobbled fiercely, and he glanced away as if he had escaped, and the sly eyes of the treacherous man turned slightly.

"What are you talking about? I've only united with the munitions once, and I don't know what ex-fire group you said." Hu Batian said without confessing.

Taking into account the safety of his life, Hu Batian said again: "But you have to know that, I only tell you, you let them all go away!"

As soon as Hu Batian finished speaking, Yun Jian agreed: "Okay."

As soon as Yun Jian agreed, the snake lizard, tiger and leopard and the driver left.

Hu Batian put his hands on his back and said, "Since you know that I have a relationship with the former Liehuo organization, I might as well tell you that the mysterious man who controls the former Liehuo organization and tries to destroy the ancient killing mercenary group, comes from Royal Dragon Continent ... "

Hu Batian just finished talking here, he saw Yun Jian listening intently, so he suddenly took his hands back from behind.

At this close, two sharp knives appeared in his hands.

Hu Batian held the knife and pierced Yun Yun's end!

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