Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1099: Make him in charge and marry you

"Yes, woman, can you give Lao Tzu some eyes!" You **** haven't got any clothes on! Adam did not say the following sentence, he stretched his hands impetuously in the broken hair, very impatient, but suppressed his anger and yelled at Lan Su.

Lan Su was too excited just now.

Yun Jian even promised to return to Yulong mainland!

So Lan Su is really too excited.

"Sorry, I'm so excited ..." Lan Su didn't even hear what Adam was talking to her now. The whole excited person was shaking, she couldn't help herself, so she opened her mouth and answered Adam One sentence.

Adam was yelled by Moson just now, and he was upset at the moment.

As a result, when he heard Lan Su's perfunctory remarks, he immediately twitched his lips.

Lan Su was excited, she had just slid the white jade foot to the ground, and wanted to get over the messy clothes inside and outside of the shy man on the ground.

Suddenly, her legs were weak, and there was a pain somewhere. When the whole person almost fell to the ground, Adam grabbed her hand in time, and turned her back to bed.

As soon as Adam's figure flashed, he could not hold on to Lan Su's upper body, and looked at her sharply under the quilt.

"Yeah! Don't you watch!" Lan Su was startled, she quickly reached out and covered her chest, covering some two points.

"Cover what cover, Lao Tzu not only saw it, but touched it all." Adam evilly put his lips on his lips and said this shamefully.

"You ..." Lan Su's face flushed instantly, her rosy cheeks were pink and tender.

Seeing this picture here, Adam almost didn't hold back and gave Lansu another job.

Just considering that there are a few people who have gone out of the door and went to the living room on the first floor, Adam still stands up and stands up.

After Yun Jian and Mo Sen came out of the large suite, they followed a few people to the hotel's large living room on the first floor.

Leave the space to two people in the room.

Mo Sen's face was dark and terrible. Even the two people who didn't understand the style of Xueying and Wu Wei could feel that his atmosphere was wrong.

"Haha, what's wrong with Moson? Is this yours? Is this jealous of Adam's kid breaking the melon?" Xueying laughed and walked to Mosen, and put his hand on Mosen's shoulder .

This ride was smashed away by Moson.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Xueying didn't understand it very much, he laughed and said twice.

Here, Yun Jian sat on a leather sofa in the lounge of the large living room on the first floor.

Where did Yun Jian sit, Si Yi stood beside him.

Waited here for a while, and finally saw two people walking down the stairs.

A full-dressed Adam walked in front, followed by a little embarrassed blue pigment.

Seeing Lan Su walking so slowly, Adam turned around and grabbed Lan Su's hand and walked here.

Yun Jian glanced at her, and neither did she nor Si Yi.

On the emotional side, Steve is stocked for all four of Adam.

When Adam pulled Lan Su to this side, Mo Sen flashed his eyes.

Several people at the scene clearly saw Mo Sen's eyes deep, he walked over directly, and rushed to Adam.

Raising his hand, Mosen punched Adam's chest with a severe punch.

Adam struggled, and he leaned backwards.

Taking a few steps back, Adam stopped.

"Mawson, why are you crazy!" Adam paused, covering his chest, and staring at him.

He had no idea that Mosen would hit himself like this.

This was just a pause, and I saw Moson step forward to Lan Su.

After hesitated, Morson apologized to Lan Su: "I apologize to you on behalf of Adam's idiot! He did this to you today. As a brother, even if he is tied, I will make him responsible Marry you! "

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