Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1220: Maybe she is, the one on the list

The words of Crazy Dragon were shocked.

SS! ?

Called SS, the people present were not surprised.

Because the first moment of the agent ranking, the external name is not SS.

The name SS is limited to the nickname of Yunjian code named Moshen by acquaintances.

Only someone familiar with Yun Jian from the previous life would call her SS intimate words.

So those present were surprised, not surprised.

But ...

The mad dragon ranked third in the grand international agent ranking, the mad dragon that once came from the dark soul organization with the most legendary mythical **** of the agent world!

Everyone present should watch him!

Even the mad dragon here stomped his feet, and everyone's face would be astounded and horrified!

How could you say "SS" to Yun Jian in shock?

Although the people present did not know the meaning of the two letters SS, they could be seen from the expression of Mad Dragon.

The teenage girl in front of me is not easy!

"SS? What is SS?" The hooligan man who was scared to almost urinate his pants suddenly saw Kuanglong's title to Yun Jian, and he shouted as if he had found the capital that could survive.

After shouting, because the rogue man did not know the identity of the crazy dragon, he guessed by himself, thinking that Yun Jian had a leg with the crazy dragon.

So the hooligan man broke free of the rope, and then faintly bounced to the mad dragon side, because he was tied up, he could not break free.

But the man was one step closer to the crazy dragon, so the hooligan man showed a very friendly smile, smirking at the crazy dragon twice, and then said:

"This elder brother, are you interested in her? Do you think this is OK? We are all innocent. You let us go and take her away! We promise not to call the police."

At first, the hooligan man wanted to make Yunjian himself, so when he saw Yunjian and Kuanglong seem to know each other, he looked at Kuanglong with the expression "I know you very well", and thought he was a man. Crazy Dragon's thoughts on Yun Jian.

After all, none of the people present would believe that Yunjian's international status is higher than that of Kuanglong.

How old is she?

And just now, the crazy dragon's reaction to Yun Jian's shock was naturally considered by the hooligan man to have a good opinion of Yun Jian.

After the hooligan man said, he looked at the mad dragon with a very flattering look, and seemed to be waiting for the mad dragon to praise himself, and then let him go by the way.

The boss of another group of men and women who engaged in arms trade with Kuanglong listened to the words of the hooligan, and immediately decisively thought that Kuanglong was interesting to Yun Jian.

"You turned out to be interested in this beauty, then you might as well give this beauty ..." The boss of another group of men and women who are engaged in arms trade with Kuanglong immediately thought that Kuanglong was interested in Yunjian and immediately flew. Just say.

Just before the person finished speaking, the mad dragon standing next to the boss slapped the boss on the ground with a slap.

Without waiting for everyone to react, the mad dragon pulled a silver pistol from his waist, so fast that the hooligan man had no time to react. He pointed his muzzle towards the hooligan man, and then `` banged '' on the hooligan man's thigh. A shot was fired.

This gun is a silencer pistol. If you listen carefully, you can still hear a bang.

The next second, the bound hooligan man screamed desperately, but because he was tied up, he couldn't turn over, and sweated for a long time.

The moment before the hooligan was about to pass out, he heard the mad dragon over there smashing a silver pistol to the ground, his face in a very bad voice:

"I'm interesting to her? Do you dare to say this? You know who she is? I have a hundred courage and dare not be interesting to SS! I dare to say that I will kill you all!"

The words of the mad dragon brought shocking excitement to everyone present.

She is better than a mad dragon! ?

Then she is the one on the agent list! ?

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