Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1221: I was hanged because he was weak

The boss who traded with the mad dragon and his men were now squinted by the words of the mad dragon.

Especially Ningxia, Hu Qirui and Xu Liao.

If it was said that Yun Jian's act of killing the gangsters in the village of Hasa was strange and terrifying.

Then the influence of Yun Jian at this moment is to make a few people in Ningxia look pale.

It can be seen how strong the status of Kuanglong is, but from the appearance of Kuanglong's fear of Yunjian and the reactions of a group of people around, Yunjian's identity is definitely not as simple as it seems.

I do not know when, Celadon has untied the ropes that bound him.

Yun Yi has learned from Yun Jian for a long time, and the ability to untie the rope has long been learned.

Everyone didn't even know when Celadon and Yun Yi untied the rope.

At this moment, a person who was not far away suddenly pointed his finger at Yunjian. He seemed to think something, so he shouted out loudly: "SS! I thought of it. The Chinese pronunciation of this SS is translated, isn't it our Is the number one moment in the agent ranking! "

Speaking, this person's tone became more intense and his emotions were quite agitated. The person looked at Yun Jian, and then spoke aloud, as if he was afraid of others not knowing, and his tone was even more frightening: "Must you be the moment , Chachashen !? "

In the last sentence, the man shouted out of fear.

Moreover, the tone of this man was surprised and unbelievable.

It's no wonder, if Yunjian is really the No. 1 moment in the ranking of agents, how is it possible?

Suddenly the girl who emerged was the first **** of the agents ranking! ?

how is this possible!

You must know that Moshen has gone without a trace, and the whereabouts are even more frightening, and every time Moshen appears, he will wear a human skin mask.

Therefore, in the world today, people who can see the true look of the gods will never exceed one hand!

The man had just finished speaking, and all the people present were stupid.

"What !? Agent rankings?" Ningxia, who was not even aware of the agents rankings.

Even if some people in Ningxia are stupid, it is absolutely impossible to understand the meaning of this agent list.

Agent, killer, that's the character in the movie.

But why did this group of people ask Yunjian whether it was the first moment in the ranking of agents?

the first!

Is that the number one in the world?

Xu Liao did not expect to see it at first glance, and had an interest, thinking that it was just a cloud of a weak girl.

She turned out to be the first moment in the international agent ranking?

However, when the scene became a sensation, the scene was horrified.

Yun Jian's voice, not affected by the thriller, came coldly, "I'm not."

She is not a **** of god, because that is her from the previous life.

Yun Jian lied and never made a draft.

The mad dragon standing not far apparently realized that Yun Jian did not want to reveal his identity.

"Ahem! How could it be she who is the No. 1 agent in the agent rankings!" Kuanglong lied to help Yun Jian.

"Then why are you so excited to see her?" Someone stepped out at the risk of life and asked Kuanglong.

At this moment, everyone around him looked at the mad dragon.

However, before the mad dragon made a noise, Yun Jian's cold voice came again: "Because he was too weak, I was chased and beaten by me."

She even said that the third mad dragon in the Dignity International Agent Ranking is too weak! ?

The people present were once again shocked by Yun Jian's words.

At this moment, the four gigantic figures walked in unobstructed from the periphery of the beach.

One of the figures stretched his eyebrows slightly after seeing Yun Jian, and then his handsome face was perfect to the point where people and gods were indignant. He opened his arc lips and walked towards Yun Jian.

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