Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1241: To roll it out myself

A twenty-five-six, wearing very exposed, the entire upper shoulders are exposed, a very foreign woman holding a flat shaved head, looks a bit suffocated, a man of almost the age sitting should belong to Qin Yi Ruan Ge On the military building seat.

The woman who was very exposed was the one who yelled at Qin Yirou.

Let's not mention the woman's tone of Qin Yirou, let alone say that the woman finally said to Qin Yirou ‘you ’ll soon be on Zhoudao anyway’.

It takes at least forty-five minutes to get to Zhoudao from the pier in Ning City, which is still unobstructed.

Zhoudao is an island located in the middle of the ocean, which means that a piece of land floating in the ocean is an island.

Zhoudao is on an island and surrounded by the sea.

And Zhoudao Island is surrounded by the sea. People come here to travel and experience the true meaning of the sea.

But from Ning City to Zhoudao, an oversized steamship carrying hundreds of people, sailing slowly from Ning City to Zhoudao, it took at least 45 minutes to sail, if something unexpected happened on the road If the condition is bad, it takes at least an hour to sail.

But even so, there are a lot of passengers coming, which has caused insufficient ships to sail back and forth between Ningshi Pier and Zhoudao.

That's why seat-by-seat situations are happening, and some people can't get a ticket for a seat and can only stand all the way.

Ningxia's mother had friends at the dock in Ningxia, so it was no surprise that she could grab a seat.

Obviously, these two young men did not grab a seat, so they shamefully seized Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian's seat.

Qin Yirou frowned as the woman spoke.

Although Qin Yirou didn't like to find a job, he was not the kind of person who was led by someone else's nose and could not speak a word.

So Qin Yirou listened to the woman, and she retorted on the spot: "This beautiful lady, this position is the seat we reserved when we bought the boat ticket, so please let me know!"

Qin Yirou's voice also improved a little.

After all, for Qin Yirou, although she was weak, she would still open her mouth to return when there was something that should have belonged to her and someone had no affection for herself. .

"I said the old woman, you are neurotic, we will die if we sit in this seat!" The woman was still aggressive.

The most annoying thing was that the woman's aggressive words had just fallen. The man sitting next to the woman peeled a grape and fed it to the woman.

The man also glanced at Qin Yirou, then comforted the woman: "Dear, ignore them, I guess this woman's menopause has arrived."

"You ..." Qin Yirou listened to the little couple in front of her and talked more and more, as long as she was personal, she would definitely be angry.

Ge Junjian just held Qin Yirou's hand just now and wanted to come forward, a beautiful and exquisite little hand took the lead to hold Qin Yirou.

Yun Jian took two steps to this side, she held Qin Yirou's hand, and then said to Ge Junjian, "Dad, take your mother to our seat first."

Yun Jian has changed his mouth to call Ge Junjian as dad.

When Ge Junjian heard Yun Jian's words, he decisively pulled Qin Yirou's hand and walked to Yun Jian and Si Yi's seat.

At this moment, Yun Jian was looking at the little young pair of arms.

She didn't speak, so she stared straight at the young pair.

This pair of little young men seemed to have nothing at all, and they made their own.

But after being stared at Yun Jian for a long time, this woman started panicking and scolded Yun Jian: "Are you neurotic? See what!"

When this woman just said here, Yun Jian suddenly strode forward. In the surprised eyes of all the passengers around her, she reached out and suddenly pinched the woman's hair. When the woman did not respond, she dragged the woman by the hair Pull down from the seat and toss it into the distance.

The woman was unprepared and was slammed directly to the ground, rolling around on the ground.

But I saw Yun Jian here suddenly clapping his hands, stepping on the seat where the woman was sitting, and then opening up to the man:

"Go on your own, or I'll do it for you."

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