The man was taken aback by Yun Jian's sudden move of pulling the woman from his seat and dropping it on the ground.

By the time he returned, Yun Jian had stepped on the seat where the woman was just now, and spoke to him coldly.

The man swallowed. He didn't immediately stand up to open the seat, nor immediately went to support Yun Jian's girlfriend who was still on the ground, but was fascinated by Yun Jian's beautiful and delicate face.

He didn't notice it just now. Now the man saw it. The husband and wife just had such a delicate daughter?

This girl is too pretty, right? He is almost fascinated!

The man swallowed hard.

Today Yun Jian wore a very short black top, and this black top was still shaped.

This is the fullness of the pair of plump packages wrapped on Yunjian's upper body. The upper neckline is still a little low. Yunjian's twin peaks are very full. At this moment, she is wrapped in tights, and then matched with her thin waist and her Good grooming.

As long as she is a man, she will be attracted to her.

This man couldn't care less about his girlfriend at all. He was completely attracted by Yun Jian. He couldn't even say a word at this moment.

Even after listening to Yun Jian's words that seemed to be threatening just now, the man still had the thought of wanting to laugh at Yun Jian.

The man didn't even care about his girlfriend. He also gave his flat head a handsome look, and just wanted to look at Yun Jian with the expression that he thought he was crazy.

At this time, the ship's board suddenly shook twice, and the entire cruise ship suddenly shook it severely twice, as if it hit a sea wave, and the whole ship was shaking.

With this shaking, the man became unstable. After being shaken back and forth, he suddenly realized that Yun Jian was standing in front of himself, and the pair of plump **** was shaking in front of himself.

The man was in a quandary, and suddenly he wanted to use the force of the ship's shaking to pretend that he accidentally flung into Yun Jian's chest.

The man thought so, the next moment he planned to look as if he was thrown into Yun Jian's arms by the force of the ship shaking.

When the man just wanted to do this, others had already flung towards Yun Jian.

But when Yunjian was thirty centimeters away, he saw a large palm suddenly appeared on Yunjian's thin waist.

The big palm grabbed Yun Jian's thin waist, and pulled Yun Jian from this side.

The man froze, but at this moment he had fallen to the place where Yun Jian had just been.

If he continues to fall, he may fall straight!

But it was unrealistic to fall, because when the man just fell to the position just before Yun Jian, a slender thigh was introduced to his eyes.

This slender leg was lifted from the ground, and under the attention of the naked human eye, he subsequently kicked the man's abdomen with one foot.

The man watched this slender thigh kick his own abdomen, and then his body flew out fiercely dozens of meters away.

At this moment, the man felt that the breakfast he had eaten in the morning was almost squirted out of his mouth.

As soon as the man was crippled, he saw a distant master who was slender with his thighs. At this moment, he was holding the girl who he had just tried to approach but did not touch the corner of his clothes.

The people standing around the cruise ship were frightened by Stewart's actions.

When everyone raised their eyes, they saw that Si Yi had a dark face. He looked at Yun Jian, and his sharp eyes seemed to kill the man.

After a short pause, the people heard the handsome man slightly angry at the man and said, "Are you wasteless trying to touch my woman, are you impatient !?"

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