Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1508: I messed up with her and closed the door

Lin Ye was excited when he saw Liu Yan, but when thinking of what Liu Yan said, Lin Ye was slightly chilled again.

Lin Yan is a fan of Liu Yan, a diehard fan.

Lin Ye's family is not bad. Her family can now afford color TVs. When Liu Yan was seen in the movie, Liu Yan's pure appearance made Lin Ye's heart beat.

Later, Liu Yan changed her innocence, then walked around, and appeared on the TV with a big heavy makeup like now, wearing **** clothes that burst out.

In fact, Lin Ye did not like Liu Yan's later dressing, but Lin Ye still likes Liu Yan as always.

Just now, Liu Yan's appearance almost screamed Lin Ye's excitement, but recalling what Liu Yan said just now, Lin Ye almost couldn't believe that Liu Yan standing in front of herself was the female star she always liked.

Yun Jian's dress is a little bit more common today, but when he comes to a place like Chaotian Hotel, it looks really ordinary.

"Let's go, ignore her." Yao Lili had no plans to ignore Liu Yan. She waved at Yun Jian and Lin Yi, and then turned around and walked into Chaotian Hotel.

In the performing arts circle, the stars use their most powder-absorbing side to be exposed to the audience's eyes, but the most realistic side in reality is that no one can see.

The second floor of Chaotian Hotel has been contracted by the performing arts company where she belongs.

In addition to many big stars, screenwriters, and directors on the second floor, there are also high-level executives in the company, including some less famous little stars and staff.

However, most of the people who appeared were very decently dressed. Like Yun Jian, they were dressed in casual clothes, and they could see it at a glance.

In fact, the reason why Yao Lili's company called a lot of screenwriters, producers, investors and directors is because they want these people to choose good seed to cultivate in their own company.

Today's party is a good point to talk about, but to be uncomfortable, it is a grand banquet.

Actresses who want to be popular, naturally have to pay a little price in exchange for drama and opportunities.

Hidden rules, this is something that people with a good eye know.

Of course, Yao Lili brought Yun Jian and Lin Ying here today, and she never thought that Yun Jian and Lin Ying would enter the performing arts circle. At most, she took the opportunity to have dinner with Yun Jian.

It was just that Yao Lili had just seated with Yun Jian and Lin Yan, and a fat beer belly man sat at the table with the three of Yun Jian.

The beer belly man thief looked at Yun Jian stunned and said directly:

"My younger sister looks pretty? Why is she dressed like this? Haha, my name is Zheng Weicheng, and I'm the director of Dorje. I think you are a good younger sister. Are you interested in developing in the entertainment industry?"

The man who claimed to be Zheng Weicheng had just finished saying, and a sharp female voice intervened: "Director Zheng, this little girl's clothes are not so good, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold them!"

With that said, Yun Jian saw only one figure shaking himself.

In the next second, the sharp female voice that just came out, that is, Liu Yan, who had just met at the gate, sat on the thigh of Director Zheng Weicheng Zheng with his hands around the chest of Director Zheng and seduced her mouth.

This scene almost did not make Lin Yan sick to vomit.

She didn't expect that such a person behind the actress Liu Yan she always liked!

"As long as I look beautiful, I will hold the fire!" Director Zheng naturally touched Liu Yan's butt, then looked up at Yun Jian, and thought that a girl like Yun Jian must be aspiring to be a star Tune to Yun Jian:

"How about, little sister, as long as you pay something, now there is a road to Kangzhuang waiting for you to go! Performing art circle! This is how many people can't ask for it!"

"Oh? Showbiz?" Yun Jian almost didn't chuckled when she heard it, but she still tickled her red lips and sneered to say the three words.

"Yeah!" Director Zheng said, pushing away Liu Yan, and then looked at Yun Jian with the gesture that the fish was hooked, and said.

"Would you like me to enter the showbiz world, wouldn't you be afraid that I would destroy your showbiz company?" Yun Jian ticked the red arc, she tapped the table with her fingernails, and spoke quietly.

"Oh! You? It's up to you? You also destroyed our director's acting company! Hahaha! Are you kidding me? People's director's acting company is famous in our country."

Liu Yan laughed on the spot, but just as Liu Yan just laughed, a middle-aged man who was thinner than Director Zheng ran over, looked at Yunjian with a horrified look, and spoke to Director Zheng and Liu Yan. :

"You're crazy! How dare you mess with this little girl! Do you know the Beiguang model company of the previous day! The Beiguang model company just closed the door because of the mess with the little girl! Beiguang's boss is still here Begging on the street!

"How much did you think of it before you provoked her ..."

The middle-aged man talking here just came here, and the smiles of Director Zheng and Liu Yan were completely rigid.


Recently, that Beiguang model company closed down because it caused Yunjian?

Provoked this girl dressed so ordinary?

This ... how can this be ... cocoa ... maybe ...?

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