Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1509: Let small organizations, **** mountains and rivers

Liu Yan and Director Zheng were completely rigid.

At the beginning, Liu Yan and Director Zheng also thought that Yun Jian was the kind of girl who came out of the country.

Most of these girls are poor at home because they have no money or want to live a richer life than before. In order not to be ridiculed at school, a lot of them are sold.

When Director Zheng saw Yun Jian today, his eyes were straight.

Just when Liu Yan came over and sat on Director Zheng's thigh, Director Zheng was touching Liu Yan's buttocks and thinking about wearing a casual jersey, how seductive she was under the casual clothes.

Yun Jian's appearance is nothing to say, that innocent face, even Liu Yan, who has just won the international award of the pure love of country Z recently.

Such a look, if mixed in the performing arts circle, as long as you pay a little price, it will be inevitable!

So Liu Yan ridiculed Yun Jian a lot just because he was afraid that Yun Jian would really enter the industry, and he agreed with Director Zheng to grab resources from himself.

But even Director Zheng and Liu Yan couldn't even dream of it. Yunjian was actually the famous acting company and Beiguang Modeling Company who closed down directly!

Beiguang Modeling Company, but it is a big company resounding in the world. At first, the prospect of Beiguang Modeling Company was very good, and it has already entered the global ranks. It has a fight with Yao Lili's acting company.

However, it was such a large-scale performing arts company that said that it went bankrupt. When rumors were heard that when the Guangzhou-based model company went bankrupt, Director Zheng and Liu Yan were totally unbelievable.

Later, I saw the owner of Beiguang Modeling Company begging on the street, and Director Zheng and Liu Yan were shocked.

At that time, I didn't think too much, and didn't even know the specific reason for the failure of Beiguang Modeling Company. Listening to Beiguang caused a person, and nothing more.

If it wasn't for the middle-aged man who came up halfway, Director Zheng and Liu Yan didn't even know that the reason why Beiguang Modeling Company was blocked and closed down directly was because of Yunjian!

"She, she, she? Is it because Beiguang had provoked her? So Beiguang just went bankrupt now !? This ..."

The middle-aged man is a very good lighting engineer in the former Beiguang model company, so what the middle-aged man said is very credible.

However, Rao was so frightened that Director Zheng and Liu Yan were frightened.

how is this possible? Yun Jian is so ordinary in her dress. What ability is she to be a company as big as Yao Lili, a company like Beiguang Modeling Company? ?

"Why not! I saw it with my own eyes when Beiguang closed down! She ... she she ... her friend was caught inside Beiguang and committed suicide in order to keep her innocence. .....

"So she chopped one's finger in public and asked her to chop the lives of all the people in the scene. The scene was really that I was standing outside at the time, and I didn't dare to squeak when I heard it, and I wasn't scared to death."

The middle-aged man, who was originally a lighting engineer at Beiguang Modeling Company, turned to Yao Lili's company and started talking in horror. During the conversation, he looked at Yun Jian side by side, and he couldn't stop panic.

Upon hearing Yun Jian's ability to chop one's finger in public, Liu Yan almost didn't look pale.

She's just a teenage girl!

She dared to chop one's finger!

Just when he thought about it that way, Yao Lili's words to Yun Jian came again. The meaning of the words made Liu Yan, Director Zheng and others crazy again:

"SS, how are you getting lighter now? I remember saying a few words to a small organization before, did you just let that small organization go blood-stained."

Yao Lili's light words listened to everyone's ears as if they had heard something terrible.

Just because of one sentence, Yunjian used to make a small group of people directly **** mountains and rivers! ?

Is she really just a teenage girl in the flower season?

She is simply a demon!

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