Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1537: Something is going to happen

Fan Xin apparently talked to Yun Jian this way, she meant to want Yun Yunjian.

Yun Jian's previous hand could hurt Fan Xin, although Fan Xin did not feel any pain after Yun Jian let go, but Fan Xin was a vengeful person.

"Get off! Coward, I'll wait to see you cry in a while! Hehe! Get off!" Fan Xin said, grabbing Zhang Laifu's hand and swaying from Yun Jian to the pirate ship.

Yun Jian ignored Fan Xin and Fan Xin's son.

A row of pirate ships of average size can seat four or five people, but the pirate ships in the amusement park on the other side are relatively large.

There are four of them in Yunjian.

Yun Jian was afraid that Xiao Yunzhu, Duan Li and Su Li accidentally fell off the pirate ship, so they didn't let them all sit on the side.

Yunjian asked Xiaoyunzhu to sit in the middle, and then he sat on one side of the row.

In a row of six people, Yun Jian sat on the far left side, next to Duan Li, then Su Li, and finally Xiao Yun Zhu.

Xiao Yunzhu is brave, so he is farthest from Yunjian.

Yunjian can also seat two people in this row.

"Mom, I want to sit with them! Huh! I want to watch them cry!"

Zhang Laifu took the seat on the right side of Xiaoyunzhu and sat down. He looked at Xiaoyunzhu with a different look, and his eyes seemed to kill Xiaoyunzhu.

Fan Xin was very fond of his son and naturally promised Zhang Laifu's words.

So Xiao Yunzhu sat Zhang Laifu on the right side, and Yun Jian sat on the far right side of the row with Fan Xin.

From left to right, the order of Yunjian is Yunjian, Duan Li, Su Li, Xiao Yunzhu, Zhang Laifu, and Fan Xin.

After the staff fastened the safety belts of all people and strengthened a safety measure outside, they returned to the operating room and the game officially started.

"It's about to start! It's about to start!" Xiao Yunzhu shouted.

"Cut, really counsel!" Fan Xin sat next to him with a sneer.

At this time the pirate ship game officially started!

The pirate ship began to sway slowly.

Xiao Yunzhu, Duan Li and Su Li are not afraid at all.

Zhang Laifu, who was sitting next to him, was sweating, but for the sake of face, he was braced at a young age.

Fan Xin had been screamed, and Yun Jian just put her hand on the armrest and let the wind blow her hair and clothes. She didn't know what the fear was.

Just when the pirate ship was swinging hardest, when the strength was enough to throw people out, the stupid Zhang Laifu suddenly shouted at Xiao Yunzhu:

"Go to death! You just bullied my mother! Go to death!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Laifu grabbed the seat belt on Xiaoyunzhu's seat where he had found his position as soon as he got on the pirate ship.

Zhang Laifu already had such a plan!

Once the seat belt was unfastened, another security measure was not enough to tie Xiaoyunzhu, because Xiaoyunzhu was too thin.

Especially this time, the pirate ship was flying to the highest point, and then was about to be thrown out to the other side.

Suddenly heard Zhang Laifu's voice, everyone around him looked over.

But at this moment, the pirate ship swung down!

Xiao Yunzhu lost his seat belt and flew off the pirate ship!

"My God! Something went wrong! My God!"

Someone in the distance saw the scene over here and screamed in astonishment.

Fall from a height of about ten meters! This boy must die!

At this moment, whether it was the people sitting on the pirate ship, the people standing on the ground waiting for the next batch of pirate ships, or the people passing by around the pirate ship game, were all startled.

Intuition tells everyone present, Xiao Yunzhu, this kid who was thrown away is finished!

No doubt!


However, at this moment, everyone in Fan Xin, Zhang Laifu, etc. sitting on the pirate ship, or everyone standing on the flat ground, saw the scene of terror.

Immediately after seeing Xiao Yunzhu being thrown away, Yun Jian unbuttoned his seat belt directly with one hand, and even pursued the track of Xiao Yunzhu being thrown away.

What is she doing! Is she looking for death!

Everyone around was boiling in horror. For a moment, everyone was frightened.

Just when everyone at the scene felt that Yunjian and Xiaoyunzhu were bound to die, a more frightening scene happened suddenly in front of them without warning, and fell into the pupils of everyone present--

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