The pirate ship is swaying left and right. With the swaying power of the game hull, the hull is shaken to the highest point.

So when the pirate ship shook to the highest point and Zhang Laifu untied Xiao Yunzhu's seatbelt, Xiao Yunzhu was like a wild goose whose wings were suddenly folded, and the whole person was severely smashed from a height of ten meters.

This scene shocked the people around, and was excusable.

After all, Xiao Yunzhu was suddenly thrown out from a height of more than ten meters. If his head fell to the ground first, he was smashed to the ground, and his head was broken into two parts.

If the brain is broken in half, can a fragile child survive?

Yun Jian sat in the seat farthest from Xiao Yunzhu. She didn't even think that Zhang Laifu would treat such a fierce hand under Xiao Yunzhu.

A child can be so vicious!

Because Su Li and Duan Li were separated in the middle, Yun Jian sitting next to him did not find Zhang Laifu's actions on Xiao Yunzhu.

However, Yun Jian reacted in the first place, and she didn't even have time for consideration. She unfastened the seat belt of her seat and flung to the place where Xiao Yunzhu was thrown out.

People at the scene were scared by Yun Jian's actions.

The staff members were also scared to exclaim each other and turn off the operation switch of the pirate ship: "Quickly, turn off the pirate ship switch!"

At this time, the people sitting on the pirate ship, including the people standing on the ground, looked up.

But seeing the next breath, the scene of that shock happened suddenly--

I saw that Yun Jian over there did not even think about it, he untied his seat belt, and then jumped out of another reinforced version of his seat with his thin body, and the whole person rushed to Xiao Yunzhu.

In the sky directly ahead, Yun Jian first stood on the pirate ship quickly, then kicked her legs violently, and the person jumped over to Xiao Yunzhu.

Xiao Yunzhu was flung out by the whole person. The speed of Yun Jian surpassed Xiao Yunzhu.

She grabbed Xiao Yunzhu with one hand, and then the two fell down to the ground with that violent force.

There were many people around, men and women, young and old, and people from any country.

At this moment, everyone's heart is tightly locked together.


As Yunjian grabbed Xiaoyunzhu, the two fell down to the ground and smashed to the ground from a height of more than ten meters, and Yunjian and Xiaoyunzhu suddenly fell over a large railing that raised the pirate ship into the air. Next to the machine.

Here comes the opportunity!

Yun Jian's eyes flashed deeply. The next moment, she reached out, reaching out at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye around everyone, and reached out and grabbed the large railing that raised the pirate ship into the air.

Yun Jian clasped Xiao Yunzhu with one hand. She was holding this large railing. With this large railing, she took Xiao Yunzhu around and rotated 360 ° around the large railing.

Then she used the cushioning power of the large railing to lightly fall into the ground within the last few meters.

This extremely complicated move, Yunjian took only three seconds completely.

Three seconds later, Yun Jian had safely landed with Xiao Yunzhu.

In the past three seconds, a series of things happened. In the eyes of the people around, it was just Yunjian grabbing Xiaoyunzhu, and then eased the momentum with a large railing, a scene of a vertical jump landing smoothly.

Fall from the pirate ship, a dozen meters high! Yun Jian rescued Xiao Yunzhu and landed on the ground stably without any injuries. The horror surrounding this scene could not be described by words.

The next moment, people shouted in horror and shouts continuously.

"My God! This little girl is really amazing! Is this a superman salvation!"

"God, am I getting dizzy, isn't it true!"

Compared to these people who suddenly saw Yun Jian's horror performance, they have been forcibly docked on the pirate ship. Just now it was said that the pirate ship on Yun Jian would scare his mother, Fan Xin and Zhang Laifu, and they were completely frightened.

Face, pale and scarlet!

She's so amazing!

How is this possible! One person was thrown out so fiercely from a pirate ship, how could another person catch up with the person who was thrown out, not only that, she also rescued the other party and landed safely!

Fan Xin and Zhang Laifu were completely frightened.

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