Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1561: Dare to be right, say less

As soon as Wen Zhentian walked in from the gate, he heard the sound of Si Yi.

He actually said he was going to kill his cheetah bodyguard company?

Today's young people are very young, but they are crazy!

Wen Zhentian was furious at the moment, so he went straight in through the gate, and didn't even have a space to greet Lin Kui, and yelled at Si Yi directly.

When everyone around Lin Kui called Chairman Wen Zhentian, they all responded.

This is probably the chairman of Cheetah Bodyguard!

The ability of Yun Jian is obvious to everyone, but in the eyes of everyone, Si Yi is just a little white face with no strength at all.

And several people in Wang Kun also knew that Si Yi was a transfer student, and he didn't even know if he could do it.

How dare he be so crazy?

And also said to kill the cheetah bodyguard company?

He is dreaming! What does he take to destroy the cheetah bodyguards!

Does he think he is a great legend?

And the more important point is that the moment Sieyi said that the cheetah bodyguard company was about to be destroyed, it was a coincidence that it happened to be heard by the chairman of the cheetah bodyguard company!

The chairman of the cheetah bodyguard company heard these words, is Sidi trying to die!

The people around me looked scared, not to mention Siyi himself.

Moreover, Wen Zhentian, the chairman of the cheetah bodyguard company, was clearly stunned when he entered the door. He didn't even have time to reply to Lin Kui's greeting, so he looked at Si Yi with a straight look and yelled. Just now.

There was no sound in the surroundings, and Wen Zhentian had to say that he was full of aura. After he spoke, the students present were afraid to say a word.

Wen Zhentian has always been confident in his aura. He looked sideways at Si Yi, seeing that Si Yi was indifferent to what he said just now, he couldn't hold his breath and spoke again, with a slightly heavy tone:

"Which military school student are you from? Go back now! Our cheetah bodyguards won't accept such a small white face!"

"Young people today are pretending to be pretentious based on their appearance. I don't care about this, but at the site of my cheetah bodyguard company, you will not be allowed to pretend to me!"

If Wen Zhentian didn't say anything, he would have to rush someone, and even if he had a strong tone of apology on the spot, he would never forgive him.

"Chairman! Chairman! It was his fault just now, let's see if we can forgive him! He must not dare next time!" The leader teacher of Min City Military Academy hurried to Wen Zhentian for forgiveness.

The status of the Cheetah Bodyguard Company is one of the best in the world.

As the chairman of Cheetah Bodyguard, Wen Zhentian deals with him without exception, he is an international gangster figure.

So whoever messed up with him is absolutely impossible to mess with him!

Everyone present was well aware.

But everyone thinks that Sidi is stupid. He actually said the words just before Wen Zhentian!

According to Wen Zhentian's character, it is naturally impossible for him to forgive Si Yi.

What's more, Wen Zhentian himself is short and ugly. Seeing Sidi's youth and handsomeness, Wen Zhentian's envious face is also very envious, but he won't say it.

"Young people should pay for their own words and deeds! He must go!" Wen Zhentian stared at Si Yi with his swollen eyes.

"Old man, are you sure?" But Sidi, who was standing opposite, drew an arc, and he said this indifferently.

"Old man? What? You call me old man? Which military school are you a student of? I tell you, you have been dismissed from your military school! Called my old man, I ..."

After listening to Si Yi, Wen Zhentian almost spit out old blood. He immediately planned not only to leave Yi Che to leave his cheetah bodyguard company, but also to use his forces to force Min City Military Academy to fire him.

Sidi's move was completely unpopular in the eyes of everyone, was he stupid?

How dare you talk to Wen Zhentian?

Wen Zhentian is a tough person. If someone says something wrong in front of him, Wen Zhentian is the kind of person who will not forgive the other person.

Just when everyone thought that Sidi had caused Wen Zhentian this time, when it was finalized, another loud male voice came from the gate, and then the figure of Xueying appeared in everyone's eyes:

"Wen Zhentian, do you dare to speak to me in such a tone, do you want my dark soul organization to kill your cheetah bodyguard company?"

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