Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1562: Imperial Dragon Incident, Legend of Witch God

The Snow Eagle walked in from the gate of the Cheetah Bodyguard Company, and the shoes under his feet rubbed the smooth ground and made a rattling noise.

His words spread to every student present, Wen Zhentian, chairman of the cheetah bodyguard company, and all the bodyguards present, making everyone around them tremble.

The students present may not know how the Dark Soul Organization exists.

For the students, organizations such as the Dark Soul Organization and the Ancient Killing Mercenary Regiment have few concepts.

Maybe someone has heard of it.

However, to Wen Zhentian, chairman of Cheetah Bodyguard, who has been tying up the Dark Soul organization and trying to get some benefits from the Dark Soul organization, that is deadly news.

Wen Zhentian obviously knew Xueying. After listening to Xueying's words, he and Lin Kui both looked at Siyi with frightened eyes.

"Little master? Then you are!" Wen Zhentian couldn't stop his mouth full of surprise, his eyes and pupils stared at Si Yi.

"Take care of your mouth! In a few words, Cheetah Bodyguard will hang on to my Dark Soul organization list!" Xueying Chaowen screamed.

This shout made Wen Zhentian's mouth shut in shock.

Dark soul organization lore list!

What is lore? Anyone or organization that is listed on the Dark Souls organization lore list will be hunted down by the Dark Souls organization.

There are so many top-level agents or killers in the Dark Soul organization. People or organizations who are listed on the Dark Soul organization ’s lore list will be chased by insiders of the Dark Soul organization until they are confirmed dead.

In history, no one has escaped the pursuit of the Dark Souls organization lore list, without exception, they have to die!

Therefore, the dark soul organization's lore list has always been a taboo for international leaders.

Snow Eagle's drink just now is considered to have made Wen Zhentian tremble.

Seeing Wen Zhentian retreating, Snow Eagle didn't have the time to gossip with Wen Zhentian. He walked to the side of Shiyi with his long legs, and then spoke a word in his ear.

Si Yi's eyes moved sharply immediately, and next second he pulled Yun Jian's hand out.

"Well, what are you guys doing?" The teacher at the Min Military Academy saw Si Yi and Yun Jian go out, exclaimed.

"We took two days off, and the friendly match returned on time." Si Yi's little hand holding Yun Jian did not turn back, he calmly said this.

Standing behind, the teacher in charge of the students at the Min Military Academy did not even know what had happened. He opened his mouth and finally left Si Yi and Yun Jian to go.

Classmates from military academies across the country were arranged for training at the Cheetah Bodyguard Company. The purpose was to stand out in the friendly match on the third day.

Yun Jian's strength is already there, and even the chairman of the Cheetah Bodyguard Company is afraid of it.

The teacher in charge of the students of the Min City Military Academy did not dare to stop, but had to think that Yun Jian and Si Yi could return early.

At this moment, Si Yi had already pulled Yun Jian's little hand and stepped out of the gate with Xueying.

Snow Eagle just said seven words to Si Yi: Yulong continent, something happened.

Immediately, Si Yi and Yun Jian took Snow Eagle and Mosen to the Dragon Land

Right now.

Royal Dragon Continent.

As the first family of the Royal Dragon Continent, the Huyan family is celebrating at the moment.

The Huyan Pa, the patriarch of the Huyan family, is standing directly in front of the Huyan family, looking down at the crowd.

"Father, the Wu tribe has now been defeated by my Huyan family. Tomorrow, the Wu tribe can be completely reduced to the slave of my Huyan family! Huh, I see the legend of the return of the witch god, but it is just empty talk!

Standing next to Hu Yanba was a man who was only one and a half meters tall, looked old, plump, and overly libido.

This man is Hu Yanba's son, named Hu Yanya.

"The legend of the return of the Witch and Witch God is bluff! Huh! Witch, but it's just something in my palm!" Hu Yanba said confidently.

"Is the father, the girl of the Wu tribe all assigned to my Huyan family prostitutes?" When it came to the point, Hu Yanbiao's eyes lit up.

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