Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1564: You really are, Lord Witch God

Hu Yanba heard the sound heard thousands of years ago, and he turned quickly, but saw that he was standing in front of a strange girl in short-sleeved trousers and strange clothes.

Hu Yanba's brow tightened.

Thousands of years ago, when the Lord Witch God became famous on the Yulong continent, Hu Yanba was still a mixed boy who roamed the Yulong continent.

Therefore, Hu Yanba had never seen Lord Wushen at first.

Naturally, Yun Jian's appearance is also strange to Hu Yanba.

"Yo! What a beautiful little beauty!" Hu Yan Qian, who was standing next to Hu Yanba, didn't even know the meaning of Yun Jian. The moment he saw Yun Jian, his eyes straightened.

The dress of the Yulong continent is almost the same as that of the ancients of the Z country, so in the eyes of Hu Yanni and others, Yun Jian's short sleeves are extremely exposed.

Just looking at Yun Jian's tender and delicate arms, Hu Yanya felt that he was standing up somewhere in his lower body.

Hu Yanqi felt that she couldn't help but look at Yun Jian's delicate arms. If this little beauty lay under her, she would be so ecstatic!

Without waiting for Hu Yanniu to have any thoughts about Yun Jian, Si Yi standing next to Yun Jian extended his right hand. His slender right palm was lifted, and he grabbed Hu Yanniu's face over a distance of ten meters.


The next second, a sound of bursts of objects came.

On the back of the mountain, all the people of the Wu clan, Wu Lan, Lan Su, Adam, and everyone here, including the Hu Yanba.

They all clearly saw Hu Yanniu's eyeballs standing straight in front of Yunjian, and after Si Yi reached out and grabbed him fiercely, the eyeballs of both eyes burst instantly!

The next second, Hu Yan swept the original eye position, leaving only two small holes.

Eyeballs disappeared.

"Ah! My eyes! Eyes! Ahh!"

In the next breath, there came a roar of that painful howl.

Hu Yan swooped to the ground, slamming in pain.

This change took only one second.

Si Yi started, and almost no one at the scene could react.

Hu Yanba watched his son stare in the air, and when Hu Yanba's response came, his son Hu Yanbiao had fluttered on the ground and rolled.

Originally Hu Yanba was still thinking about it. Yun Jian's familiar cries just now are very similar to the previous witch god, but until this moment, Hu Yanba couldn't help it anymore.

What Lord Witch God?

Alas, those are all dead characters! Lord Wushen has fallen to Yulong Continent thousands of years ago. How can it return?

When Hu Yanba saw that his son was pinched by Si Yi, he stared fiercely at Si Yi, rushing to the side of Si Yi, and at the same time, Hu Yanba turned his spiritual power to the strongest and tried to attack Si Yi.

Hu Yanba violently launched an attack in front of everyone in the Hu Yan family.

"Kill him! The patriarch killed him!"

The Huyan family shouted.

Hu Yanba is the first person in the current Yulong continent. With his spiritual power, no one dares to call the first!

So the Huyan family is very confident.

Even Hu Yanba himself is full of confidence, as long as the Lord Wushen does not appear, in the Royal Dragon mainland, his strength is absolutely invincible!

Within three meters of Hu Yanba's close to Si Yi, he had gathered the most powerful spiritual power, and planned to throw the spiritual power towards Si Yi and kill Si Yi directly.

Under the attention of everyone in the Huyan family, the spiritual power gathered in the hands of Huyanba disappeared in the next second.


Allows the cultivator to lose his spiritual power within three meters. Only the Lord Witch God can do it under the world!

The next breath, everyone around them widened their pupils, and looked sideways at Yun Jian.

"Witch, Witch, Witch God !? You, you really are Lord Witch God !?" Even Hu Yanba was so scared that his pupils stared at Yun Jian, his face full of panic.

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