Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1565: Mysterious, latest whereabouts

Hu Yanba's eyes were almost falling down.

How confident Hu Yanba was that the Witch God could not return, now he is frightened by the fact that Yunjian is the Witch God.

"No, this is impossible, Lord Witch God is absolutely impossible to return! How is that possible! How is Lord Witch God possible? How is it possible to return ..."

At this moment, Hu Yanba was shaking his head frantically. He shook his head in panic, and said this in panic.

It is impossible for Lord Witch God to return? What went wrong? Hasn't the Witch God completely fallen?

Witch god, how could it still exist!

"Are you surprised? When your Huyan family wanted to destroy my Wu tribe, it was when your Huyan family came to an end! Today, I will personally destroy your Huyan family and revive my Wu tribe to return to the first family of the Royal Dragon Continent ! "

After Yun Jian had finished speaking, she took out from her arms the extermination blade that she had made into a butterfly knife, held it in the palm of her hand, and then confronted extinction blade to Hu Yanba.

This blade of extermination is held in Yunjian's hand, and the sharp blade exudes a sharp luster.

The next second, the light of the extermination blade shined on the audience.

Extermination Blade, this is a legendary blade!

Those who own it can not only kill the immortal with one stroke, but more importantly, the person who holds this extermination blade can even directly kill the gods of the most powerful **** continent!

It can be said that the person who owns this knife is the master of all continents!

This knife has been held by the Lord Lord since its birth.

Si Yi gave Yun Jian such a treasured thing, she almost gave her the position of master.

And the gods who can control this **** of destruction in the whole world are only gods!

After Yun Jian's words were completed, the blade of extinction radiated a dazzling light in Yun Jian's hands.

After the light, Hu Yanba suddenly returned to his mind. If his eyes were about to fall just now, then his eyes were about to explode.

He stared at the extermination blade in Yun Jian's hand, but exclaimed in the next second:

"Extermination Blade! It is Extermination Blade! Isn't Extermination Blade an artifact of Lord God! It is in your hands! Isn't it ..."

Hu Yanba suddenly reacted. Just now, Sidi reached out with a speed that he could not even see with his naked eyes. He caught the eye of his son Hu Yanran in the air.

Hu Yanba was covered by his momentary anger just now. He didn't have time to think about it, but now I think back.

Extermination Blade is something of Lord God ...

in this case......

"Master Shenjun! You must be Master Shenjun!" Hu Yanba stared at Sidi, and he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Lord God! Lord God, it is said that he is the master of the **** continent!

Hu Yanba was really scared completely.

If the return of Lord Wushen is enough to frighten Hu Yanba, then Lord God is the existence of Hu Yanba who can't even imagine it!

For example, the identity of Lord Shenjun is, in the eyes of Hu Yanba, just like the gods in the eyes of the earth, living in fantasy.

So after seeing the Blade of Despair and seeing the strength of Si Yi just now, Hu Yanba was shocked.

However, Yun Jian did not give Hu Yanba a refutation or a correct answer. She will destroy the blade of God to Hu Yanba, and intends not to give Hu Yanba a chance, and directly results in him.

"After waiting in hell, you will know the answer." Yun Jian coldly ticked, and she waved the extermination blade, just when she was planning to hit Hu Yanba with one stroke.

Hu Yanba suddenly turned his eyes, he knelt before Yun Jian and Si Yi and shouted:

"Don't! Don't kill me! I know how to restore your memories, and whether you have been looking for mysterious people and let me go! I can tell you! I can tell you everything I know!"

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