Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1566: Violate the heavens and rescue her

Yun Jian had originally planned to kill Hu Yanba with a sword of extermination and let Hu Yanba completely disappear into this world. How could Hu Yanba say what he said just now.

He knew that he and Si Yi had been looking for the mysterious man?

He also knows how to restore the memories of himself and Si Yi when they were witch gods and princes?


"I really know! I really know! If I say something false, it's not too late for you to kill me again!"

At this time, Hu Yanba erected three fingers and spoke firmly towards Yunjian and Siyi.

Whether a person is lying can be seen in facial expressions.

Hu Yanba's expression told Yun Jian that he didn't lie in this regard.

"Say!" Si Yi glanced at Hu Yanba with a cold gaze, and he yelled.

Although Si Yi still has the strength when he is the Lord God, he also has a little memory when he is the Lord God, but his memory has only a few small fragments.

No matter what Hu Yanba said, true or false, but what if what he said was true?

Not to mention, at least if Hu Yanba said true, this can greatly help Yun Jian and Si Yi.

"There are too many people here, let's go into the cave over there and say." Hu Yanba carefully glanced left and right, and then said to Yun Jian and Si Yi.

"Snow Eagle, Moson, you go to Adam first." Sidi listened to this, but he turned his side to face his beautiful and flawless face to Snow Eagle and Mosen, and said softly.

"Yes, head less!" Snow Eagle and Mosen should reconcile each other, and then they swayed to the place where the witches such as Adam were walking.

Said it was a big swing, it would be better to say that Snow Eagle took Mo Sen's shoulder and went over there.

"How are you, kid? How about playing on the Dragon Continent? Isn't it fun?" As soon as he got here, Snow Eagle changed his arms around Adam's shoulder. He smiled.

The scar on the neck of Snow Eagle is scary. If this scar is removed, he is undoubtedly the most handsome of the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization.

Of course, even with these scary scars, Snow Eagle's handsome appearance has attracted the attention of a large group of witch girls around

At this moment, Yun Jian and Si Yi have entered the unmanned cave with Hu Yanba.

"As long as you let go of our Huyan family, I'll tell everything I know!" Hu Yanba was not a fool. As soon as he walked into the cave, he first stated his conditions.

"Do you think you still have the right to talk to us about the conditions?" Yun Jian held the extermination blade in his hand, and easily flung it into a butterfly-like extinction blade.

That way, it was as if she could accidentally insert the Blade of Death into Hu Yanba's heart and let Hu Yanba die out of smoke.

Hu Yan swallowed, and for the first time he was speechless in front of a seemingly teenage girl.

And this little girl who looks like a teenager is the Witch God Lord who used to be the dragon continent!

"I said! But I said it well, after I said it, you must let go of my Huyan family!" Hu Yanba was afraid of Yun Jian and Si Yi being impatient. After he said this, he paused and continued to interface .

"That was half a year ago. On that occasion, I went to the central continent on behalf of the First Family Leader of Yulong Continent, and I overheard a conversation between two mysterious people.

"The two mysterious men were wearing black black robes, because they mentioned the Lord God and the Witch God, so I listened carefully!

"Listen to them that Lord Wushen fell down, but he should have lost his soul, but he did not lose his soul. That is because Lord God has exhausted his life's spiritual power to forcibly violate the heavens and rescue him ...

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