Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1570: Thousands of years ago, the monarch and the witch **** (3)

As he said, he pulled her out of the cave bed. The action seemed rude, but in fact he took her hand and gently and carefully pulled her out of the cave.

"I don't go to the **** continent." When walking to the entrance of the cave, the witch **** shrank her hand, and she pulled her wrist back, but he held it firmly.

"You have no choice." He could satisfy her in other matters, but only in this matter, he did not agree.

"You can't be so bossy, I'm the witch **** of the Wu tribe, not yours!" She refused to follow the hole, but stood still.

His hand was a little stronger when she said "not yours".

"Is the lord of the mysterious continent, can't I take you?" He said, his strength increased by two points.

His eyes were fixed on her, and he said this very solemnly.

Having said that, his gaze was straight on her, but he saw that her shoulders were bare, because when he threw her on the bed just now, he stretched his hands off the plain clothes on her shoulders, and half-exposed her fair shoulders. .

At this moment, her shoulders were bare, and her pale shoulders were shaking in front of him.

He swallowed hard and took a big step towards her.

"What are you doing?" Seeing him stand one step ahead of her, she took a step back, but backed up on the stone wall of the cave.

He didn't say a word, leaned over to her.

She shrank instinctively, because what he had done to her just now gave her a moment of nagging.

As soon as she wanted to push him away, he grabbed his wrist, and then his hand was attached to the plain clothes on her shoulders.

Just when she thought he would do something unreasonable to her, she realized that he put his hand on her shoulder lightly, grabbed her black plain coat, and pulled it up.

He didn't let go of her until he had sorted out her clothes.

It turned out that he just wanted to organize his clothes for himself.

When she looked up, she slightly looked up and saw his handsome and flawless face. She was only enough to get his chin, and looked up to see his contoured chin and the narrow eyelashes near his eyes.

Seeing that he was just sorting clothes for herself, she was a little lost.

She was shocked by her own thoughts, and quickly pressed her thoughts into her mind.


Before she said this, a handsome man came over to the side of the hole.

The man stood in front of the Lord and shouted softly, "Master Lord."

Then the man glanced at the Witch God and said to the Lord: "Master Lord, there are black robes invading the mainland of gods, the gods can't resist, please return to rescue ..."

This man is not someone else, it is Snow Eagle.

A thousand years ago, the Snow Eagle was thrown away with a handsome and hearty atmosphere, and even the scars on his neck had never been seen.

Handsome and handsome, except for the gods, the appearance of Snow Eagle is enough to kill all the men in the continent. It is a well-deserved beautiful man.

Shen Jun glanced at Snow Eagle side by side, he held her hand, tightened slightly, and then he looked sideways at her, solemnly saying to her, "Wait for me to come back from the Witch!"

The lock marks of the memory instantly disintegrated at this moment, as if something was forcibly hindered the retrospective memory, and Yun Jian and Si Yi, Snow Eagle, Adam, and Morson lying on the table suddenly looked up at the same time.

"Later ... what happened?" The moment Yun Jian lifted his head, a drop of ice-cold sweat dripped from the corner of her eye, and she said a little indifferently.

"A black light flashed just now, preventing you from continuing to receive the memory of the past life transmitted by the wooden sandalwood box!" Wu Lan, who came over from the side, locked her eyebrows.

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