Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1571: Back to Earth, the day of the game (1400+ words)

Wu Lan's words let Yun Jian return to reality from his memories.

"Not found! After that black light flashed just now, I ran along the black light side, and after chasing for a long time, I didn't find the slightest trace, I think it is likely that the mysterious man did it!"

Lan Su gasped from a distance and ran up, and then she frowned.

Yun Jian was sitting on the bench, she put her hand on the table, and slightly held her head with her half hand, as if she was lost in thought.

Immediately before Yun Jian was contemplating, a big palm held her in his hand.

"Small note, I won't let you go again." It was Shi Yi, who reached out and grabbed Yun Jian at this time, and did not let Yun Jian look elsewhere.

"I'm not a witch god, I won't go, even if the witches are destroyed, I will always be with you!" Yun Jian held Sidi backhand at this time, and she said for the first time in front of so many people present Such touching love words.

What happened after the memory was interrupted, Yun Jian and Si Yi, and the Snow Eagle did not receive relevant memories.

So no one knows what happened next.

"Yun Jian, have you recovered your spiritual power?" Lan Su came to Yun Jian at this time and asked her with a full expectation.

"Let me try."

After receiving part of the memory as a witch god, this feeling is as if in the trajectory of one's own life, forcibly stuffed into another person's part of the memory.

But after all, he got part of the memory of the Witch God, Yun Jian raised his hand slightly, and tried to see if he could gather spiritual power.

"Wow!" The moment Yun Jian raised his hand, all around suddenly a strong wind, a huge tornado floated in place, and the power of that tornado seemed to be able to tear off the entire Yulong continent.

"This is spiritual power ..." Yun Jian's eyes flickered slightly, and she raised her eyes and looked around.

The surrounding area was full of troubles, and the windy road was about to blow down the witch palace.

Yun Jian's eyelashes flickered, and she was shocked.

Because at this moment, no one understands better than her. The spiritual power that she is using now is just raising her hands slightly, just like a little dust in the nails.

What if she uses all her spiritual power?

Yun Jian was suddenly surprised by another moment.

Spiritual power, it really is a good thing!

"All recovered? Yunjian recovered your spiritual power?" Lan Su has been accustomed to calling Yunjian's real name. At this moment, watching Yunjian's spiritual power recovered, Lan Su was almost excited.

"Master Witch God! Patriarch! What is going on? Why the sky around it suddenly sinks, and a strong wind is blowing." A remote place, a witch girl was facing this fierce wind, struggling hard. Came to the hospital.

The sudden wind was blown up in an instant. The Wu people were just celebrating the return of the Lord Wu God in the palace, and the Wu people became the first family of the Royal Dragon Continent again.

But the wind suddenly blew up, but it scared the Wu people stupidly.

Hasn't the Huyan family been destroyed?

So everyone in the palace of the Wu clan deliberately sent the witch girl to the backyard to ask for help from the witch **** master and patriarch.

"It's me." Yun Jian's red arc slightly ticked, she half-raised a slightly raised smile, and then dropped her hand.

The huge wave that had just condensed in his hand disintegrated and disappeared in no time, leaving no trace.

Seeing this scene, the witch girl was stupid.

After lingering for two seconds, the witch girl suddenly exclaimed loudly. At the same time, she turned and rushed towards the hall, shouting while running: "Master Wushen has recovered his spiritual power! Master Wushen has recovered his spiritual power!"

The crazy sound of this surprise almost rang through the sky, and it is not difficult to feel, when hearing the news, how big was the surprise of the witch girl.

Lord Witch God is powerful, which means that the Wu tribe can last long.

Lord Witch God is the belief of the Witches!

Former Witch God, she has beheaded the gods of the **** continent!

It has been asserted that the Witch Lord adults of the Wu tribe can be more powerful than the Lord Witch Lord in the whole world, except for the Lord God on the mainland of the gods, no one can be rivaled!

The Lord Witch God is a character who exists in the world and can't stop being respected and loved!

The Royal Dragon Land may seem peaceful, but the crisis is ups and downs.

The person who interrupted her and Sidi to receive the memory transmitted from the sandalwood box, if not unexpected, it must be the mysterious person.

She had never seen the true face of the mysterious man before her return to Yulong Continent, but the mysterious man has always existed.

Yun Jian could not use words to express his current anger.

But she must go back to earth first.

As for the Central Continent, which came out of the Huyan Pa, the patriarch of the Huyan family.

Hu Yanba said that he heard two mysterious people talking on the central continent.

Then Central China, she must go!

But not now, because she still has to go back to earth.

After talking back, Yun Jian and Si Yi returned to the earth the next morning and went directly to Pu'er, Hei.

The friendly match is not over yet, and the day when Yun Jian and Si Yi rushed back, it happened to be the end of two days of training and the day of the friendly match.

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