Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1584: Bundled together, operating system

"This person named SS is so powerful ..." Someone around them exclaimed immediately, especially Wang Duo and Duan Chengxuan who just helped Hang Zijie show off his brother's skills. Now he was covering his mouth and exaggerating.

Girls or boys like Wang Duo and Duan Chengxuan like to yell when they encounter something.

Hacking is a new word for everyone.

In the past, the network was underdeveloped, and hackers naturally did not exist.

Now, with the development of the Internet, the word hacker gradually appears in people's eyes.

"Yeah, in the world of hackers, the strength of that SS has reached a level that no one can surpass. My brother said that the people who had the most advanced hacking skills united to try to break the SS system and give the true face of SS to Find out, but what do you guess? "

Seeing Yun Jian's eyes had been closed just now, Hang Zijie had already opened his eyes at this moment. He thought that Yun Jian must be interested in what he said, so he said more vigorously.

For a boy like Hang Zijie, being able to show off in front of a beautiful girl and make the other person feel great is a very fulfilling thing.

However, Yun Jian just opened his eyes and didn't say a word.

She also raised her red lips slightly and remained silent.

"What's next? Aunt Zijie, we only have the results here, don't sell anything!"

After listening to Hang Zijie's words, Wang Duo felt very proud of her relationship with Hang Zijie, and she expressed her voice with a slightly coquettish tone.

"As a result, the top hackers who have joined together have just shot, and within 30 seconds they were directly blocked by the SS-operated system, and the computer screen was black!

"Some of them are top hackers! They are insiders who can undo the blockage of SS by reason. As a result, their SS is more powerful than them! I don't know how many times! They can't fight back at all ..."

Hang Zijie said as she noticed the reaction of the surrounding girls to herself, but saw that the girls around them were surprised and opened their eyes, and some even made noises.

His self-esteem was greatly satisfied.

"By the way, my brother will come here in the afternoon. At that time, I can let my brother show you hacking skills." Hang Zijie added.

Listening to this, the boys and girls around them were instantly heated.

Only Yun Jian was sitting in place, squinting slightly, his red lips raised.

"Aunts do n’t understand what hackers do n’t hack, your children are really smart one by one, these new gadgets, the aunt's generation can not understand at all! As long as your children get started, they will be able to learn it! "

Qin Yirou glanced at the computer on Hang Zijie's hand for a few moments, and sighed.

It was just that Qin Yirou said that no one ignored her.

"Mom, if you want to study computers, I can teach you." Yun Jian said to Qin Yirou after hearing Qin Yirou's words.

"Okay, Mom has to keep up with the trend, haha." Qin Yirou accepted Yun Jian's words and accepted.

Qin Yirou is not the old-fashioned person. She is willing to accept things in the new era, which may be different from some parents.

"Your home has a laptop !?"

"You play computer !?"

However, as soon as Yun Jian and Qin Yirou finished speaking, there were exclaimed Hang Zijie and Wang Duo beside them.

Duan Chengxuan and other people around the same age as Yun Jian also looked at Yun Jian.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

After all, in this era, not many people can afford computers.

The family situation of Hang Zijie's family is one of the best in Pudong.

"There are three or four computers at home, all of which are useless there. Although my aunt is old, I still want to learn. I bought this computer and thought it could not be abandoned." Qin Yirou smiled at everyone.

Those computers were bought by Yunjian, three or four computers, which she used to bundle all the computer systems together, operate programs, and perform top-level hacking operations.

However, people around Qin Yirou heard a sudden rush.

Yunjian has three or four computers in her house! ?

So ... is it rich ...

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