Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1585: Direct lock, black screen for three seconds (1400+ words)

Qin Yirou's words inadvertently surprised the surrounding Hang Zijie, Wang Duo, and Duan Chengxuan.

After all, a group of people here could afford a laptop computer at Hang Zijie's house.

These years, material life is not guaranteed, let alone spend this money to buy a computer to enjoy life luxuriously.

Hang Zijie's family is one of the best in Pudong. He can afford a laptop computer in this era, which is quite high-tech and luxurious. It is not surprising.

However, Yun Jian and Qin Yirou are not badly dressed today. Qin Yirou also picked out the most expensive of all his clothes.

After all, I came to see my sister Qin Fangfang, and Qin Yirou naturally couldn't lose her mother's face to Qin Fangfang.

So when Hang Zijie looked at Qin Yi's softly dressed Yunjian, it was acceptable for Yunjian to have three or four computers at home.

"By the way, brother Zijie, didn't you say your brother would open an Internet cafe in the future?" Wang Duo next glanced at Yun Jian with a little dissatisfaction, so he said to Hang Zijie again.

"Opening an Internet cafe, how many computers do you have to buy, it will cost a lot of money ..." A middle-aged woman in her 40s heard Wang Duo's words, and she was surprised.

The people present are generally from the countryside and the family is not rich.

This middle-aged woman knew the price of the computer. Wang Duo said that his brother wanted to open an Internet cafe, and he couldn't help but make a noise.

Seeing everyone looking at himself, Hang Zijie glanced at Yunjian, who closed his eyes. He swallowed, and continued to show off with a slightly flaunting tone: "My brother doesn't want to start a business with funds from his parents, he wants to rely on himself Strength......"

Before Hang Zijie said this, Zhu Xixiang entered the gate of the house with a twenty-five-year-old man who looked very handsome. He was about 1.79 meters tall and lean.

This man has a similar appearance to Hang Zijie. As soon as the man entered the door, the good looks attracted the attention of several young girls sitting on the sofa beside Yun Jian.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Oh my god, that guy looks a lot like you, Hang Zijie, he's your hacker brother, right?"

Seeing Hang Zijie's brother, the group of girls sitting beside Yun Jian asked Hang Zijie excitedly.

"Brother!" Hang Zijie was proud to see the girls around him seeing his brother, he stood up from the sofa, walked away and greeted.

Yun Jian's eyes just opened slightly, but she still didn't make a sound.

"This is my brother Hang Ziliang. My brother's hacking skills are very good! I can show you now!" Glancing at the open cloud note, Hang Zijie said more and more vigorously.

Sure enough, his brother is his best showing off capital!

"Wow! Hackers! I always thought that hackers were characters we would never reach! I never thought I could see a real hacker!" Someone exclaimed strangely.

Needless to say, Hang Ziliang also knew what was happening, but he smiled at the people without losing his grace, and then said hello: "Hello everyone!"

"Brother! Come here! You can show everyone how to demonstrate your hacker skills!" Hang Zijie pulled Hang Ziliang over to his laptop, and then stuffed her laptop into Hang Ziliang's hand, saying.

"What do you want to see?" Hang Ziliang was not euphemistic, he said when he sat down.

"Look, the kid over there is playing a game on the computer, do you have a way to make him blank?" One girl suggested.

Zhu Xixiang's family is very rich, and there are several computers next to this large living room, and everyone is not surprised.

At this moment, a little brother is sitting in front of the computer and playing games crazy.

"What's difficult." Hang Ziliang smiled slightly, and then began to operate the laptop computer in his hand.

He first downloaded a Trojan software and then operated

Hang Ziliang operated for ten minutes before opening the operating system.

Then I used the system to search the ID address of that computer, used a port scanner to determine which ports the other party opened, and analyzed the operating system used by the other party.

"Alright?" Someone couldn't wait to see the results.

"Wait for me a moment." Hang Ziliang began, and he had fine sweat beads on his forehead while talking.

It took him half a year to hack the company's technical department.

This process can take at least half an hour to an hour to complete.

"You can check the other party's ID address first, lock it directly, and black out the other party's screen in three seconds." The moment a cold sweat broke out from Hang Ziliang's forehead, a female voice sounded clearly.

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