Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1586: Slightly understand one or two, my computer

After the girl's voice sounded, a group of people around him were startled, and then looked sideways along the source of the girl's voice.

But I saw Yun Jian slackly resting her hands behind her head. She leaned on the sofa, squinting her lips and saying the sentence just now.

"You ..." Hang Ziliang temporarily put down her operation, and looked at Yunjian with surprise.

However, before Hang Ziliang spoke, Hang Ziliang's younger brother, Hang Zijie, was already surprised by Yun Jian: "Yun Jian, can you also hack !?"

Hang Zijie's words had just been finished, and everyone around him turned to Yun Jian.

Can Yunjian also hack?

Hang Zijie's older brother, Hang Ziliang, has all learned hacking techniques for nearly a decade. He started learning at the age of fifteen, and only today has achieved this result.

What about Yunjian? Listening to her tone seems to be a hacking technique, but if she really does hacking techniques, how many years have she learned?

Five years old? Six years old?

puff! Wanting Yunjian really started learning hacking techniques at the age of five and six, and fools would dance striptease!

Everyone is waiting to hear Yun Jian's explanation.

On the contrary, Qin Yirou is not so surprised. She knows that her daughter is the chairman of Xinqi Company. She usually has a lot of contact with computers, and it is not strange to have some hacking skills.

That's right, Qin Yirou thinks that if you can play computer, you can hack. She doesn't know the difference between playing computer and hacking.

This is not to blame Qin Yirou, women in this era generally do not touch the computer stuff.

In other words, even if there is a computer at home, Qin Yirou will not play.

As everyone around her looked at herself, Yun Jian was still sitting idly, and she said quietly, "Someone or two."

If you let the international group of guys know that SS is actually cheeky in front of a large group of people and says that they only know a little about hacking techniques, that group of guys is expected to be vomiting blood.

What is slightly understandable one or two?

Yes, she knew a little about hacking techniques, and when she got started, she broke through the national defense digital systems of other major countries, and even forced the other party to ask her for mercy and retreat the system.

"It turns out that you also have some knowledge of hacking techniques." Hang Ziliang's method of operating the computer system in his hands became more and more trembling. He simply put down his laptop and uttered a note to Yunjian.

Hang Ziliang was sweating all over, and he locked a computer to blank the other's screen, at least half an hour to about an hour of operation time.

However, what Yun Jian said just now surprised Hang Ziliang.

Three seconds of operation can black out the screen over there? Is this really fake?

It can hack the computer screen that the child is playing in three seconds. Only the legendary SS can do it?

The little sister sitting opposite him is afraid to brag about himself?

Hang Ziliang is a little bit upset.

"Little sister, you are terrific. Would you like to show us?" Hang Ziliang quit all system programs, and then handed the computer to Yunjian.

Hang Ziliang looked like he was saying to Yun Jian ‘you can, then you try it’.

But in fact, what Yun Jian said just a little bit offensive to Hang Ziliang.

No one likes the weakness he is entrusted with, especially his hangziliang is a man of the highest standing!

"You don't need to bring the computer over." Yun Jian's eyes moved slightly, and she still put her hands behind her head and said to Hang Ziliang.

After hearing Yun Jian's words, Hang Ziliang couldn't help but twitch his lips.

The people around him, together with Hang Ziliang, secretly murmured in their hearts. Yun Jian must have nothing, and he didn't know how to pretend.

However, when everyone thought that Yun Jian didn't know how to pretend, Yun Jian suddenly leaned forward, she reached out, and pressed five keys on the computer that Hang Ziliang was holding.

It only took three seconds.

Three seconds later, everyone in the room heard the child who was playing the game screaming, "Ah! Why is my computer stuck, Mom! Mom! I want to play with the computer! Fix it!"

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