Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1603: It ’s you, history first

This one-meter-tall, 59-year-old boy is thin and has a long-skinned appearance. The boy is called Wang Qingjiang.

At this moment, Wang Qingjiang's face was full of meaning, and it looked as if it were extremely powerful.

In fact, there are only three places in the entire Z country for special forces members who can enter the hunting school.

The selection field is just a selection held by Country Z to select three members who represent their country to go to a hunting school.

Of course, the special forces who can be sent to the selection field are all among the best in Z country.

Although Wang Qingjiang's Deser made everyone present unhappy, he liked the girls very much.

Most of the girls do not understand the market. These boys desperately understand the various markets, just to dress up in front of the girls.

Facts have shown that Wang Qingjiang's display of this surprise surprised a few girls present.

Wang Qingjiang was very surprised to turn to look at Yun Jian, but saw that Yun Jian did not show a slight look of surprise, and now he could not help but be a little surprised.

Should n’t she be surprised that her uncle could go to a place as harsh as the selection field?

Why didn't this girl react at all?

"Qingjiang, your kid is still so deep!" Yuan Hongming next to the shoulder of Wang Qingjiang, who was short, said to Wang Qingjiang with a smile.

After listening to Yuan Hongming's words, Wang Qingjiang had a sense of vanity that he hadn't found from Yun Jian just now.

"That's it! My uncle is nearby. He's going to buy water, and he'll come over here later.

"If you need it, you can ask my uncle for a signature or something. After all, there are not a few special forces who can participate in the selection field. The whole country Z can't find a few!"

Wang Qingjiang said, and glanced at Yun Jian again, then hinted: "My uncle can only sign for my friends! If it is someone who is at odds with me, unless she kisses me, I won't give it!"

Wang Qingjiang said, and glanced at Yun Jian again.

This statement, as if being able to get his uncle's signature, is a good luck for a few lifetimes.

A boy next to him immediately realized what Wang Qingjiang said.

One boy laughed and laughed at Wang Qingjiang: "Qingjiang, you are short, but you have one!"

Zhang Shaofeng next to him was still squatting. He was not affected by this group of people, and Yun Jian didn't say anything.

Chen Xinyi shook her fists, but in the end she ignored them.

Just when Wang Qingjiang felt boring, he suddenly shouted excitedly at a tall figure at the park entrance: "Uncle! I'm here!"

I just thought it was boring to show off, so my uncle came!

Wang Qingjiang flew into the spirit a hundred times.

Wang Qingjiang's uncle is completely different from Wang Qingjiang. Wang Qingjiang's uncle is quite handsome. He is about one meter and seventy-five in height. From a distance, he is very similar to the special soldier.

Wang Qingjiang's uncle has just come here, Wang Qingjiang can't help but glance at Yun Jian, and continues to tell everyone:

"This is my uncle! My uncle is about to go to the selection field. With his strength, I believe he will definitely get the top three, and then participate in this year's hunting school on behalf of our country Z.

"You guys, be smart and ask for a signature sooner!"

Having said that, Wang Qingjiang paused again. He looked at Yun Jian with a slight look on one side, and just wanted to use Yun Jian a few more words.

But when he saw his uncle looking over Yunjian, and after seeing Yunjian's appearance, Wang Qingjiang's uncle looked excitedly at Yunjian in front of everyone, and said:

"You ... you are the girl of the Min City Military Academy! The last time you were in the base camp of the old black man in the European and American underground market, Glen, was the place where you led someone to siege from a dungeon where no one had escaped from prison.

"You may have no impression of me, but I remember you! You are really amazing! The dungeon of the Glen Base Camp has never been escaped from prison since its construction, and you are the first in history. people!"

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