Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1604: The strongest person I've ever seen

Wang Qingjiang's uncle was named Wang Dong, he was not bad, and he was about one meter seven or five in height. He was a special soldier under Ge Junjian.

The last time Yun Jian grabbed the helicopter and drove the helicopter to rescue the base camp of Glenn, the boss of the underground black market in Europe and the United States, to rescue Ge Junjian. Wang Dong was one of the special forces with Yun Jian.

Therefore, even if the incident at that time was suppressed, the people of Min City Military Academy and the special forces did not know the truth, and Wang Dong knew what was going on, what was going on.

It was Yun Jian who brought Ge Junjian out of the dungeon!

Wang Dong still can't forget how Yun Jian rescued Ge Junjian and others from the dungeon!

In the dungeon, facing so many anti-machine gun guards, she actually killed so many anti-machine gun guards without any change, and easily rescued everyone from the dungeon.

She, resolutely, became the only legend in the dungeon where no one can break through the siege!

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" After hearing what his uncle Wang Dong said, Wang Qingjiang stupidly stumbled for a long time and didn't respond.

"The dungeon built by the boss of the underground market in Europe and the United States has never been a dungeon in which the legend has never been able to break through the siege and escape from prison. Did n’t you say that someone has successfully escaped from prison?

"How could it be her? She is just a high school student who just entered school?"

Yuan Hongming was also frightened by Wang Qingjiang's uncle Wang Dong.

What Wang Dong said was really incredible.

I heard that Glenn, the boss of the underground black market in Europe and the United States, was arrested because of the first person who successfully escaped from the dungeon!

Yun Jian is just an ordinary high school student. How could she be the legendary character?

Moreover, this matter has not been reported yet?

"I have always wanted to know you. Not only are you amazing in strength, but you are also the daughter-in-law of Officer Ge. Didn't expect you to be a friend my nephew knew?"

Wang Dong did not even realize that his nephew Wang Qingjiang and others were unfriendly to Yun Jian. He looked at Yun Jian with admiration in his face, and could not hide his admiration.

Amazing strength, officer's girl?

These words poured into the hearts of Wang Qingjiang, Yuan Hongming, and everyone present, making everyone present wide-eyed.

Yunjian ...

Is she still an officer's daughter?

And was also praised by Wang Qingjiang's powerful special forces uncle for his amazing strength?

This is incredible, right?

Leaving aside, Wang Qingjiang's uncle Wang Dong just said that Yun Jian was the first person in history to successfully escape from a dungeon. Just saying the following words would be enough for everyone present.

Yun Jian blinked and did not make too much noise, but it was also the default.

"Uncle she ... she really is so powerful" Wang Qingjiang pointed at Yun Jian, he blinked fiercely, and then looked at Wang Dong with unbelievable eyes.

Yuan Hongming's face was equally dark as ugly as eating shit.

At the beginning Yuan Hongming and Wang Qingjiang looked down on Yun Jian, Zhang Shaofeng, and Chen Xinyi, and how ugly they were now.

However, before Wang Qingjiang and Yuan Hongming's faces became darker, Wang Dong's voice sounded again:

"Can there still be fake? Didn't you say you want to know my opponent who went to the hunting school selection field? She is one of them!

"And ah, I'm sure there will be her out of the three places that can go to the hunting school! Because of her strength, it is the strongest of all the people I have seen with Wang Dong!"

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