Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1605: If you ca n’t live, you do n’t deserve it

The uncle is one of the 100 strongest special forces in the Z country who can participate in the hunting school selection field. This is a relief and proud of Wang Qingjiang.

So in the beginning Wang Qingjiang also took this arrogance to the extreme.

But what did his uncle tell him?

His uncle said that Yunjian is also one of the top 100 special forces in country Z who can participate in the hunting school selection field?

And Yun Jian's strength guarantees that she can get one of the three places qualified to go to a hunting school?

Yunjian is also a special force?

What level should Yunjian's strength be?

Originally, he was proud that his uncle was able to participate in hunting schools and special forces in the selection field of Country Z. After Wang Qingjiang ’s uncle Wang Dong said those words to Yun Jian, Wang Qingjiang was the only one who could brag about it. Capital was destroyed.

Yunjian is such a character!

And just now, Wang Qingjiang also said that he wanted to get the signature of his uncle Wang Dong, and those who did not agree with him would only give him the signature unless he kissed him.

Wang Qingjiang just said that this was obviously going to be a cloud note, but now he hears that the sentence he just said is as stupid as it is foolish.

Wang Qingjiang felt his face hurt.

"Whew! Half an hour's stride, master I'm done!" Zhang Shaofeng never said a word just now, even if a group of hostile classmates Yuan Hongming appeared, Zhang Shaofeng did not refute a word .

Zhang Shaofeng did not speak until the end of the squatting.

"Continue after ten minutes of rest." Yun Jian ignored the group of Yuan Hongming and Wang Qingjiang, but nodded with Wang Dong.

For those under Ge Junjian, she will sell some face.

"By the way, when are you going to the training ground?" Wang Dong looked at Yun Jian again and asked his voice.

"Five days later." Yun Jian replied briefly.

In front of Wang Qingjiang's group of people, Wang Dong smiled at Yun Jian and continued to ask, "For the place of hunting school, are you bound to get it?"

The hunting school, Wang Qingjiang and Yuan Hongming also know that there are a total of one hundred people who can enter the hunting school this time, and there are only three places for them to represent Country Z.

And hunting schools, what kind of place is that.

Admission must sign for death!

If you want to enter a hunting school, you must sign a death certificate, that is, if you die at the hunting school, it has nothing to do with the hunting school!

And the mortality rate in hunting schools is as high as 80%!

After coming out of the hunting school, the strength will also rise to a big stage!

These are things that Wang Qingjiang, Yuan Hongming and others can only say, and dare not imagine.

Under the attention of everyone, Yun Jian nodded, a flash of firmness flashed between her bright eyes, and then in front of everyone, she said to Wang Dong:

"Yes, I am bound to get a place in the hunting school."

Listening to this, Wang Qingjiang and Yuan Hongming were even more shocked.

"That place is dead ..." Wang Qingjiang looked at Yun Jian's pretty face and reminded her kindly.

Who's not afraid of death, isn't she afraid?

Yuan Hongming, and all the boys and girls with Wang Qingjiang and others looked at Yunjian with unbelievable eyes.

Yeah, that place in the hunting school is dead!

Aren't she afraid?

As Wang Qingjiang, Yuan Hongming and others looked at Yun Jian together, Yun Jian suddenly licked her red lips, and she grinned with an arc, smiling coldly:

"Zhuan Hunting School, if I can't come out alive, it won't be worth the word of special forces!"

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