Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1606: Blood doll sniper

When Yun Jian said this, his tone was exaggerated.

If Yun Jian could not survive the hunting school, she would not be worthy of the word special forces!

How horrible hunting schools are, and ordinary people are not unaware.

That's a hunting school!

Hunting school with a mortality rate of up to 80%!

"Even if you are a special soldier who can participate in the hunting school Z country selection field, what confidence do you have that you can survive from a place like the hunting school? There are more excellent special soldiers in the world. How old are you?

"I think it's a serious problem that you even get a place in Country Z to go to a hunting school!"

A girl next to him listened to Yun Jian's words and couldn't help watching Yun Jian's limelight, so she argued aloud.

This girl who speaks to Yun Jian is with Wang Qingjiang, and girls usually like to be in the limelight.

The girls are one meter and sixty-nine in height. Among the girls, they are tall and slender.

Usually with Wang Qingjiang and Yuan Hongming, this girl has a lot of limelight.

But just now, Yun Jian got out of the limelight, and the girls were still so anxious, so they uttered a voice and wanted to refute Yun Jian.

The girl's name is Lin Susu. She looks pretty ordinary, but she is covered with rouge gouache, and has a super thick and super thick makeup. Although she doesn't look good, she feels very good.

"She won't be able to get a place, and our country Z can represent the special forces participating in the hunting school, and there will be no one!" After listening to Lin Susu's words, Wang Dong standing next to him was very unhappy.

Wang Dong refuted Lin Susu's voice almost immediately.

For Wang Dong, Yunjian is a symbol of strength!

Lin Susu was pinched by Wang Dong, and now she squeezed her lips, but Lin Susu was not happy at all.

"You, I see. Didn't you say she was your officer's daughter? When you talk like this, you obviously want to please her! As a special soldier, you are really ashamed!"

What Lin Susu was told by Wang Dong couldn't return to the uncle. Lin Susu justified her words, then she shook her fist, and suddenly thought that Wang Dong called Yunjian the daughter of officer Jun.

Since it is the officer's daughter, Wang Dong is a subordinate. If Wang Dong wants to please Yun Yun, it is not impossible.

And isn't it very likely that Wang Dong wants to please Yunyun!

Lin Susu herself felt smart, but she could still think of it at this level.

"Fart! My uncle wouldn't talk nonsense!" Although Wang Qingjiang also questioned Yun Jian at the beginning, he was always proud of his uncle's capital.

Therefore, although Wang Qingjiang and Lin Susu worked together, when necessary, he immediately refuted Lin Susu.

"Oh, I don't believe it. Officials protect each other. They are military officers' daughters. They have a reliable father, so ..." Lin Susu just said when he said here.

Yun Jian's eyes brightened, and she saw a slim figure from outside the park.

It is blue glaze.

Celadon was walking towards this side, and when he saw Yunjian, Celadon yelled at Yunjian: "Jiejian."

Jian sister?


Except for Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi, everyone around them was a little surprised, especially Lin Susu, who looked better than anyone.

In the presence of all the people in shock, they saw Yun Jian gesturing towards the blue glaze, and then in front of the crowd, the blue glaze spoke to Yun Jian:

"Sister Jian, as expected, the dozen or so snipers sent by the blood doll last time came to snip you, just to test your skills."

As soon as the voice of Celadon fell, it was covered by the voice of Wang Dong's shocking soul. Only Wang Dong's eyes widened in surprise and yelled in front of Yun Jian and Celadon:

"The blood doll you said is just the killer organization that just emerged in Southeast Asia? The blood doll even sent a sniper to kill you !?"

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