Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1618: Do n’t want to be seriously injured, get out

Yun Jian's words resounded through the sky, and her vocal voice made everyone in the room sorrowful.

In a desperate situation, the person who destroys all his own ways will go all out in the face of despair.

This sentence Yun Yun said is the truth!

Yun Jian's words shocked every special soldier present.

A teenage girl can say such a deep insight! Say such shocking words!

What did she experience?

Some people may never think of this in their lives. Some people think of it, but they dare not look like Yun Jian in their lives.

The vast majority of people are used to or like to leave a retreat for themselves, but who can think that if you want to succeed, you must cut off the heart in your heart that always wants to step back?

Everyone present was at the starting point.

Including Zhou Duanzheng who was very unfriendly to Yun Jian at first.

For a while, there was silence.

Of course, it is not that everyone is snoring at the origin, there is still a person who does not understand the meaning of what Yun Jian said just now.

That person is Nan Linlin.

Nan Linlin was raised and raised by her parents in the palm of her hand to care for her. Her parents were both soldiers. She came from a family of soldiers and had a high status.

Therefore, this selection field, Nan Linlin can come here by virtue of relationships.

Nan Linlin herself has no strength at all.

"Which way out of life, a girl shouts and screams every day, it doesn't hurt me." Nan Linlin yanked her lips and raised her eyes. She rolled her eyes and stood on her chest suddenly making a noise.

After saying this, Nan Linlin put her nail-painted hands on her delicate face like a dragonfly.

"Women, you should be nice to yourself, go out and put on makeup or something, fight and kill yourself, and coax and kill men together. Hey ~ I've never seen such a person!"

Speaking, Nan Linlin also shook her head towards Yun Jian, and finished her speech with a self-assessment tone.

At this moment, all the people who were shocked by Yun Jian just came to their senses.

After waking up, you won't feel that Yun Jian's words just shocked.

"You're embarrassed to say you've put on makeup? Where is this? It's a training ground, not for you! Give you ten minutes, and clean up the smeared things on your face immediately! Otherwise, you will not be allowed to eat tomorrow ! "

Chief Fang listened to Nan Linlin's self-assured self-confidence, and wanted to hit people angrily, but he put up with it stiffly and yelled in his most calm voice.

"Why can't I put on makeup? I didn't say I couldn't put on makeup before I came in!" Nan Linlin was not convinced, and she shouted back to the chief.

Chief Fang didn't know how to communicate with this young lady. He shook his fist, forced himself to stabilize his emotions, and then turned his head to the people present and announced:

"You guys are going to pack up for dinner, and start tomorrow morning!"

After Chief Fang finished speaking, he turned around and continued to discuss with Miss Nanlin Linnan.

As for Nan Linlin's own words just now, Yun Jian felt no pain or itch, she turned around and walked to the bedroom.

Yun Jian's long ponytail wobbled and moved with the wind, and his back looked full of energy.

Zhou Duanzheng waited for more than a dozen people to walk around and surrounded Yun Jian.

"Well, my little sister is called Yun Jian, isn't it?" Zhou Duan looked at Yun Jian with shaking legs.

Immediately after saying this, without waiting for Yun Jian to answer, Zhou Duanzheng continued to say to Yun Jian:

"No matter what philosophy you say, you can't get a place in the hunting school anyway. If you don't want to leave with injuries, just roll yourself!"

With that said, Zhou Duanzheng slammed his fingers and turned away very sullenly.

Zhou Duanzheng just turned around, and suddenly he felt a kick on his back knee, and then he couldn't help but kneel forward.

Immediately, Hou Yi heard a clear voice from Yun Jian: "I will return these words to you too! If you don't want to leave with serious injuries, just get out of the selection field yourself!"

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