Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1619: New girl named Luoberry

Yun Jian was slammed to the ground. Although Zhou Duanzhen was kneeling on both knees, it was painless and itchy. He turned around and stared at Yun Jian fiercely.

At this time, those people who were together with Zhou Duanzheng rushed over to raise Zhou Duanzheng up.

Being knocked down by a girl, Zhou Duan couldn't hang on the front.

But Zhou Duanzheng just clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

After Wolverine stood up, Zhou Duanzheng turned his head and gave Yun Jian a vicious glance, leaving a big mouth: "Wait for me!"

Then Zhou Duanzheng and his party evacuated the scene as fast as they could fly.

"Yunjian, are you okay?" What happened just now was only a few breaths away. When Xu Mei and Xu Wenming ran over, Zhou Duanzheng had already taken someone away.

"No problem." Yun Jian retracted her gaze, her eyes darkened, and she turned back to the bedroom.

In the evening, Yun Jian lay on the bunk bed in the bedroom, looking directly at the ceiling above.

There are only two beds in the bedroom, which are divided into upper and lower bunks. The beds of the two beds are on the lower bunks, which are now occupied by Xu Mei and Nan Linlin.

"That's it. Don't treat yourself here as a delicate lady.

"Since you are here, we are all equal, and no one will treat them differently!

"Your parents have also explained to me that I will not give you any privileges, so deal with personal relationships yourself and work harder.

"The meaning of your parents is also that you have the strength to protect yourself. Training and training here, in addition to the knockout, you can stay here as long as possible, without having to force it ..."

At about 7.49 pm, the voice of Chief Fang came from the gate of Yunjian's bedroom.

"Well, Chief Fang, I know, thank you!" After the voice of Chief Fang dropped, a light but obedient female voice came out of the gate.

The woman's voice was soft, but peaceful.

"Well, go in quickly." After everything was explained, Chief Fang turned and left here.

Then Yun Jian heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

Two seconds later, a soft voice came out: "Hi everyone, my name is Luoberry ..."

After this remark, there was no reply.

The girl who claimed to be Luoberry paused, a little awkward, but did not flinch:

"Hello everyone! I was sent in temporarily, um, I came in through the back door, but I didn't come here to grab everyone's place. My parents thought I was a bit weak, so they sent me here, hoping to let me Make a little progress here ... "

The girl who claims to be Luoberry is about 1.6 meters tall and very slender. She looks a little weak and looks like the type she wants to protect.

In addition, Luoberry is relatively young and looks like a little sister who is fourteen or fifteen years old, but in fact she is two years older than Yunjian. This year is eighteen.

"Hello, my name is Xu Mei, and my nickname is moldy. You can call me sister mildew." After listening to Luo Bing's words, Xu Mei rolled up directly from the bed and said hello to Luo Bing.

When Luo Bing heard Xu Meili herself, she was agitated, and quickly reached out and held Xu Mei's hand: "Hello! Hee hee!"

"Yunjian." Yunjian didn't turn down from the bed. She lay on the bed as usual, staring at the ceiling, and said to Luoberry.

From what Luo Bing and Chief Fang said at the door just now, you can hear that Luo Bing is the young lady of a big family. She came here just to exercise her skills.

Moreover, as soon as Luoberry entered the door, she admitted frankly that she came in through the back door, her tone was a little euphemistic, and she had the elegant style of a big lady.

Yun Jian had a good opinion of her, so she introduced herself.

"Yunjian, a good name, hehe!" Luoberry smiled at Yunjian, and then mischievously spat out his tongue.

"What a noisy! I didn't hear anyone calling my boyfriend! Get out again if you are noisy!" Just then, Nanlinlin frowned and cursed.

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