Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1620: Midnight raid, experienced killer

Nan Linlin's roar is very loud, and the sound insulation effect of this residence is not good. Even the next bedroom can hear Nan Linlin's roar, which is deafening.

Nan Linlin's roar really scared Luo Bing.

Luoberry stepped back in shock, but saw Nan Linlin over there looking at herself with a fierce look, roaring loudly:

"Why are you arguing? Isn't it amazing to walk through the back door? It's like who won't go through the back door, be careful I let my dad kick you out!"

When Nan Linlin came up, she was a threat, she was really scared to Luoberry.

Nan Linlin also came in through the back door, but Nan Linlin's purpose was different from that of Luoberry.

Nan Linlin came for her boyfriend. Her boyfriend wanted to enter the selection field and refused to come in, so Nan Linlin had to help her boyfriend come in and see the situation here.

Who made her love her boyfriend so much.

Luo Bing was yelled by Nan Linlin, and the whole person was so stunned and stunned.

"Ignore her, come here." Xu Mei glanced back at Nan Linlin, pulled Luoberry and sat on her bunk bed.

Yun Jian slept on Xu Mei's bunk. Now there is only one bunk left in the whole bedroom, just above Nan Linlin's bed.

Nan Linlin is not too young, she is about 21 or 2 years old, and she doesn't know to let Luoberry get a little bit.

"Thank Sister Mildee!" Luo Bing was a little embarrassed to call Xu Mei "Sister Mildee" at first, but she did not flinch when she saw Xu Mei's face was indifferent.

"Haha, don't be afraid, sister Milde is covering you here!" Xu Mei also looked at Luoberry very pleasing to the eye, so she couldn't help saying the last word.

"Yeah!" Luo Bing's innocent face immediately appeared a good-looking Hongxia, and she nodded strongly to Xu Mei.

Then Luoberry leaned out of the bunk again, looked at Yunjian's bunk bed, and nodded slightly towards Yunjian.

Nan Linlin hummed, and then she rolled over, and ignored the three of Yunjian, and continued to spit a "dear ~" on her own phone.

"Wow, so to speak, you all came here for the place of hunting school? I feel that you are all amazing! My parents think I'm too weak, so they let me here ..."

Luo Bing looked at Xu Mei and Yun Jian, and opened her eyes very curiously.

"It's not as powerful as you feel!" Xu Mei scratched her head a little embarrassed.

"For me, you are all amazing!" Luo Bian applauded gently, with a look of naivety.

"Sleep, tomorrow at five o'clock." Yun Jian listened to Luo Bing and Xu Mei for a while, then came out.

"Okay!" Lorberry nodded, then took out her pajamas and replaced them.

It's already eight in the evening.

After Luoberry changed her favorite strawberry pajamas, she suddenly saw Yun Jian sleeping without changing clothes?

"Yunjian, don't you change your pajamas to sleep?"

Everyone in the lap changed their pajamas, only Yunjian, what clothes and pants to wear during the day, this is still the case.

"Get used to it." Yun Jian returned two words.

"Okay," Luo Bing listened for a moment, then she folded her clothes, went to the upper bed, and slept.

At night, it was as quiet as water.

At 2:51 in the morning, it is almost three o'clock in the morning when a person sleeps best in the day and is entering a deep sleep stage.

"Woo! Woo! Woo--"

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, and then a familiar sound came from the sound of each bedroom:

"Everyone who hears the sound, please change your clothes within five minutes and meet at the door. If you do n’t change your clothes and meet at the door within five minutes, you will be disqualified at this selection site!

Outside the door, Chief Fang held the communication horn, and his voice spread to every bedroom.

Basically, people change their pajamas when they sleep. This is beyond doubt unless one is too lazy.

Chief Fang looked at his watch, and he estimated that Yunjian could come out in thirty or forty seconds.

Then Chief Fang looked down at his watch, and when he looked up, he saw Yun Jian's small figure coming quickly here.

Seven seconds left on the watch, Yun Jian was already standing in front of him.

Doing a surprise attack like this, some people have n’t even dispelled their drowsiness, but what happened to Yun Yun?

She went from the bedroom to the gate in seven seconds?

Doesn't she change clothes while sleeping?

So alert?

At this speed, other senior special forces cannot do it!

She's afraid it's a killer trained by which organization! ?

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