Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1621: Seven seconds speed, high vigilance

Apart from that, Chief Fang was once again frightened by Yun Jian.

But when he saw that he was standing in front of him, Yun Jiangong stood in place with his military posture. There wasn't any person who should just wake up from his sleep.

In this regard, Chief Fang just swallowed hard, and he opened his mouth, but he did not export.

Because it was more than two in the morning, it was only a few minutes before three in the morning. At this time, it was the deepest time for a person to sleep.

At this time, the alarm sounded suddenly, especially the first time when everyone came to the selection field, and everyone was still in a state of ignorance.

However, because Chief Fang said that if he could not leave his bedroom to the gate within five minutes, he would be disqualified directly. All the bedrooms were now agitated, and one or two desperately put on their clothes.

But Rao is so, because people will be drowsy when they wake up, so the few men who ran out the fastest were nearly three minutes and came out almost four minutes later.

Everyone was a trained special soldier, but he never expected that Chief Fang would come out like this.

After all, it was never before.

So the response in about three minutes is already the fastest.

One by one, while running, but also defamation, what is the situation! Suddenly, what did I call everyone in the middle of the night?

Luoberry has already rushed out at the fastest speed, but it is still one step behind.

She spent a little over five minutes.

When standing here, Luoberry was out of breath.

Nan Linlin was not in a hurry. Although she did not exaggerate to put on makeup, it took about ten minutes to gather at the door.

Chief Fang saw that everyone had rushed out with his best speed, he sank his face, and immediately released the corner of his eyebrows.

"Today is the first emergency assembly. You performed well, but not enough!

"In the future, from time to time, alarms will be triggered anytime, anywhere. At that time, no matter what you are doing, you must put down your hands, put on and wear our military uniforms, and then gather at the gate. Did you understand? "

Chief Fang said as he walked.

"Listen!" The crowd answered loudly.

"Well, if you understand, go back to bed. Today is the first day, so no one will be punished.

"But from now on, once you meet in an emergency, if you do n’t go from your bedroom to the meeting place within the specified time, you will be disqualified directly and you will be let go! We will not accept idlers here!"

Chief Fang said here, and stared at Nan Linlin fiercely.

Nan Linlin was glared at by Chief Fang, and her guilty eyes rolled, but Nan Linlin suddenly glared at Chief Fang again. She also said with confidence: "Look at what I do!"

"Nan Linlin, if you still don't come out within the stipulated time next time, pack your luggage and go home!"

Chief Fang glanced at Nan Linlin.

Nan Linlin was said to have a meal. She turned her head and walked to the bedroom, and rolled her eyes and spit out a sentence: "Neuropathy! If you call someone in the middle of the night, they will give you face!"

Chief Fang naturally heard Nan Linlin sing about herself, but he ignored Yun Jian and said, "Yun Jian, wait a minute!"

Yun Jianben turned around and went back to the dormitory. When the chief officer cried out, she stopped and looked around.

Seeing Yun Jian being stopped, Zhou Duanzheng stopped this group of people.

Perhaps it was because Yunjian was outstanding during the day, and many people around him stopped and looked over.

I saw the Chief Fang over there asking her: "Yun Jian, did you have any similar training before?"

"No." Yun Jian ignored it without a word, two words of denial.

Seeing Yun Jian's sincere look didn't seem to be lying, Chief Fang peeped his eyes: "Okay, I see that you rushed from the bedroom to the gate just seven seconds ago, how can a normal person have this speed, so some Surprised.

"It seems you are very alert when you sleep."

As soon as Chief Fang had finished speaking, Zhou Duanzheng's silly voice came over.

Zhou Duanzheng was dumbfounded:

"What !? Chief Fang? You said you said Yunjian ran out of the bedroom in seven seconds? Isn't it impossible, wouldn't she change clothes !? It's impossible!"

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