Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1645: Weak heart, pretending to be strong

When Luo Bing met Mosen, she was really frightened. She was just thinking about the rooftop to relax.

At this time, it was very late. At ten o'clock in the evening, most of the people in the Taekwondo Pavilion Hotel were already asleep.

Luo Bing was really uncomfortable and wanted to cry, and she was afraid that crying in the room would awaken Yun Jian or frighten Yun Jian, so she ran to the rooftop.

Luoberry's best friend has been playing with Luoberry since he was a child. The two have had a full 11-year friendship.

In the past, Luoberry always believed that only his good friends did not care about their outstanding family background and continued to play with themselves as always.

But until that incident, she was completely broken.

Even if she has been in the selection field for so long, she sometimes runs out of tears when she feels uncomfortable. This will make her feel that life is just the same. Just cry for a while.

You don't need to let anyone know you're crying.

Luo Bing does not like to be seen crying by others. Like her mother, she does not even shed tears in front of outsiders even if she bleeds or breaks her bones.

When I walked up to the roof just now, the door on the stairs was empty. Luo Rong opened the door without thinking, but saw Mosen at a glance.

The first time I saw Mosen, it was the same night, and Luoberry scared people back, his legs were soft, and he went straight down the stairs.

However, before waiting for Luoberry to fall, Mosen naturally responded and held out Luoberry, grabbing Luoberry, who was about to fall down the stairs.

Morson is a very gentleman. He would not take this opportunity to pull Luoberry into his arms and take the opportunity to eat her tofu.

Even if Moson admits that, when she first saw Luoberry, she knew that Luoberry's appearance was very consistent with her own aesthetic.

"Be careful." Moson held Luoberry and held it in place. Then he said these words to Luoberry without changing his face.

"Thank you!" Luo Bing's expression changed for a moment, she thought she was about to fall.

As a result, Mo Sen supported himself at the same time.

This is the second time he has helped her.

Luoberry thanked.

"You're welcome, be careful." After finishing these two sentences, Moson's face didn't change at all, and he turned away with a cold face.

"You ..." Luoberry called Morson again.

Moson had just stepped down the first floor.

"Thank you for the daytime!" Luo Bing bowed to Mosen.

"In the future, keep your own eyes, it's too simple to be killed." Mosen didn't say anything else, but said such a cruel word for Luoberry.

"Well anyway, thank you!" Luoberry nodded heavily towards Mosen.

Then Moson ignored her and left.

Luo Bing was relieved, then found a place on the rooftop and sat down, looking up at the glittering stars in the sky.

She doesn't want to be the big lady of the giant family, she just wants to be an ordinary person.

Go home, beloved by parents, school, care of friends, everyone loves each other.

That life, but she can't get anything now.

After returning home, I can only face the empty home and go to school alone. A good friend who has played for eleven years calls her a female cousin.

Such a life she will stubbornly survive!

But now when I think about it, I feel heartache again.

Luoberry is a caring and emotional person.

Looking at the stars in the sky, one and two, nestled together.

Tears ran out of Luoberry's eyes.

Fortunately, everyone was asleep at this time. Luoberry was a strong person. She didn't want to show her weakness in front of outsiders.

But in the dark, she would cry, like all the young girls, to bear their own pain alone.

After crying for about 20 minutes, Luoberry did not make any sound when she cried. When she was tired, Luoberry would stand up and return to the hotel room as usual.

Suddenly a male voice came to his ears: "Don't cry."

Luoberry stood up and saw Mosen standing next to her. She was so frightened that she took a big step back, scared and asked, "Why haven't you left? How long have you been here?"

Luo Bing was most afraid of being seen as fragile, so the moment she saw Mosen, her face changed.

Did he all ... see?

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