Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1646: Waste of what you fight (1500+ words)

"In the beginning." Moson said briefly.

He's been standing beside him since he started crying.

But Moson would converge on his aura, so Luoberry didn't find him.

Having said that, Moson again handed toilet paper to Luoberry: "Wipe."

"Thank you." Luoberry took the toilet paper given by Mosen with a little embarrassment. She turned around after seeing Mosen gave her toilet paper.

Luoberry couldn't help but shout him, "You, can you please tell others what you just did?"

She didn't want to let outsiders know such a fragile side.

As soon as Moson paused, he walked away without saying a word: "I didn't see it."

Does this mean he won't say it?

After listening to Moson's words, Luoberry yelled at Moson again: "Thank you!"

By the time Luoberry returned to the hotel room, Yun Jian had fallen asleep lightly.

In the early morning of the next day, the business of the Taekwondo pipeline was so hot that the threshold could not be entered.

Mainly, some people with big mouths told the 20 special soldiers to have a one-on-one battle here. Countless locals ran here to see the unique style of the special soldiers.

This group of people Lin Kun came here early in the morning. Lin Kun still felt that he was on par with Yun Jian. He came to see what kind of realm Yun Jian could reach.

"There are so many people ..." Luo Bing got up early, and her crying eyes were covered with ice water last night, and she was scared by the crowd as soon as she left the hotel room.

"Um." Yun Jian's voice came softly.

At this time, Sidi and Moson came here.

Looking at the distance, Luoberry could clearly feel that Mosen behind Sidi looked at himself.

She turned her head unconsciously and glanced at the gaze that was staring at herself, and then when she received that Mosen was really staring at herself, Luoberry turned frightened and did not dare to look at it again.

"The first round of trials has begun, 006 and 057 are coming soon!" Someone came all the way to call Yun Jian and Xu Mei.

Seeing this, Yun Jian took a look at Si Yi and went to Xu Mei first.

"Come on!" Luo Bing did not participate, but when Yun Jian and Xu Mei were leaving, she waved to Yun Jian and Xu Mei, and made a cheering gesture

This game uses a lottery mode.

In the first round of the competition, there were 20 people in total.

The total number of tickets is from 1 to 10, and each piece of paper is marked with a number from 1 to 10.

There are a total of twenty tickets, and the numbers from 1 to 10 will appear twice. If you put them together, there will be twenty.

In these twenty picks, two people will draw 1, then these two people are the object of fighting each other.

Then win that person to continue the battle tomorrow, lose that person and be eliminated on the spot.

Yun Jian got another 6 and Xu Mei got a 9.

This game came in order, the two players from 1 to 1 played against each other in turn.

When Yun Jian waited, the audience was boiling.

Yun Jian was the youngest, but yesterday was so crazy that everyone present was obvious to everyone.

So at this time I was very excited to see the strength of Yunjian.

What's more exciting is that Zhou Zhengzheng, who challenged Yunjian yesterday, turned out to be the first person to confront Yunjian!

Holding the No. 6 pick, Zhou Duanzheng looked at Yun Jian fiercely and walked to the temporary erected Odaiba facing Yun Jian.

This Yantai field is more than one meter high from flat ground.

"006, it looks like you're in luck! Wait a minute, I'll let you roll out of the trial!" Zhou Duan looked at Yunjian and said fiercely.

Yun Jian did not return to the right week.

At this moment, everyone around me was watching the scene in excitement.

Until Chief Fang seriously announced the start of the war, Zhou Duanzheng rushed to the side of Yun Jian and he wanted to punch Yun Jian down to Odaiba with a punch.

Yunjian didn't move.

"Is she frightened?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Get out of the trials!" Zhou Duanzheng has come to Yun Jian's side.

However, just when Zhou Duanzheng was waving his fist, Yun Jian was just sideways, she avoided Zhou Quanzheng's fist.

Within a second, she stood up behind Zhou Duanzheng, stood on the back and kicked Zhou Duanzheng off the stage, ending the contest.

The fast speed makes it impossible for the naked eye to see when Yun Jian came behind Zhou Duanzheng.

It's really just a second. In this battle, Yunjian wins in seconds!

At this moment, everyone in the audience widened their eyes and became frightened.

Why is this so that Yunjian won?

Chief Fang just announced the start?

"How did it end? Didn't it just start?" Someone was so scared that he couldn't even react.

Why did it end at the beginning?

Yun Jian really won so easily?

It's not even started yet!

At the moment when everyone was in doubt, Yun Jian's vocal voice that day was coming out suddenly towards the end of the week. For a time, everyone in the room was mad and enthusiastic: "Kick you down the battlefield, what a waste of you, what do you want? I fight! "

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