Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1651: Blood doll, people are here

This is heaven!

He actually!

Yun Jian patted Si Yi's "hog trotters."

Reached out to his chest and in front of his chest.

"Small note, let me touch ..." Sidi let go of Yun Jian's red lips, and made a shameless request to Yun Jian.

"Don't ..." Yun Jian didn't give it.

But in the end it didn't linger.

Later, Shi Yi actually went straight into her hood across her skin at zero distance.

After getting off the hot air balloon, Yun Jian walked away alone.

He had just made such a shy move on her in a hot air balloon.

Yun Jian refused to mention that shy behavior.

"Small note, what's wrong?" Si Yi came over and held Yun Jian's hand as usual, asking her sidely.

Although Yun Jian didn't shake her hand away, she ignored him.

"Did I touch you just now ..." Before Si Yi finished saying this, Yun Jian lifted his toes and covered Si Yi's mouth.

"Speak again, you will not be allowed to do this in the future." Yun Jian said to Si Yi.

Hearing this sentence in the ear of Si Yi, there is a kind of coquettish taste, which makes Si Yi evoke a beautiful arc.

Does she mean that she can do this to her in the future?

Seeing Yun Jian gently shake off his hand and walk forward, Sidi lifted a radian lip, and then chased away in the direction of Yun Jian.

Each special soldier only fights once a day.

Today's one-on-one battle eliminated a total of ten special forces. Among the people recommended by President Ma, only one Xu Mei was not eliminated except Yunjian.

Others were either Xu Wenming, Wang Buren, or Dong Xiu.

The next day's contest was five to five.

Yun Jian did not perform well the next day, but after a few minutes of playing against his opponent, he kicked his opponent off the ring and declared victory.

By the third day, there were only five people left.

These five people are Yun Jian, Xu Mei, Wu Nengnai, and two other men who do not know their names.

At the final round of this year's trial, two women were shortlisted!

This surprised the audience.

After all, in the previous trials, it was always men who could reach the end. Women's strength was weaker than men after all, so the chances of finalists were very small.

But this year, two women went to the final round, which made the people here doubt again.

Can Yunjian and Xu Mei really reach the top three?

In the final round, there will be a total of five players. The five will take turns to compete.

In other words, Yunjian will fight with the remaining four people.

Everyone has to play four games. After four games, whoever wins more games will win.

This also means that Yun Jian is going to play against Xu Mei.

"006, although you use your strength to fight me, I will not let you! Of course, you also do not let me!" Xu Mei was very fighting spirit, she said to Yun Jian with a smile.

"Sure." Yun Jian pursed her lips and turned her head back.

Naturally she would not let Xu Mei.

And at this moment, the final battle is about to begin!

Yun Jian was the first opponent Yun Yun was facing!

At this moment, Wu Nengna stared at Yun Jian with hatred.

"You made my brother ugly, today I want to let you know what the power gap is!" Zhou Duan, who was stepped down by Yun Jian, is Wu Nengnai's brother. At the moment, Wu Ninai is very confident in himself.

When Yun Jian squinted, she just wanted to say something.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise at the scene. On the Odaiba, a white smoke bomb was suddenly thrown up, exploded on the Odaiba, and was filled with smoke bombs all around.

"Oh ha ha ha ha!" Came a serpent female voice, and everyone saw that they stood in front of a woman with a perfect body, one meter tall, and big breasts.

The woman who suddenly appeared was holding a leather whip in her hand and smiled. She grabbed Wu Nengnai with a leather whip and directly dumped Wu Nengnai off the stage.

Then the woman looked at Yun Jian, and laughed at Yun Jian in the presence of Zhou Zhengzheng, Chief Fang, Nan Linlin, and Lin Kun.

"The king of the top agents in the grand international agent rankings, King of God, actually is here to compete with this group of wastes. Is this passed out to laugh at people!"

The King of the Special Agents in the International Agent Rankings?


The people present were surprised when they heard what the woman said.

I thought Yun Jian would deny it, but when she saw Yun Jian standing on the Odaiba, she narrowed her eyes, turned her eyes on the woman, and slightly pointed out. Without guessing, she pointed out the identity of the woman directly:

"The first master of the blood doll leader, cold charm?"

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