Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1652: Will become my captives

When this suddenly-obese plump woman pointed out that Yunjian was the No. 1 agent in the international agent rankings, King Chaoshen, the people around him didn't react at all, and they were all stubbornly stubborn.

The first moment in the international agent ranking?

This title, for some people, is the existence that cannot be touched for a lifetime!

This is the kind of gap that can be compared to an ordinary person who can never reach the national leaders.

For everyone, the first moment in the international agent ranking is a character who can never appear here!

That's the one on the agent list! She will kill!

Therefore, everyone at the scene heard Leng Mei's words, and there was a moment of stun.

But before the crowd responded, Yun Jian had already faced Lengmei's eyes and pointed out the identity of Lengmei in front of the crowd.

This made everyone who hadn't responded to the shock just now be shocked again.

"Blood Doll! 006 The blood doll you said, is that the latest killer organization in Southeast Asia !?

"It is said that it has risen rapidly at a lightning-like speed, swept across the entire killer organization in Southeast Asia, and finally became the largest killer organization in Southeast Asia today. Its status is frightening internationally!"

Chief Fang stood next to the Odaiba. There was no warning at all just now, and Leng Mei lost a smoke and popped out.

The vision in front of me was covered by the white fog-filled smoke bombs. When the vision returned to normal, Chief Fang saw the **** and fat buttocks, and was exposed to some extent, but the hidden charm was covered by the cold charm standing in the ring. on.

And listening to the meaning of Yun Jian's words, the woman who suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone was the first master of the blood doll leader, cold charm!

It is rumored that the first master of the blood doll leader, Leng Mei, is good at using whip. That whip draws one person at a time, killing only one whip, the strength is amazing!

That skill, even if it hasn't been ranked in the international agent or killer list, it is almost the same!

To be honest, just now Leng Mei said that Yunjian is the first **** in the international agent rankings. Few people at the scene believed it, especially Chief Executive Fang and others.

After all, Yun Jian's age is here, and she is also the daughter of Officer Ge, how could it be the first moment in the international agent ranking?

But just looking at the cold charm and the way she played, and just before she waved a leather whip, she pulled Wu Nengna off the stage with her fierce skills.

The identity of Lengmei, the first master of the blood doll leader, is proper!

Yun Jian, who was asked a word by Chief Fang, did not answer.

But when seeing Leng Mei over there, he heard Yun Fang 006 called by Chief Fang, first a moment, then laughed twice, and continued to Yun Jian:

"006? Moments, this is exactly the same number you used when you joined the Dark Souls organization!" Leng Mei apparently knew everything about Yun Jian.

After listening to the call of Chief Yun Fang as 006, Leng Mei took this issue as the answer.

When everyone around knew the identity of Lengmei, they were frightened.

Just when everyone thought Yunjian would shrink back.

Unexpectedly, Yun Jian over there ignored the words of Leng Mei at all, she just slightly dimmed her eyes, raised her sharp eyes and looked at Leng Mei, the red arc rose, the smile was hazy, as if entrained with a smile. Killing intention.

Gently lipping, Yun Jian was in front of everyone in the audience, including Lin Kun, Zhou Duanzheng, Nan Linlin, etc. She suddenly drooped her hands, and a butterfly knife suddenly appeared, holding in her hand.

Yun Jian took two steps towards Lengmei. At this moment, she looked like everyone in Hell, and she smiled at Lengmei indifferently:

"I'm not looking for you. Come to your door. Sorry, the blood dolls, including you, will be my captives!"

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