Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1728: No one in sight, not worthy of cooperation

Moson's shot made Yun Jian, who had originally planned to come out, hide the dark place, cold eyes.

She had felt that Luoberry's cousin was wrong early in the morning, but did not expect ...

He actually started with his cousin!

He can do such incest!

Yun Jian has seen a lot of things, so she only gave a slight glance.

Luo Ziling's body was like a kite with a broken wire, and he was hit **** the ground.

Seeing Luo Ziling's delusional attempt to insult Luo Bing just now, Mosen had the urge to directly explode Luo Ziling's head.

Luo Bing was wearing a strawberry pajamas, this pajamas was a dress style, and at this time she was scared to sit on the ground and sobbed sobbing by Luo Ziling's move.

Luo Ziling was fainted after Mo Sen kicked and flew to the ground. Mo Sen did not know where he got the anger. He was going to walk directly to Luo Ziling.

But they saw Luoberry squatting and sobbing with her knees trembling.

Little Nene was exposed under the dress.

Fortunately, no one was around, and Mosen just let Luo Ziling go, took off his coat, walked over and put Luoberry on it, pulled Luoberry up, and put it on his chest.

Even Moson didn't know why he wanted to hold Luoberry.

Perhaps it was so distressing to see her look like she was sobbing.

The sound of Luo Ziling being blasted by Mo Sen just sensated the owner of the villa

When things calmed down, everyone was called to the villa lobby.

Old Lady Luo rushed over from another villa overnight. When she just arrived, she saw Yun Jian and Xu Mei and Mo Sen dressing coldly.

In particular, Mosen was holding Luoberry. At the moment, except for wearing Moson's coat, Luoberry didn't leave underneath, but she had bare white slender thighs.

The moment she saw Luo Ziling faint on the ground, Old Lady Luo was angry:

"what happened!"

People were standing around, including Xiang Jiayi and Shi Chenxuan, and everyone was standing in place.

There is a boy who is a cousin of Luo Ziling and Luo Bing. He doesn't know the specific situation, but knows that the old lady Luo loves Luo Ziling the most.

So this boy basked in the old lady's ears and reached out to Mosen who was holding Luoberry:

"It's him! Grandma must have been plagiarizing his cousin! He won't let go now! My cousin must have found all this to stop! It turned out to be this way!"

The boy's words made Old Lady Luo frown majesticly. She didn't like Luo Bing's granddaughter at first, and now she hated it even more.

Just now I know that Yun Jian was brought into the house by Luo Bing. Old lady Luo hated Yun Jian as a person without status, so she was arrogant and feudal:

"I don't have a descendant like Luoberry in my Luo family! I don't know how to be shameless! I'm going to match up with a wild man who doesn't know where I come from!

As soon as Mrs. Luo was about to continue speaking, Yun Jian interrupted Mrs. Luo's words:

"He's the man under my hand, such a word as a wild man, old woman, please try it again for me!"

Yun Jian's words shocked everyone present.

What is Mrs. Luo!

At the Luo family, besides Luo, Mrs. Luo is the one with the most authority to speak!

Even people like Xiang Jiayi and Shi Chenxuan who are usually arrogant in their arrogance are also in awe of Old Luo.

And Yunjian! She dared to openly call Old Lady Luo old lady?

"You! What are you talking about! What are you! Dare to threaten me!" Old Luo was angry with Yun Jian, and she threw her crutch on the spot, yelling at Yun Jian.

Just after this remark, Yun Jian looked coldly at Mrs. Luo, and in the presence of everyone present, her words made Mrs. Luo, including everyone around her, frightened:

"The so-called family of the country's giants is the same as that of the Luo family. I am the chairman of the Rongyao company. If I remember correctly, your Luo family pleaded to cooperate with me.

"This so-called noble family is unworthy of cooperation with my Rongyao company!"

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