Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1729: Misconduct, long ago

"Rongyao Company? Chairman? You?" After all, Mrs. Luo was the head mother of the Luo family. After listening to Yun Jian's words, she quickly responded, but she looked at Yun Jian with questions and a pinched pupil. .

The people watching Yun Jian and her son's Mosen joke around were also stiffened.

The faces of Xiang Jiayi, Shi Chenxuan, and others almost darkened to the extreme.

The color on that face looked like a circle wiped with feces, which was extremely brilliant.

Chairman of Rongyao Company? What a joke!

"Grandma, Rongyao is a large company of a multinational group, even among the largest international multinational corporations! But she is only a few years old! You dare to say that you are the chairman of Rongyao! Don't be fooled by her It's up! "

The boy who was selling well with Mrs. Luo just now is the cousin of Luo Ziling and Luo Berry, Luo Zhongzhong.

Because the Luo family is a business, the descendants of the Luo family usually come into contact with the business houses and have a good understanding of many business houses in the world today.

In order to please Luo Ziling just now, Luo Zhongling told Luo Ziling that it was Mosen who sneaked into Luo Bing's room and wanted to do something wrong with her. He was caught by Luo Ziling and stunned.

At this moment, in order to please Old Lady Luo, Luo Zhongzhong spoke again, and tried every reason to deny Yun Jian's remarks.

Luo Zhongzhong's words really make people feel right.

What kind of company is Rongyao? Can Yunjian be the chairman of Rongyao?

She's afraid she's dreaming!

"Most of the night, you thought you were dreaming! Wouldn't it be sleepwalking? Hahaha!"

There was a laugh of irony all around.

As soon as Yun Jian's eyes were deep, she was about to take other actions, and Mo Sen stopped Yun Jian's move and stood up: "Mrs. Young, this time has nothing to do with you, you don't have to show up."

Mo Sen is a man of integrity, and Yun Jian has no responsibility to come forward for him tonight.

Besides, to this extent, how could he, as one of the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization, be unable to solve it!

Xu Mei stood beside her and opened her mouth, but said nothing at the end.

"Listen! Did you hear that? He called that girl 'Mrs. Young?' Hey! They thought they were some kind of arms family, or a black man! Mrs. Young! Then I'm still a master!

"Hahaha! For a while, I said that I was the chairman of Rongyao Company. The power of the white house was very powerful! After a while, I was blown into a black, so powerful, I don't think you are invincible!"

As soon as Mosen's words fell, a large group of people around the theater all pointed at Mosen and Yunjian and laughed.

This time, everyone really took Yun Jian's words as a joke.

The words of people around Yun Yun naturally wouldn't bother. Since Mo Sen spoke, she wouldn't get involved in the matter anymore.

Just as Mrs. Luo knocked on the cane, and the ferocious desire to say something, suddenly a thunderous rage came from the gate: "What's going on!"

But at the gate, a mighty figure came to this side.

Behind this magnificent figure, there are also several figures of Wei Nuo Nuo.

The owner of this majestic figure is one meter seven five, and is a very strong old man.

This person is the head of the Luo family, Master Luo!

The figures of the following Wei Nuo Nuo are not the sons and daughters, daughter-in-law and son-in-law of Luo.

Seeing Luo Luo entering the door and his parents standing behind Luo Luo, Luo Bing was still shaking just now, and Luo Ziling was scared into speechless body. Mosen held tight.

"Look! Look at the old man! See what your granddaughter has done! Don't sleep in the middle of the night and cheat with the man! My grandson Ling sees him and stuns Zi Ling ..." Father Luo sued.

I just said this, but I heard Luo Bing suddenly look up, crying with tears in his eyes: "I don't! It is clearly that Luo Ziling has misbehaved towards me! He had treated me long ago ..."

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