Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1733: Caught the killer, in the training camp

Adam and Morson are brothers, and in general they are a bit similar. Perhaps the usual Morson is too calm, and Adam is a very irritable person.

But when they were angry, the two brothers were really printed on a board.

Moson grabbed Luoberry's wrist and opened her mouth very solemnly.

This move can scare Luoberry's face a little.

"You let me go and hurt me ..." Luo Bing was frightened by Mossen.

Moson's dark face just turned slightly now. He lowered his eyes and didn't release his hand to hold Luoberry, but his hand strength was much lighter.

"Sorry." Morson apologized very gentleman.

Yun Jian here blinked at Xu Mei, and then grabbed Xu Mei's collar and dragged out when Xu Mei didn't respond.

It wasn't until a while after leaving the scene that Xu Mei reacted. Is Yunjian trying to create opportunities for Mosen and Luoberry?

"Wow wow, it's so cool and handsome!" Xu Mei's reflection arc was quite long, and it wasn't until she was dragged out by Yun Jian that she reacted to the scene just now.

When Xu Mei was in her twenties, she really had a girlish heart, and Yun Jian smiled slightly.

She just grinned, and a large group of boys and girls rushed out immediately.

With a fixed eye, isn't Xiang Jiayi the head?

A group of boys and girls around him, Yun Jian only knew a few, because these were followed by Xiang Jiayi.

Just when Yun Jian slightly blinked, Xiang Jiayi pointed at Yun Jian and arrogantly said:

"Yun Jian, you made me lose my face in front of them, don't think you are the young lady of the dark soul organization! I will be afraid of you! Huh, today I will take everyone to teach you well!"

Xiang Jiayi obviously did not know the existence of the Dark Soul Organization, so she would say such a thing.

When Yun Jian heard it, his red lips were slightly ticked.

Xiang Jiayi was originally walking with a group of Shi Chenxuan, but Shi Chenxuan and others were not seen at the moment.

It is not difficult to judge that Xiang Jiayi mocked Yun Jian before, and it must have been mocked by Chen Xuan and others three days ago.

Miss Qian Jin, like Xiang Jiayi, always wanted to save face. In addition, she didn't even understand what the dark soul organization was, so she brought a group of people to find something.

Xiang Jiayi didn't know Yun Jian's ability, so he shouted:

"You guys give me!"

As soon as Xiang Jiayi said this, Yun Jian suddenly squinted. The next second, Xiang Jiayi, the group of people fainted in the spot before they even started.

Yun Jian's eyes flashed sharply, and he fainted.

Xu Mei was really dizzy.

Within a short while, a large group of people in black came over and silently took all Yun Jian and his party away.

"These women are rich businessmen's girls. Look, that's fine-skinned and tender!"

"Put everything on and take away!"

The sound coming from the ears was extremely clear, Yun Jian didn't move, she didn't faint, but her face moved slightly.

I just passed out with me just now, and I wanted to see who these people who were stunned by drugs.

But now Yunjian can be determined.

Oh, it was so funny, she was really hit by it.

This scene, she experienced it when she was five years old.

Didn't expect that the killer organization has such a big appetite now? Even a teenage girl is going to be caught?

That's right, the man in black who just fainted Yun Yunjian was a member of a small killer organization.

Ordinary killer organizations will kidnap a girl around the age of five or six and become a killer from an early age.

But in this scene, Yun Jian won't admit it wrong. These men in black arrested them just to train them to become killers!

That's why Yunjian feels that this group of people has a big appetite. What used to be a little girl, now even a teenage girl?

Is this nobody in the world?

Unfortunately, this group arrested her.

Just a joke!

Dangshen, the first international agent ranking, was arrested!

Also arrested for killer training camp! ?

It must be said that if the people of this killer organization knew Yun Jian's identity, it would be scared to explode.

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