Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1734: Collective abduction to find out the status quo

But for now, there are quite a few people arrested.

Yunjian can preliminarily conclude that they are now being held in a large truck.

There are many teenage girls in her teens and girls lying around, and there are men, but not many.

The big truck was sealed on all sides, leaving only a few exhaust vents, so as not to suffocate many stunned boys and girls in the enclosed space.

The voices of the conversation just now were apparently coming from outside the big truck.

The big truck was closed all around, and the voice of the conversation came from outside the truck, but she could still hear it clearly.

After a while, the sound outside the big truck paused for a few seconds, and another sound came out:

"Hurry up! Walk around! If you don't leave, you will be found! Is the back door locked? This shipment is very important! In the future, it will work for us!

People, figurative goods in their mouths.

After a while, the big truck moved.

No one was awake around, Yun Jian stood up silently and walked to the side of the plastic wall where he could dimly see the outside, squinted his eyes, and blew outside with a dim light.

The big truck was driving on an extremely bumpy road, which was rarely traveled by people. The road was covered with mud, and large blocks of stones were piled up, which was quite uneven.

Yun Jian sat in the big truck and felt the bumps around him.

There were people fainting around her. She couldn't walk around standing there, but there was a sharp shine between her eyes.

Of course she was able to escape, even if the boys and girls who had been caught innocently with her were released, and according to her strength, this was an easy task.

But Yunjian wouldn't do that because the killer organization was too odd.

Normal killer organizations train professional killers, usually taking young children away for training.

And once it enters the killer organization, the chance of survival is not even 0.1%.

So if you have children at home, you must pay close attention to children! Once lost, it is simply called that every day should not be, and that the ground is ineffective.

Yun Jian is strange, just at this point.

Why does this killer organization catch teenagers who are in the flowering season?

Could it be brainwashed to become maggots?

So she had to go on this trip.

"An important piece of news is inserted below. In Donglin City, North Province, the same day at the same time, a total of ten disappearances of boys and girls ...

In the driver's seat of the big truck, the driver drove the car, and a thick male voice came from the radio on the car.

After hearing this important news broadcast on the radio, the driver turned off the radio in guilty conscience.

Yun Jian could hear the man sitting in the co-pilot next to the driver, after the radio was turned off, cursed, "Well, drive quickly! Everything is good to say when leaving the country!"

After a moment of silence, the driver's stupid voice sounded: "It's time for the medicine to pass, what if they wake up ..."

"Wake up and wake up! Leave them alone, lock them at the back, and make a noise with them even if you wake up! The truck's sound insulation is good!"

With that said, the man in the driver's and co-pilot's positions in the front seat of the truck stopped silent.

If Yunjian's ears were not astonishing, he would certainly not have heard the man muttering in the driver's and co-pilot's positions in the front seat of the big truck.

After about fifteen minutes, someone around woke up.

"Where is this !?" After glancing around for a week, the first girl who sobered up was screaming in fright.

This scream awakened everyone around from faintness.

Yun Jian narrowed his eyes and pretended to wake up with everyone.

"I ... where are we? Have we been kidnapped collectively! Whoops, will we die? I want a mother, I want to go home ..."

The large truck lacked light, and could only feel the presence of the other party faintly. After everyone responded, a crying voice spread extremely loudly.

Yun Jian's eyes flickered, and she could hear that the master of this voice was Xiang Jiayi, who had taken her to block her.

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