Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1842: Hug together and enter the subject

The moment she was picked up and fell to bed, Yun Jian's face was as red as a monkey's butt, and she was sure that she had never blushed like this in her life.

Not only in this life, the last life as a Moshen, but the last life as a Witch God, did not add up as many times as blushing today.

That bath towel was still in the distance by Si Yi, and he dropped Yun Jian lightly on the soft bed. Si Yi's eyes stared at Yun Jian tightly, and he even took off his coat and took off his coat and unbuttoned it. Leash, his eyes did not leave her vision.

Si Yi showed a strong chest. He looked at Yun Jian, followed by Yun Jian who was placed on the big bed.

His pants did not fade, but his eyes stared straight at Yun Jian, never leaving the deep eyes staring at her.

Outsiders can be sharp and cruel enough to be stupid without blushing and heartbeat. Now looking at Yunjian, he is emotional.

His face showed unprecedented tenderness.

Although this gentle expression may look a little far-fetched in the eyes of outsiders.

Seeing Yun Jian holding his chest with both hands, and staggering the arc, his magnetic voice suddenly sounded, making Yun Jian's ears trembled as if with some kind of sound:

"Small note, take your hand away."

I have to say that Si Yi is getting more and more cumbersome.

If you see him at first glance, the old people will only feel that Si Yi is very serious. He is a reliable and good man. He does not covet beauty and makes people feel worthy of dependence.

But if these old people's words were heard by Yun Jian at this moment, Yun Jian might not have smashed them with a brick, it would be a miracle.

She half-covered her chest with her hands and didn't expose herself to Si Yi's eyes. From now on, Si Yi looked at her with a variety of eyes, and here comes a sentence, take her hands away?

If anyone dares to say that Sidi is not greedy for beauty at this moment, she will definitely kill him!

But Yun Jian was so embarrassed that he really took his hand away ...

"You ..." Yun Jian blushed and could compete with Chili. As soon as she said this, she was blocked by Jun Yi's lips.

Men really have no mastery in kissing, and maybe they have had previous experiences, and Sidi really got it.

Yun Jian's kissed man was numb and couldn't help it at all.

She didn't even know when she put her hands over her chest and changed a big palm ...

The big palm kneads softly without taboo ...

Dark Soul organization lounge.

Since the noisy Snow Eagle left here, Wei Wei's ears finally cleared up. He raised his slender legs and stood up from the sofa. He was about to go to the killer training camp and hit Moson on his head.

"You going to the killer training camp?" Moson asked.

The two are worthy of similar personalities, and they already have a rough idea of ​​where the other party is going.

"Um." Qi Wei nodded.

Talking to Mo Sen was the most talked about by Wei Wei.

"Xueying said that you were going to find a woman's heirloom?" Moson said this, and he was not shy.

"Intended." Qi Wei answered Mosen briefly, and followed Mosen out.

"Who are you looking for?" Moson said again.

"Furthermore." Qi Wei didn't ask for his other half. He felt that he only needed a woman who could give birth to himself.

As long as this woman is loyal to herself and does not derail, he will not find a second woman in this life, and it does not matter if he has no loving sex.

If the future Snow Eagle hears Wei Wei's monologue here, it is estimated that he will kick him fiercely, and then scold: It is good that there is no love sex! Go shit!

"There haven't been any outstanding killers in the training camp recently." Wu Wei has come to the killer training camp with Mosen at this moment, standing not far from the killer training camp, and spoke briefly.

"I'll pay attention and send it as soon as someone comes." Mo Sen said to Wei Wei as he walked.

Inside Sed's bedroom.

At this moment, Si Yi has faded her clothes.

The two embraced together, and something held against a hole.

Coming to the topic ...

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