Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1843: She said to him, happy birthday

"Xiao Jian, you are mine! You are mine!" Si Yi's breath sprayed on Yun Jian's ears, and he licked and kissed Yun Jian's ears side by side.

This left Yun Jian as a whole in a crisp state, and he couldn't respond for a long time.

Just when Yun Jian was so shy and numb, S Yi was about to enter the subject.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding" The doorbell of Si Yi's residence was ringing.

Someone kept pressing the doorbell of Si Yi's residence, and when no one opened the door, the bell was louder and more frequent.

Along with the door bell, there was someone's unbelievable shout: "Young master, I have something to find you!"

Listening to this sound, it goes without saying that you know who the bell is.

Snow Eagle, except him, no one dared to stand in front of the gate of Si Yi's residence and ring the bell.

This door bell is like a pot of ice-cold ice water, which extinguished the good atmosphere just now.

But at this moment, Yunjian and Siyi are burning fire, even if it is a super invincible pouring rain, it is difficult to extinguish their flames.

Syi yelled, got up from the bed, reached for the bath towel from the ground, grabbed his black hair and walked to the door.

The snow eagle outside the door rang the doorbell twice, and was a bit surprised. The younger head came out faster, how today ...

When I thought about it that way, the door was opened, and Xueying was about to say what he was going to say, but he suddenly saw Sidi, who only surrounded his lower body with a towel.

How did you get dressed like this today?

Xueying naturally didn't ask, but just a second before he wanted to speak out, Sidi calmed his face and suddenly became angry with him:

"You don't want to die for me, get out in three seconds!"

Young masters never spoke in such a furious tone, and today they would actually say that.

In addition, Snow Eagle knows that he has less headship in his life and will only get emotionally out of control in front of one person, and will only be furious for that person.

Suddenly, Xueying realized something. He was so scared that he hurriedly closed the door and ran away:

"Less in charge! I'm wrong! I roll and roll!" The speed at which Xueying ran was called a fast, and it really disappeared here within three seconds.

Si Yi had an urge to strangle the Snow Eagle.

Could it be cold again today?

Si Yiqi wanted to go back to the house with a gun and crashed the Snow Eagle.

But he grabbed his black hair, and returned impetuously to the room.

There was no figure of Yun Jian on the bed.

Yunjian went to the bathroom.

Thinking of this, Si Yi was even more angry.

If Snow Eagle is here, he promises to strangle him!

At this moment, Sidi suddenly felt dark inside.

The black curtains were suddenly closed by the remote control.

The surroundings were instantly dark, with five fingers out of sight.

Su Yi's eyes flashed suddenly.

this is?

At the moment when Sidi did not know what was happening, a petite figure suddenly flew into his arms.

Si Yi only wore a white bath towel. After this petite figure flew into his arms, Si Yi could obviously feel that the other party was untouched.

Suddenly, Si Yi felt someone bit his ear, and Yun Jian's figure sounded like this: "Happy birthday, I will spend your time with you next to each birthday."

This is not a vigorous declaration of love.

Many people may not know what love is, but this kind of thing called love has taken root in their hearts.

Yun Jian's words gave Si Yi a momentary touch.

The next second, she hugged him tightly, and flew towards the edge of the bed ...

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