Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1867: Wu Wei speaks amazingly

Wu Wei glanced sharply at the audience, finally paused on Yun Jian for two seconds, and then took it.

That cold look, as if nothing in the world could stop or attract him.

Seeing Yun Jian more often is because the young master instructed him that he must make Yun Jian a lot of hair anyway.

Otherwise, the one with the least hair is him.

Wu Wei is calm and steady, and he is more stable than Mosen. Naturally, he would not yell at Mrs. Shao on such occasions.

Yun Jian's first reaction to seeing Wei Wei was not how he appeared here.

But ...

It's a coincidence that in his last life, as an instant god, Wu Wei was trained by one hand.

In this life, I came to the hunting school, and then became Wei Wei's men?

This coincidence really makes people laugh and cry.

Jamie said, after receiving the response of the crowd, he let people give each of them a number plate.

After issuing the number plate, Jemir continued to say, "Did you get this number plate in your hands, starting today, it is your name!"

Yun Jian flipped the number plate and saw two serious numbers appearing on her number plate:


Her number is 16, although it is not 06, it still has a relationship with 6, which is a coincidence.

"Yi Wei, what do you have to say?" Jamie finished his words and gave up the leadership to Xie Wei.

Xi Wei looked around the scene and gave only one sentence: "I will try my best to torture you, can I hold it and see you."

Other than that, he didn't mention a single word.

Yun Jian blinked.

This is Wei Wei's personality, taciturn, and one sentence poking at the center.

Everyone present swallowed, but did not say anything.

"Today is your first day in the hunting school. On this first day, I'll show you a wonderful show." Jemir suddenly squinted, then clapped his hands.

After a while, a huge lion was put in a cage, pushed out, and placed in a huge cage in front of everyone.

A slender 18-year-old girl was also grasped from the side by Jemir's men. The girl was very beautiful, with sharp sky blue eyes, delicate like a doll.

When the girl was pushed out, she gave Jamir a severe look.

Then, after a while, the girl was pushed into a huge cage.

The lion was released at this moment!

Face it with the girl, face to face!

And everyone standing in the same place can feel that this lion has been roaring, apparently has been hungry for a long time!

Hunger, let the lion roar on the ground twice, and slammed towards the girl.

Seeing this, Yun Jian blinked.

The moment Wu Wei saw the girl appeared, her eyes moved, but she said nothing.

The girl was chased by the lion for a while, and was suddenly bitten in the thigh. Her painful body was numb, but she stubbornly stretched out the other leg, struck the lion's eyes with one foot, and howled while the lion was struck by the eyes , Stand up.

Yun Jian looks like a girl and sees herself once.

Even if you are seriously injured, stand up stubbornly and continue to fight, because once you fall, you will never have the opportunity to stand up again.

No one can save you, only you can save you!

The girl didn't look at the injury on her thigh, she was forced to the corner, but her eyes stared at the lion.

Obviously, before this, the girl had experienced inhuman treatment and understood the reason that the winner is king.

No one can save her.

The lion growled and rushed towards the girl again.

At this moment the girl was covered with blood, her wounds were terrible.

She screamed, and also flew towards the lion, but at the moment when she was about to face the lion, she saw the blade in her hand, rolled over from the lion's belly, and swept the blade out of the lion's head. The lion killed.

"Papapa!" At this moment, Jemir suddenly squinted and applauded, and then spoke impersonally as if enjoying a play: "It was a wonderful show."

This performance looked creepy around everyone.

"Oh!" At this moment, Yun Jian saw that Xun Wei over there kicked a huge cage and walked to the girl.

Qi Wei pulled up the paralyzed girl who fell to the ground, and then looked at the girl with the same cold eyes as before. In Yun Jian and the eyes of everyone, she couldn't refute the sudden voice:

"Will you marry me and give me a baby?"

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