Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1868: Not intentionally, intentionally

Sui Wei's words suddenly surprised everyone present.

Even Yun Jian, who stood in the distance squinting and watching the girl in the huge cage just now fighting the lion, blinked.

The words that Wei Wei said were really astonishing.

If Xueying is here, he probably laughs.

Not long ago, Xueying also asked Wu Wei when to find a woman's heirloom. Today, Wei Wei walked in front of the girl and said to her directly, "Will you marry me and give birth to me?"

How can I marry my wife so casually!

Wu Wei had no requirements for his other half. He just walked up to the girl just to see if the girl just acted in accordance with her appetite, and barely reluctantly.

For Wei Wei, as long as his other half is not derailed, he will not find other women except the other party, has no love sex, just simply pass on the line to succeed.

Not to mention that he is already twenty-five, and it is time for the lineage to succeed.

I saw this girl just now that she met her requirements, so Wei Wei came over and said something like that.

In the distance, Yun Jian blinked and looked at him with a chest.

The group of special forces from all over the world standing next to it, as well as the head of the hunting school and the chief instructor, Miguel, were stunned.

However, I saw that there was a battle with the lion. At this moment, the wolf was paralyzed on the ground and was covered with injuries. The girl who was not gorgeous was also torn up because of the battle with the lion. He looked at his pair of surprised eyes to Wei Wei.

The young girl is very beautiful. She has a pair of sky blue eyes, she has straight facial features, and she is very thin. At first glance, she evokes protection.

Especially the stubborn and unyielding eyes of the girl seemed to be doing her best to survive.

The appearance of the girl is no different from that of the Z people. The only difference is probably the pair of sky blue eyes.

However, the pair of sky blue eyes is exquisitely beautiful and extremely beautiful. Unlike the beautiful pupils, these pairs of sky blue eyes have natural and fresh beauty.

"189, don't come out soon! You just survived the lion's mouth just now, and you did a good job, what Master Yun Wei said was a joke with you! Didn't you just look at yourself? People like you, how deserve Lord Shang Wei! "

Before Jemir spoke, a man standing next to Jemir yelled at the girl over there.

189, is the number and name of the girl.

The man next to Jemir was named Buddy.

The girl was trained by Buddy himself, and Buddy has been spying on the beauty of the girl for a long time, and has never been able to find a chance to fight the girl before.

Buddy was planning to wait for the chance that the girls would be sent out of the hunting school these days to take possession of the girls.

But I did not expect that Wei Wei would come forward and say such a thing to the girl! So Buddy immediately spoke!

In the hunting school, the status of the students is not high!

Especially people like girls who have been caught here for an unknown period of time and trained for more than ten or several years have a lower status than dogs!

After listening to Buddy's words, the girl shivered, but didn't go to Buddy's side.

The girl is not stupid, and obviously knows that Buddy is not good at herself.

Seeing this, Buddy cursed, pulling a long leather whip from his waist, and wanted to walk to the girl: "I'm **** your mother, don't even listen to my words? Master Wei Wei is Look at your pity, are you still kicking your nose? "

This **** is still a chick and she hasn't touched her yet! Buddy thought.

But to Wei Wei, Buddy's strength is not as good as people, naturally respectfully, looking for other reasons to return.

"I ... I'm willing! As long as you take me away from here, I'm willing to do anything!" The girl was obviously a little afraid of Buddy, and she suddenly knelt down towards Wei Wei, clutching her hand and making a noise.

"Come on your daughter-in-law, against you ..." Buddy saw this, and rushed to the other side.

Here is a steep slope, and the huge cage is under the steep slope. Buddy passed by Yunjian, and just about to jump down to the flat land under the steep slope, Yunjian suddenly stretched his feet, struck Buddy's back, and directly put Buddy descended the steep slope.

Buddy didn't respond well, and was directly taken down by Yun Jian on the steep slope, his face was like a frog and he could not stand for a long time.

After all, this is a hunting school. The site of Buddy's group of people saw that Yun Jian was so unconvergent that everyone was panicking.

But listening to Yun Jian's voice, indifference sounded: "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

After the words fell, Buddy, who was in pain after falling for a long time, could not stand still, and everyone immediately heard Yun Jian continue to say something that made Buddy almost vomit blood: "I did it intentionally."

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