211 The more he said, the more he felt better.

Several women in the bedroom next night were already in bed, and 211 was originally a snob-eyed woman.

211 The status of these women in the hunting school is no different from that of women.

Unlike Ye Ling, the 211 group of women in hunting schools can be trampled by any man.

Maybe other women think they have fallen, just open their thighs and suffer.

But 211 is different. 211 will learn to climb up, and she will climb to higher status people.

Like the previous Buddy, it was the target of the 211 climb.

211 knows how to use his body for profit or to be protected.

This is not the case. Just tonight, 211 has just reached a new high branch, only to end a few rounds of unspeakable things with the man. He rushed back from the outside late at night and saw Yun Jian leading a man into her bedroom.

Now Ye Ling was taken away by Master Wei Wei, which is a well-known thing.

This means that the former bedroom where Ye Ling lived is now only Yun Jian.

211 saw Yun Jian take the man into his bedroom, his heart was excited.

The hunting school system is very rigorous, and students must never be involved with anyone.

So when I saw a man actually followed Yun Jian into Yun Jian's bedroom, 211 went straight to find everyone like Jamie, Yun Wei, etc.

It also shocked everyone who was a student of this hunting school like Yun Jian.

Everyone followed after being exaggerated by 211.

The words 211 are very loud. At this moment, standing in the female dormitory building, attracted the women in the other bedrooms.

At that time, women were waiting to see Yun Jian's joke.

After listening to 211's words, Wei Wei's eyes flashed slightly. Before Jamie spoke, Wei Wei said in a voice: "She won't steal men." Men other than young masters.

"Master Wei, you know her and want to favor her, then I have nothing to say, but she wants to treat the rules of our hunting school as a child's play?" 211 stood next to Jamie, using her body Everyone touched Jemir while saying nothing.

Jemir wasn't the only one who could hook him away with any beauty. He pushed open 211, and just before speaking, the door of Yunjian's bedroom opened, and Yunjian appeared in front of everyone.

Shortly after taking a bath, Yun Jian wore a tight-fitting suit, and a coat was set on the outside. She wore a pair of black tight-fitting trousers, showing her perfect figure to the fullest.

At that time, Yunjian gave people an unusual beauty.

A large group of men were foolish, and could not help but stop breathing.

When 211 saw such Yunjian, he was slightly jealous, but at the moment when 211 was slightly jealous, Yunjian looked at 211 and sneered:

"Yes, I do have men in my room."

She just admitted it! 211 drummed his eyes.

At the moment when 211 wanted to use the topic to play, but saw Yun Jian standing there suddenly a cold arc, when 211 thought that Yun Jian would say something to refute himself, but saw Yun Jian's hand turned, She actually took it ...

Take out the butterfly knife again!

Butterfly knife! The scene of Buddy's death was always engraved in 211's heart. 211's face was so scared that he hurried to hide behind Jamie.

Jemir changed his look. Although Wei Wei warned him that Yunjian was a person protected by the dark soul organization, Jemil still wanted to give Yunjian a little color to see, otherwise Yunjian was so arrogant that he had to climb to himself Head up?

"Ahem, since you have admitted that you have hidden a man in the house, then in accordance with the rules of my hunting school students must not be incompatible with anyone during the training, you ..."

Jemir had just said this, but at the gate of Yunjian's bedroom, a long figure flashed out of the gate.

That person has an amazing handsome appearance, as if no such handsome person could be bred in this world.

Everyone in the audience took a breath and took a breath, and there was a momentary snoring. Is this person really a person in this world!

But when Sidi came out of the door, he stared at Yun Jian. He walked in front of Yun Jian in front of everyone, and reached out a small hand holding Yun Jian.

It was the moment when everyone was shocked by this picture-like unreal picture.

Suddenly, seeing Wei Wei's eyes standing next to Jemir, he stood one step ahead of Sidi, leaning slightly, and thus respected Syi in a respectful respect in front of a group of people:

"Little head!"

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